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Season 2 Gallery

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What a cute couple...*^_^* C'mon you guys lets run run run around! Hey you freak, get off of Tai's digimon! Don't look Davis..but Tk and kari look pretty cozy! Ken's a loner! Someone's stealing my bike! Let's get'em! Hey does this thing have a stop button anywhere?! Yolei..don't go crazy cause you see micheal now! You need a tic tac Upamon! You're invited to the digi chat! Yolei you always seem to bring out the worst in me.. Oh No...I ran out of film!! Look..It's a bird, it's a's Angemon!! Wow..Tk has a cute butt! No one can call Davis a jerk except me! Digivolve old school style! Fun! I brought my ballet shoes! Say cheese! I like Tk's new hat Gonna save the world again Wow! Yeah! Oh yes.. Yeah!yeah!yeah!

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