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Oh Loki, look what you’ve done!
Greed filled your soul
Your hunger fed off the poverty stricken
You ignored their non-existent state
Even the rats ignore them Loki!

Look Loki, Look!
The filth is worse than a dung heap
They huddle in corners like infested wounds
Death waits for their rotting corpses
Yes Loki, they are dead. Look in their eyes!

You Loki, you love the smell of death
Currency, green, blue, and brown fills your pockets
Who knows you Loki? I know you. You are a disease!
An infestation of evil: Look at those you touched!
Shallow faces, pale, empty, devoid of life.

Stomachs swollen with hunger
Track marks display your disgrace
Bodies abused by your scumbag pimps
Tears dried up long ago in a depressive state
Miserable, forlorn, dejected souls!

Yet, here they are Loki
Bringing you wealth on a daily basis
And you, with open arms
Suck the life out of them
Like the parasite you are!

Written by Beverley ©
Picture: Greed by Maariusz
Music: "What of God Were One of Us"