~!Welcome To UHPS!~

The Ultimate Site For Harry Potter!

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Stuff about the HP books!
Chats and Message Boards!
Movie Pics
Movie News
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
All about the characters in the HP books!
All about Harry's World
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Gryffindor Common Room
Slytherin Common Room
Ravenclaw's Common Room
Hufflepuff Common Room
Daily Prophet
MeSsAgE bOaRd!!!

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Ocetober 8:

Hey everyone! I gotta brand new message board up which is betta then eva!! Its got classrooms, Quidditch, Common Rooms, and normal chat!!!! The Common Rooms are password protected, tho, so only the ones who know their Common Room passwords can get in!!! Just click on the link above!!

October 5:

Hello everyone and welcome to the new and improved UHPS!! Sorry I haven't updated it for the past month, but, that whole thing with not getting 1000 hits by Sept. 10? Well, I was serious, and I stopped working on the site, but I love it WAY to much to abandon it! So, please, tell all of your friends that UHPS is up and running again, and I still need people to voulunteer for jobs to get this place moving again properly, so please email me at mystery_chick_4_eva@hotmail.com, and I will be pleased to give you any job you want! I need people to do newsletters, Daily Prophet writers, house leaders to update the houses, people for Diagon Alley, EVERYTHING!!! I CAN'T DO THIS BY MYSELF!!!


September 5:

Hey everybody! Well, let's see, I'm collecting news for rumors and books and stuff, and since noone's posted anything on the message boards, I'm changing it into classroom's well, you know, since Septembers here and all. But I can't change it into classroom's, I NEED PEOPLE FOR JOBS!! I need jobs for the Daily Prophet, Head of Houses, and the Teachers. E-mail me about inquiries, and I'll tell you the deatils of the job! Thanx!


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Email: mystery_chick_4_eva@hotmail.com