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Chapter 2:Geoffrey Mcfadden

On the plane Ray meet Kari for the first time but a strange thing will happen between the two.

Kari looked over at Ray who was reading his book she saw something out the corner of her eye and started to giggle. Ray looked at her "whats so funny?" he asked knowing he's going to regret it. "Oh umm well........" she started "come on what is it?" Ray asked a little annoyed now. "Well your a guy right?" Kari asked quickly "yah and" Ray said knowing whats comeing. "Well why are you wearing girls jewlery?" she asked with a mischivious smirk "gawd" Ray said to himself as if he was asked that question a million times before. "Look lets just say its got sentimental value ok!" he said very annoyed at Kari "whoa ok no need to get all upset" Kari said defencively. Ray looked at Kari she looked a little upset "look i'm sorry for upsetting you" he apologized "it's ok" Kari said as she put her hands behind her head Ray looked at her she looked like a school girl with her pink tanktop black skirt and blue sede shoes. Kari took another look at Ray who was reading once again and thought to herself but she wasn't scared of him in fact she felt safe with this potential killer she just sighed and went to sleep. A little while later she was waken up by someone tapping her sholder she looked at Ray and said "five more minutes" Ray just smiled "Hey Kari we're landing now so you better be awake to see if anyone came for you." he said with consern in his voice. "So, there are times your concerned for otheres eh?" she teased Ray just laughed and the plane landed and they got off as soon as they came out of the gate a whole group of people surrounded both Ray and Kari one of the people really stood out with his wild brown hair and googles. "Looks like I hired the best in the bisness eh mom" he said looking at a young woman in her late 30's early 40's she just smiled "so Tai how have you been i've havent seen you in 8 years" Ray said with a smile. "Can't complane" Tai said with a smirk then a young girl came up from behind Tai "This can't be little Ray from camp 8 years ago?" she observed looking at Ray up and down then Kari asked "hey how do you know each other?" she asked in a confused manner. "Well you see..." Ray started but Tai interupted "we all meet at that summer camp where we went to the digital world for the first time" he explaned knowing full well that was the truth. "Is that so?" Kari asked with suspition in her voice. "Anyway I guess you all should get going" Ray suggested as he observed a line up of people waiting to get on. They all left then Tai's and Kari's mother asked "Where are you going?" she asked with concern "I don't reall know" Ray just said simpally "Well then your staying with us" Tai said out loud and everyone turned to stare at him the girls giggled as Ray tried to back out but Tai's mom insisted so now Ray was on his was to Kari's house. A little while down the road Ray noticed a strange little man following the group. "Hey whats up with him?" he asked looking at the man cut around the corner at the last second "maybe your just seeing things" Tai said thinking that Ray was a little on edge. Then out of nowhere the little man poped out in front of everyone he was a strange looking character he was very fat and not very tall maybe at least 5'5" then he grined evilly at Ray and pointed to him "yOu RaY?" he screached "yah who wants to know?" Ray asked in a calm manner. "DaMoN wAnTs YoU dEaD!!!!!" the man screached this time in a violent voice ready to kill at a moments notice Ray was very calm and collective as he walked up to the man but stopped when the man began to glow "what the?" Ray asked as he observed the man transceform into a demon "this is all I need" Ray said with a sigh as he got ready for a fight Kari almost tossed her lunch at the sight of the monster it was fat drooling and dark and it wanted Ray dead but before Ray could make the first attack the monster threw a large fireball at Tai,Kari and their parents. It would've been the end if Ray didn't jump in the way put one arm out with a finger (the pointer) and formed a magical barrier around them.

The monster was surprised at Rays speed and abilities and shouted "VERY GOOD BUT YOU'LL NEVER DISTROY ME!" Ray just smiled and chanted another spell Ray then rose up the same hand and finger and yelled "THUNDER STORM!!" and in an instant large bolts of lightning struck the monster weakening it but not killing it then Ray called up anther spell before the attacking monster could attack Ray this time put out both hands with his fingers spred and this time chanted "gates of time vanquish my enemy x-zone!" and with that a large dark gate formed underneath the monster and it sucked in light and energy along with the monster it screamed "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" then as the last bits of the monster dissapered Ray quickly closed the gate he was breathing heavly Ray thought to himself he cursed himself but before he could do any thing he fell unconcious and the last thing he heard was Tai asking if he was all right.

