Comments: I am new and need help to find my b-parents. Thank you.
name: Rick Wood
Location: Oklahoma
birth date: 09/03/1964
city of birth: Rochester
state of birth: New York
code name: BabyBoy Wood
POB: Genesee Hospital in Rochester NY
DOB: 9-3-1964
BM name: Ruby Golden Wood
BM POB: New York
Birthmother was 20 yrs old at time of my birth and i was
her third
child,she lived
at 11 Rundel PK in Rochester NY when i was born.
she was due on 9-17-1964 but i came two weeks sooner,she
was an
unregistered staff
patient at the hospital,i weighed 3573 grams,i was born at
1:36 AM and i
have my original birth certificate. the delivering doctor's names are Dr. Lederman and Dr. Ringland. Virginia took me home from the hospital at three days old and on 9-27-1964 i was baptized at Corpus Christi Church in Rochester NY,the said record is signed by Rev.Robert A Meng with sponsor's Charles DiSalvo and Judith DiSalvo. no notation's regarding marriage of Richard Schofield and Virginia Russ.
signed Rev James B Callan.
i found out i was never adopted just given away to a
Virginia Ruthann
Schofield and she raised me till her death in 1986 from
diesease and a
Richard J Schofield till i was 5 yrs old and he left and
never returned.
Rick & Terri S.