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I Am The Sprite

I dance in the mountains like the strongest breeze
I dance near the river and the tall oak trees
I dance with the stars on the darkest night
I carry the name of the sacred sprite

I live in the forest, in the trees make my bed
I drink from the river, near the toadstool I tread
I fly like the eagle in the bluest sky
I like the sprite will never cry

I sing of the willow that weeps near the lake
I hear the soft sounds of the smallest snowflake
I sense the growth of each budding flower
I never count the passing hour

I feel ever so deeply with my beautiful soul
I run over the greenest and wonderful knoll
I fill up my cup with nature's best gifts
I love the things that the spirit uplifts

I am the sprite that lives in each mortal
I cry, come follow me through the open portal
We'll drink from the lilly covered with dew
No one will ever our souls subdue

We'll dance in the mountains like the strongest breeze
We'll dance near the river and the tall oak trees
We'll dance with the stars on the darkest night
We'll carry the name of the sacred sprite

We'll live in the forest, in the trees make our bed
We'll drink from the river, near the toadstool we'll tread
We'll fly like the eagle in the bluest sky
We'll like the sprite will never cry

We'll sing of the willow that weeps near the lake
We'll hear the soft sounds of the smallest snowflake
We'll sense the growth of each budding flower
We'll never count the passing hour

We'll feel ever so deeply with our beautiful soul
We'll run over the greenest and wonderful knoll
We'll fill up our cup with nature's best gifts
We'll love the things that the spirit uplifts

Written by: Beverley ©

Music: "Power of Love" by Celine Dion