Birth of Spring
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Birth of Spring

As the blanketing snow seeps into the dark cold ground, the earth pushes forth the first flowers of the fresh new season. Crocuses, daffodils, and tulips painted white, mauve, crimson, and gold come forward, first as if to peek out of a deep slumber and then appear in full blossom. From out of the heavens come the first melodies of spring. The world is no longer silent: the robins and sparrows shout their tribute to spring and cover the once naked trees. The grass emerges slowly and grows into a lush green carpet as if to entice your bare feet. The skies turn from charcoal grey to a clear baby blue. The sun sheds its glorious golden rays over spring and caresses everything like a mother her child. The sun’s hypnotic shine begs us to emerge from our shells. “Come out and live”, she cries! “Come, come and breathe the freedom of spring."

Written by Beverley ©

Music: "Keeper of the Stars"