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Second meeting With JeeP!

It was some weeks latter when I seen Jeep again.
And Frank and I had split up. I found A crashing pad as he did with other people. I would sell newspapers down town. I would play like I was deaf and Dunb to sell the papers. I would sell about 300 a day. They sold for $.25 each I would make $.10 on eack paper.

Well it was some time since I had seen JeeP!
I had just got this Job at the Huddle House. Working there as well as selling my papers. All the people from the Talbot Street Area would end up here sometime during a 24-hour time span. So I had the chance to see Jeep a lot.
On this night I sat by myself drinking coffee. When he walked in. He always stayed away from people. He would set at a table and he would only have Coffee or tea. He seemed to be very still almost unmoving. So I went over and sat across from him. I told him that the coffee was on me. But I need to talk. So on this day we sat, and Jeep told me that things were going to get worse in the area. With the things going on in Chicago. And that there was going to be some real bad things going to go on in chicago that year. I did not understand, so I just listened to what he said. Because he seemed to really know what was about to happen. He talked a bit.
And then as quickly as he came in he left. I was having a very hard time understanding him. Others just accepted him for what he was.

A freak.

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