To facilitate travel and make the stay in Pakistan of foreign businessmen and investors in Pakistan, the visa policy has been
considerably relaxed.

Salient features of the policy are as under:

1.Businessmen and investors from the 43 countries (listed below) with substantial investment in Pakistan would be granted
multiple entry visa for 3 years:

Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium
Brunei Canada China Czeck Republic
Denmark Finland France Germany
Greece Hong Kong Hungry Iceland
Indonesia Iran Ireland Italy
Japan Kenya Kuwait Luxembourg
Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Norway
Oman Philippine Poland Portugal
Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovak Republic
South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland
Thailand Turkey U.A.E.


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2.businessmen from the listed countries who want to establish business offices in Pakistan would be issued multiple entry
visa for one year on recomendation of their embassies/missions in Pakistan;
3.businessmen/investors from any of the listed countries where their is no Pakistani Embassy will also be allowed 30 days
landing permit on arrival at the airport in Pakistan;
4.multiple entry resident visas for a period of 3 years will be issued to foreigners (except the citizens of countries which are
not recognised by Pakistan) who bring in an amount of US $ 200,000; and,
5.Pakistani industrialists/businessmen interested to invite foreign entrepreneurs from countries other than listed, for
promotion of trade and industrial cooperation would be allowed to sponsor, on their guarantee, the grant of visa for one
month through Chambers of Commerce and Industry at Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Islamabad, and Federation
of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
6.There is no restriction / requirement for work permit for foreign managerial and technical personnel for gainful
employment / occupation in private firms / companies in Pakistan. The other categories of personnel will require work
permission / visa which will be issued on the basis of No Objection Certificate/Work Permit by the Board of Investment,
Karachi Office (former Investment Promotion Bureau).

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