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I am the soul that know you well
I am the wind that brushes through your hair
I am the sun that warms your day
I am the heart that you know has care

I am the stars that guide your path
I am the moon that lights your way
I am the eagle that watches over you
I am the bright flowers in your day

I am the rope when you need to hang on
I am the rain that washes your fears
I am the shoulder that gives you strength
I am the one who will dry your tears

I am the poet that writes your words
I am the soulmate that fills your mind
I am the well-spring that brings you life
I am the love that you have refined

I am the universe brought within reach
I am the shelter in times of storm
I am the river that flows in your veins
I am the blanket that keeps you warm

I am forgiveness when you need to be held
I am your love when you feel all alone
I am your comfort when times are to harsh
I am the flesh made from your bone

Written by Beverley ©

Music: "Somewhere My Love" from the movie "Dr. Zhivago"