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Monday, January 19th
Sebastian now weighs in at 17lbs 2oz

Wednesday, March 4th
Sebastian said his first word today, it was Daddy.

Saturday, March 28th
Today we met most of Daddy's family at West Edmonton Mall's Waterpark to celebrate my stepson Nickoli and nephew Harley's birthdays. This was Sebastian's first time around large amounts of water, he loved the waves and playing on the kids slides.

For Easter Sebastian took part in an egg hunt with his big brother and sister. Later on Oma and Opa came to visit, and after that Grampa came to visit. In the evening we all went to Nana and Grampa's house for turkey dinner.

Wednesday, April 8th
Daddy and I took Sebastian rollerblading for the first time today. My husband pushed him in the stroller, he giggled the whole time. I think he loved the wind rushing by him.

Wednesday, May 27th
Today Sebastian's first tooth, it was the lower right front one. He cut it through in the middle of the grocery store, and I didn't even realize until he bit me.

Monday, June 1st
Today we celebrated Canada Day. Sebastian went downtown with myself and Auntie Shanna to take in some of the festivities going on down there. He loved the early evening, watching all the people and listening to the noise. The big show was delayed so he was allowed extra time to do that. He didn't much like it when the fireworks started, he was scared out of hiw wits by the noise but he did love the bright fireworks lights.

Sunday, June 7th
We spent this day pleasantly with Auntie Janet and in the early afternoon she dropped us back home at the apartment. I put Sebastian, still in his car seat, on the raised heating vent while I unlocked the outer door. I didn't know he was strong enough to tip his carseat over, but he was. Next thing I know he was laying face down on a tile floor, still strapped into his carseat, and he wasn't crying. I scooped him up and raced down the hall to our apartment. On the way there he came to and began crying, that was the first I realized he was still alive. I got into my apartment, woke my husband, and called Auntie Janet to get her to come take us to the hospital. A few black and blue spots on my beautiful boy, and a lot of blood, and an important lesson learned by me.

Wednesday, June 10th
Today we had a followup doctor appointment. Sebastian is healing nicely, and he now weighs a staggering 20lbs 6oz.

Monday, June 29th
This was Sebastian's first festival, The Works. He loved people watching and staring at all the art displays. A clown made him an orange balloon poodle, but I soon had to take it away because he kept trying to eat it.

Thursday, July 9th
Today Sebastian had his first modeling head shots taken. My born ham smiled great for the camera.

Thursday, July 16th
Klondike Days are here for another year! Today Sebastian and I went downtown to take in the parade that officially opened the fair. Both he and I loved the pipe and drum bands most of all, and Sebastian laughed as he watched a waterfight. After the parade ended we went to the Street Performers Festival and he was entranced with the juggling.

Sunday, July 19th
Klondike Days continue. Today we went to Churchill Square for the Sunday Promenade. Sebastian loved watching all the people dressed up in their old time costumes walking around the Square. He also loved watching a gymnastics display, bouncing up and down in his stroller along with the people on the trampoline. I tried to take him in the wading pool at City Hall, but he just wasn't ready. Maybe next year.

Tuesday, July 21st
We went back to Churchill Square again today. First we watched the singers at the Edmonton Pride Stage (Sebastian sang along with them), then we walked down to the North Saskatchewan River to watch the Riverboat Queen go by. He loved it when the horn went off. Then we went back to the Square to watch some of the Fun Tubs Derby Races and get all wet. Before we headed home we stopped outside the Library to feed the birds, wrapping up a long but enjoyable day.

Thursday, July 23rd
Today we finally made it down to the Klondike fair grounds. Mommy enjoed an Egyption display, but Sebastian loved the bright lights and loud noises of the rides. He got his face painted with a teddy bear and did more people watching.

Saturday, August 1st
The long weeks of living with boxes in a cramped appartment are finally over. Today we moved into our first house, a duplex in a nice calm family neighbourhood. Sebastian is loving all the commotion, and is "helping" me unpack.

It's never too early to start watching the stock market

Aspiring juggler or just determined to get that ball?

Sebastian's first time standing

Taking a quick nap with mom after a long day
Monday, August 24th
A new Olympic champion is born. Sebastian took his first wobbly unsupported steps today.

Tuesday, September 1st
Sebastian has finally learned how to wave bye-bye!

Friday, September 11th
Today I took Sebastian out for lunch at a Chinese restaurant in an advanced celebration of his birthday.

Saturday, September 12th
Sebastian turned 1 today! We had an Under the Sea birthday party for him, attended by lots of kids and their parents. When we gave him his cake we expected you to make a mess, but he ate it crumb by crumb, so my husband and I painted him with icing for a picture. As soon as we took the picture he started stuffing cake into his mouth.

Saturday, October 31st
This was Sebastian's second Halloween, and his first time going trick-or-treeting. My husband and I went out with his big brother and sister and he had a blast. He was dressed as a court jester, he loved the bells on the end of his hat. What a cutie!

Wednesday, December 9th
He weighs 26lbs 8oz now. Huge and still growing like a weed!