(Rays dream) In a small mountain village with very little contact with the outside world a small boy ran up to a young teenage girl "hey Sara can I ask you something?" the small boy asked in a worried voice the girl with her blue hair and white dress turned to the boy and smiled "Why Ray what do you want to ask?" she asked with concern "Well I just want to know why we can't use our magic when outsiders come?" he asked in an innocent voice Sara looked at the curious boy smiled and finaly said "Because we don't want to bring harm to others,if we tought our magic to the wrong people then there will be a crisis on our hands besides you are very special" she said to the young Ray "really?" he asked cheering up "sure" she begain "why you are the first person to master all four types of magic at once" she praised her little brother "yah" Ray said getting all excited "i've learned attack,healing,support and gate magic" he said with excitement "maybe i'll also learn both the holy and shadow magics as well" he got his hopes up when the village elder came up behind both Ray and Sara "Well well well you've got the potential" the elder praised Ray the village elder lived in the mountain range so he was barely in the village only to train students in the magic arts and get supplies he was old but very wise he told stories about how a hero bearing the swords of light amd darkness defeated an evil god like demon but it was only a lengend to the villagers but to Ray he beleved in it as if it was his bible he often tried his best to make hero standerts he was nateraly gifted in both the magic and self defence areas he mastered alot of sword techniques when he was able to hold a sword at the age of 4 the elder wore holy robes around his body and was very strong for his age, at that time he was already 111 years old, and was very lively "so what brings you here wise one?" Sara asked in a polite manner also bowing to him Ray followed suit immediantly then the Elder rose his arm and chukled "don't worry about the formilities it makes me feel older than I already am. But to answer your question I was going to buy some herbs and spices but I overheard young Ray here" he said looking at him "so you want to learn both Holy and Darkside?" the wise elder asked Ray who just nodded his head the elder just looked at him "hmmmm maybe in ten years only because your progressing so well" the wise one said "REALLY?" Ray questioned with really high hopes "Yes really" the wise elder said with a smile as he left "thanks and goodbye" both Ray and Sara shouted at the same time as the wise elder vanished out of sight....(end dream)

Ray moaned as he regained consisiousness he looked around at his new suroundings he was in someones bedroom and by the looks of everything it was a girls room he looked around his bag was leaning agenst the night table and his stuff was layed on it his digivice,tag with his crest of darkness, his pendent and ring both he had strong feelings for he imediatly went for them putting on the ring and pendent first both were beautifly crafted the pendent was a large jewel on a gold chain and the ring was a silver ring with serpents going around it but the pendent was the most mysterious one because it looked like it had something inside of it ray layed back in the bed when Sora quietly opened the door hopeing she didn't wake Ray up but saw him looking up at the ceiling as if he had his head in the clouds she then went up to him and looked right at him "Feeling better?" she asked with concern. "A little" Ray replyed "how long was I out for?" he asked "ummmm about 2 days or so" she said "WHA?! TWO DAYS?" he couldn't beleve what he just heard "oh man i've gotta get in touch with my family in canada before they send the swat team after me!!" Ray stated Sora just laughed "Aren't you over reacting a little?" she asked "nope" was Rays answer as he turned away then Kari and Tai came in with medicene and food for Ray "here" they both said as they set the food and medicene in front of Ray "whats all this for?" Ray asked "Look Ray we need to ask you something" Kari blurted out "shoot" Ray said "well two things" Tai started "One who is Sara and second where did you learn those attacks you used on that monster earlyer?" he asked "Was I talking in my sleep?" Ray asked all three nodded their heads "well ok" Ray said with a sigh "The fact is Sara was my older sister before the attack on my hometown 10 years ago" he started then he went on " In my village the people were tought our magic at a young age but normally we can learn only one type out of four to master either attack,support,healing or gate magic but i can use all four." he said as he ate his meal "by the way thanks" he said in a sincere manner "it makes me glad to see that there are still people willing to help others when needed" he said as he went back to sleep all three snuck out but Kari wanted to have one more look at Ray and saw that what he just said was going to bring in a big adventure she then left as she smiled all the way hopeing that Ray a compleate stranger would protect her.

To be continued...