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January 9th, 2001
Sebastian has chicken pox, and geez I never would have guessed how much work it would be. He's sick as a damn dog, he's got about 700 of the bloody little things. He's got them all over his feet and between his toes, on his eyelids, and on his tongue and down his throat. Poor kid, I really feel for him.

So of course this is bad enough, but it was worse. We spent most of Sunday at the ER in quarentine because they thought he might have meningitis. I don't get it, I didn't think meningitis and chicken pox looked anything alike. Yesterday he fell asleep and I couldn't wake him up. Today he can't move his neck at all. He's constantly whimpering that he hurts. I'm gonna mark my door with lamb's blood and isolate us all.

And of course since I'm pregnant now I have to go in for blood work to make sure I don't have the virus. As I said, what next?!?

January 10th, 2001
I took him back to the doctor today (he was crying from the pain of them in his throat) and she gave him a prescription to help him fight them off. She says they don't normally do that with kids, but because he's pretty sick she thinks he needs the extra help. She also explained the cause of his stiff neck, because he has them in his throat his lymph nodes are swollen. Hence it hurts to move his head. Makes perfect sense now.
I had chicken pox when I was 7, but when I called my ob/gyn she says it's safest to check for the virus anyway. She said that sometimes the body's immunity can, in layman's terms, wear off and then you're at risk again. There's also different strains of chicken pox and I don't have a clue if this one is the same one I had.
And just as a side note of interest (at least I think it's strange) Logan is still spot-free. I've been shoving the two of them together lots, but his body isn't getting the hint. Some people are naturally immune, maybe he'll be one of them. Or maybe he's going to be a smartass and wait a month until I recover from the Sebby episode and then get them as bad as Seb did.
I'd better stop now, I'm tempting fate.

January 11th, 2001

I went for an ultrasound yesterday and it went okay. For once they actually gave me a pic to take home and when I got here I showed hubby and said "congratulations honey you are the proud father of a martian". The picture they sent with me isn't focused on the face, so the eye sockets and brain cavity just look like big holes. My little alien.
Aside from that, the results aren't great but they could be much much worse. Some of the measurements only show 14 weeks development, others go up to 20+ weeks. It's a concern, but not a big deal at this point. Everything will probably even up as time goes by. But as a result I still don't have an accurate due date. I'm not surprised, neither of the boys were on time according to their due dates anyway. We're just going to go with the average and say I'm about 4 and a half months along, unless we get more exact information in the future.

January 12th, 2001
So Sebastian has decided to make my day just that much more interesting. Earlier today he was tired as well, so we both laid down for a nap. An hour later I woke up to find him eating Children's Tylenol. It wasn't a serious overdose, he had 12 of them, but it was enough to scare the living daylights out of me. I got to learn just how nice the people at poison control are though. And it gets better. I called poison control again to find out if I can still give him his evening medicine. Of course they asked me what it is, and when I went to look they're both gone. So here I am in a panic because I have two bottles of medicine somewhere in my house and I don't have a bloody clue where. I'm not too too converned about another overdose, they're the bottles with the really good child resistant locks, but just the lack of knowing where they are makes me very uneasy. Also, even though the lady I spoke to reassured me Seb would be fine he's already sound asleep, and it's not even 7PM yet here. All told, I'm a wee bit of a wreck right now. And I'm not going to tempt fate again and ask what next this time.
Well, I finally found the damn medicine after an evening of near frantic searching. The little demon had put it in a dressup hat in his playroom on his desk. At least it's found, and because there's no leaking on the outside of the bottles and the caps are on tight I'm confident he didn't drink any.
I'm gonna be grey by the time I'm 25 if this keeps up. If the kids would just let me recover from one experience before they get into the next one it would be so much easier.
But, all in all, things could be much worse. Though there's been a couple of pieces of bad news lately, each one could have been much more dangerous/traumatic/whatever.
And now I go to soak my recently somewhat destressed (is that a word? It is now. Bet I could do a great pun with destressed and distresed) body in a much deserved hot bath. And please Fate, no more adventures tonight. All I want is a little R&R and some sleep.

1/13 After all the fuss and bother (can you tell I was reading Winnie the Pooh this morning?) of yesterday the little monster woke up perfectly normal today. I actually wish he at least had a stomachache or something, I got upset enough with him yesterday that he knows he did something wrong but the reinforcement of pain would really help the lesson in this case. Of course I wouldn't wish him to be violently ill or anything, but I bet he's already forgotten all about it.

