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My Virgo's academic, stoic at times
Logical thinker, choices a, b, or c
I'm more intuitive; go with the senses
Choices not always so clear to me
I feel with the heart, he thinks with the mind
He plans for the future, I day by day
I'll be quite open, he'll be reserved
His thoughts kept secret, aloud mine I'll say
I sense his remoteness; he likes being alone
Words chosen carefully, not revealing to me
Virgo and Scorpio, oh what an strange pair
Just what is this thing Virgo sees in me?
Soul wrapped up in a tight little ball
But fire smoulders in him, he's Virgo at best
I ask and I ponder, what's he doing here?
Looking for something, that's my best guess
He'll say he's here cause he likes to be here
I still will question and ponder the why
He is simplistic; I search underneath
I'm complex, inquisitive; makes my Virgo sigh
He will say things are just what they are
I seek more hidden truths: the bottom line
He goes at leisure; I am too hurried
He is so sensible: I'm so sublime
He'll take his step backward to avoid discord
I am so stubborn; his challenge at best
He is so conscious; I am with passion
He will accept and I have to test
Shy and reserved meets one who's abstruse
What makes their ambience just so intense?
An intense karmic bond develops within
Virgo and I now both have this sense
I called for him to save a lost soul
He says he'll stay, I say he'll go
What is it with Virgo I don't understand?
He tells me test him, why I don't know
Virgo, my lover, what will you do?
I suppose if I matter really at all
I suppose if you care and know me at all
You'll stick around long after the fall

Written by Beverley©
Music "Think of Me" Phantom of The Opera
Picture: "Virgo" by the lion hearted from Deviant Art