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JeeP Called to help!

One night Jeep was at the Coffeehouse. When A man came in named Gill. Gill had just moved into an Apartment (crib) and there was strange things happening there that he could not understand. So the only person he could think of that could help was JeeP.
So the two left the coffeehouse to Gill's crib. Gill lived on the top floor of the building. It was a long stairway up. When you came into from the door the kitchen was to your right. And the living area was to your left. And there was a door at the end of the room. That opened into a balcony. If you went straight from the door way in the crib. There was a bedroom to your left and a bath to your right. With another bedroom at the end of the hall.
Jeep went into the livingroom, and noticed a cold spot in the center of the room. As he was checking this out. Kathy got up and started walking towards the balcony. And she opened the door and did not stop. Jeep dashed to the door and grabbed Kathy and brought her back in the room.
Kathy got mad. She said, "Why did you pull me back from the door?" Jeep and the others informed her that she had passed beyond the door. And That Jeep just stopped her from going over the balcony. It would have been a four-story fall.
Gill told him about Sue and that the night before her hand turned black as she was in the bath. It tried to strangle her self. But they got it to stop.
Phil Told Jeep about the Mirror as he was shaving it turned black. And there was no reflection.

Jeep told everyone to set still and do not move. And that if anyone was to get up and start doing some thing to stop them. As Jeep walked around the crib, Jeep returned to the livingroom, and told them to grab something to change into and find another place to stay that night. He told them to return the next morning.

Everyone did as JeeP requested.

The next morning Gill was the first one back.

Jeep told him a story of what had happened. Jeep said, "Gill I stayed up last night and I talked to the Ghost. It was a she. If you noticed the bullet holes in your refrigerator, Her boy friend was going out on her. He came here one night with his new lady. She was out in the car. He came for some money. And the lady that lived her would not give him the cash. So there was an argument in the living room. He hit her and tossed her to the kitchen. He then pulled a gun and shot it three times one hitting the lady while the other two shots hit the refrigerator. He left and she went to the bathroom to see if she could stop the blood. But she passed out and fell in the tub. The guy was killed that night in a car crash. So she never got revenge on him with an untimely death. I had to get her some help.

So she could Finnish her journey. It's now safe here. Have a good day. Jeep then left the building. And went to get coffee..

Things to look at!