Feb 13th Last time I was around Sebby had chicken pox. Sure enough, Logan ended up with them. At least now they're both done and over with and (unless they're the mutant type of person who gets repeat cases) we won't have to worry about them getting exposed in school. I'm even more insanely busy than I was before, but in a good way. Sebastian now goes to storytime twice a week (great one on one time for Logan and I) and the boys are both in a playgroup once a week. And starting this week I'll be attending art classes once a week. This is the first time in years I've had to use a schedule to keep me organized, but it feels good and it adds some much needed routine to our lives. I've also been in and out of the hospital for the last little while. As of my latest visit I have a bacterial imbalance (translation-I have a bacterial infection somewhere in my body but nobody has a clue where). So far I haven't been really sick, but I'm not feeling all that healthy these days. I'm also not hungry for anything that's the slightest bit healthy lately, so I think that's a part of why I'm not feeling great as well. I can't expect to put junk food into a 5 and a half month pregnant underweight body and expect it to run well. And on the topic of how pregnant I am, yes I'm getting fat. LOL, well my stomach is. I say my butt is too. It's funny, I'll whine to my husband about getting fat and he'll say you're pregnant, what do you expect? So of course my response is my ass isn't pregnant! Okay, aside from still being pregnant (and believe me, I can talk for hours about just that one subject) and getting out regularly not a lot elsewhere is new. I lived through the one year anniversary of losing Alexis at the beginning of this month. Time flies, doesn't it. It wasn't an easy day, but I decided not to talk about it and simply work on sorting things out inside. I still don't have all the closure I need on that one, and I don't think just time will be enough, but when I come across the right thing to, oh I don't know, come full circle I guess I'll know it.

May 8th--in hospital

June 11th, 2001 Dute Date, still no baby!

June 14th, 2001 On Thursday the 14th hubby went off to work as per the norm and I took the boys out for a walk for treats at about 6PM. By the time we got back I was all cramped up, but I didn't really think much of it. For the last little while my body has tried to get contractions going every time I did anything so cramping was nothing new. 10 minutes later I was contracting 2 minutes apart. I called hubby to let him know, but because I've had stop and start labour we didn't want to act on it yet. 15 minutes later I called him again and told him to cab home, now, because I was in severe pain. By the time he got home 20 minutes or so later I couldn't move. I was in complete agony, the worst pain I've ever had in my life. And that includes an actual birth without drugs. He could hear me screaming from the street. He ran in the house and asked what I wanted him to do. By that point I couldn't even answer. He asked if I wanted an ambulance and I do believe I screamed yes with some creative words thrown in. Within 2 minutes of him picking up the phone I heard the sirens coming up the street. Unfortunately it was a firetruck and the firemen just kinda stood around in the living room and watched me yell. I guess me not letting them touch me didn't help. A minute or so later the ambulance arrived and then was the adventure of getting me onto the stretcher. I had myself curled up in the fetal position and I wasn't moving for anything. They finally had to heave me up like that and strap me down, still in the fetal position. And, of course, still screaming. Once in the ambulance I discovered I was surrounded by men who had never delivered a baby before. By this point my contractions are 30 seconds apart and lasting 2 minutes. They finally got me to the hospital and within minutes I had my epidural and was sane once more. I spent the next few hours reading magazines and fighting off boredom. After all the drama at home I really found it all to be quite anticlimatic. Just before midnight the doctor asked if I wanted to push and I shrugged and said sure I may as well since I'm here. 5 minutes later I had my latest baby boy. He had a hard start to life. It took them over 2 minutes to get him breathing at first. We had to have NICU up twice because of problems. But within the hour he was fine and they moved him into the nursery. I, on the other hand, was another story. I lost over a litre of blood soon after he was born and had a 450 gram blood clot. Then as suddenly as all the problems started, they stopped (thank goodness because they were on the verge of giving me a transfusion and getting me into surgery to find out why I was hemmoraging). They kept me for 4 hours for observation then moved me into a regular room. Since then everything has gone pretty smoothly. They kept me in the hospital an extra day because of the blood loss just to be on the safe side. I got home Sunday at about 11AM. The family all agrees he is perfect and he already is finding his niche. So now, having said all that, allow me to introduce... Joshua Mackenzie Nathaniel Born June 15th, 2001 at one minute after midnight 8lbs 14oz 21 1/4 inches long And blue eyes like his mom.