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I will always remember your smile
And the way your eyes glistened
Unsure of yourself inside
Touching me with your honesty
Two people colliding in time
Where time is not enough

I will always remember your strength
How you stood before them
With such honesty
Unsure of the return
Just being you and it was fine
But time was not enough

I will always remember your insecurity
Questioning yourself
Not feeling you were enough
Unsure of a future
Wanting the same things as I
But time was not enough

I will always remember you with love
I will always be there with you
My thoughts I will give to the universe
The winds and the clouds will carry them
To you wherever you are
And time will be enough

Look to the moon and the stars and know
That I am with you always
No matter what the weather
Know that I am the sunshine in your day
And remember me in the same way
And time will be enough

Written by Beverley ©
Music: "Think of Me" Phantom of the Opera
Picture: Seifer Sama