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Tk & Kari Gallery

Tk & Kari Forever!!
Here are some Tk & Kari pics..more coming soon! Enjoy!!

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What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^* What a cute couple...*^_^*

Kari reveals her hidden talent for basketball You can just tell they love each other playing footzie while davis spies LuckY TK..unlucky davis The old Kari got tk's hat.. Sharing an sweet! Davis always jealous of tk Go to Matt & Sora's Gallery | Go to Pictures Page

Thanks to Faith for the background *^_^*