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JeeP (Man or Myth)

When I First heard then meet JeeP Von-Tripp

It was about 35 years ago. The latter part of the 60's.
It was the time of the Flower Child. (Hippies, Yippies, Love power, Beads and peace.)
Frank and I had just arrived in Indianapolis Ind. We had just rolled in off the bus. So we had to locate someplace to live. So we found a cheep hotel,about 5 blocks away from the bus depot. It looked a little like the hotel on the cover of the Doors L/P heartbreak Hotel. It was rather runned down. We Settled in and slept the night. In the morning we decided that we would go seperate ways and see what we could find in the area. We needed to locate some kind of work and find other things that we may need. So Frank went on to look for what he could find. And I did the same taking in some sites. I went to check out the down town area. As Frank went his way. I had been in town for a short time. When I seen this Guy. (Hippies call each other heads.) So I had seen this other head walking down the street. I began talking with him. And he was talking back with me. I went back and asked him where I could find more Flower children like him self. He told me the Talbot Street village down Talbot Street. He asked were I was from. And I started telling him. (We had got to the corner and thought to myself since we were talking I thought that I would invite him to coffee.) I turned to him as I was talking to discover that he was gone. He was nowhere to be seen. That was strange. I had coffee and a bite to eat. And went on my way looking for this Talbot Street area. As I was walking (Not noticing) There was someone walking next to me. It was this guy I lost earlier. I was quite astounded that he would just be there and with no sound. I asked him his name? He told me that names were only tags put upon a person so that one would remember them. He did not need to be remembered. As I stopped for the red light. He walked right across the street with out a glance to the traffic. I thought this was a bit strange. As I started to catch up to him he just disappeared into the small crowd walking. Poof he was gone. Nowhere to be seen.

Latter that day I was in the Talbot street Village.
By this place called the Black Curtain. It is a theater that still put on plays. I met Mig. He is a midget. And I asked him about this guy I had met earlier. He looked at me. And Then he said.. Yes! I know whom you met. They call him JeeP around here. Like the Jeep in PoPeye! Eugene the JeeP! The Mystical Dog that would answer Questions with his tail. And would Go JeeP! JeeP!.. I asked Midge what he knew about Jeep. Midge said he did not know much about him.

I stayed around the Village and I seen Frank. Together we ventured Back to the hotel. And we told each other what we had found. Frank Thought that I was a bit daft.. But we found a place that we could sell there news papers and make a few bucks. Called Indy free Press... We will go there tomorrow to pick up papers to sell. Join Going Platinum

The Stories here are based on true experences.