Architectural Landmarks

Pakistan today is known to its visitors as the land of great historical and archaeological splendours. The most spectacular
amongst these are the gems of historical monuments raised during the Muslim period, Unlike their predecessors (the Hindus),
whose architecture was confined almost entirely to temples, Muslim architecture represents a great deal of variety. The centre
of Muslim culture, of course, is the mosque, and this exerted a powerful influence by introducing a new element of direction
towards Ka¹bah (Mecca) the dimension which affected the entire Muslim architecture and town planning in the South Asia
subcontinent. The other class of buildings of a religious nature were tombs. In contrast to the religious buildings, the secular
architecture is of miscellaneous order. Amongst these may be included monuments of public and civic importance such as
houses, minarets or towers, parks, gardens, etc., besides the large imperial schemes of palace-forts and even entire cities like
Bambhore and Mansura.

Wooden Architecture