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1997 Pictures

First kicks--3 months gestation

Amniocentesis--August 1st/97

Baby shower on September 27th/97.

Labour began Tues Sept 9/97

Delivered by Dr Lieberman

Chico boy/girl balloons

Friday, Sept 12 @ 4:52am

8lbs 15 oz 20 inches grey eyes black hair

came home Mon Sept 16/97 cold and rainy grampa and daddy came with us slept whole time

sept 30 10lbs 6oz nov 20 14lbs 9oz jan 19 17 lbs 12 oz mar 16 19 lbs june 10 20 lbs 6 oz dec 9 98 26 1/2 lbs

June 7/98 fall to floor

first tooth--lower right front--May 27th 98

April 99--favourite sayings--Oh yeah, no way

first halloween--dalmation second halloween--court jester

dec 20/97 first held a bottle

ate solid food--nov 22 97

spoke (daddy)--march 4 98

waved bye--sept 1 98

started to walk--aug 24 98

smiled--sept 20 97

firt haircut march 99

Thanksgiving (oct 13 97) nana and grampas, slept

christmas (dec 19 97) Raplh and Lisa came over dec 20th christmas with the kids, enjoyed but too much noise afternoon, daddy's family get together dec 24th christmas eve service, didn't cry, did talk, loved singing

dec 25th at home christmas. slept during gift opening. 1pm, nana and grampas. helped us play cards.