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Father John ?

A new face came to town.
And it was JeeP once again to meet the stranger.

Father John had just moved in across the street from the coffeehouse, and He came there the first time to get a coffee and to listen to some of the poetry.
And JeeP was on stage.

After the reading Jeep and Father John Walked and talked. Jeep really liked Father John. The next night I had seen Father John And he was frantic.

He was looking for JeeP.

It appeared that some one came into his crib that morning while he was gone and put three candles on his desk. There was a symbol on the desk. And the candles were put in the form of a triangle. And A bead was left in the middle of them. Father John showed me the bead. Yes! It's one of JeeP's Beads. Father John was so happy to here that.

It seems that JeeP knew that Father John needed some Candles. And brought him three. Father John was not home. Father John never locked his doors. So JeeP left the Candles as a gift. And the bead as his calling card. But what JeeP did was give Father John a sign.
Triangle with a bead in the center is the all Seeing Eye in the middle of the trinity. Father John and Jeep were around each other a lot after that.