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What Cost Loki

Loki you stand, face towards the ground
Shame hidden inside, anguish too late
To what cost have you sold your soul?
Compassion used to be your name
Your heart filled with consideration
Your name then, was it not enough?

The root of all evil was there, tempting you
Challenging you: Come, make haste Loki
While children cried and poor suffered
Your comrades were left behind
While you marched bravely on
Marched to what cost Loki?

Loki this is my gate, I will not let you in
We parted when the big decision came
I was saved by grace Loki
You went onwards towards what gain?
To what cost, to what cost Loki?
Did you march bravely on?

Written by Beverley ©
Picture: XXXSean - Deviant Art