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~~ Broken ~~

~~ Surviving a Rape ~~

~ Broken ~

Thank you for swanging by. I have named this part of my page ' Broken ' cause it's the best word I can use to explain to You how did I feel that day when everything happened. I WAS BROKEN. My body, my soul, my heart, my life, my dreams. I think everything just suddenly went into the pieces and I needed a long time to put these pieces back together. No, they are not right yet and I don't think they will ever be cause, deep down in my heart, it follows me everywhere.

I did put this page up cause I believe it's gonna help me and show me how to better deal with this and also, of course, it might help somebody else too what I really hope it will. Knowing that You are not alone is many times just enough. If You ever feel You need somebody to talk to and share Your story or whatever it is, please, go ahead and e-mail me. I would be more than happy to hear from You cause I think two people are always stronger than only one alone. I do not have anything miraculous to say that's gonna make a difference but I can listen and just be Your friend.

I was 17 when I gat raped and the man that did it to me is my half sister's husband. Somebody I never thought could do something like this. But, that night, I have learned on a most horrible way I could how wrong I was and how sometimes You can't be safe even with Your own family. Yes, it is sad but true. Surfing through the Inernet, I did read so many terrible stories that other women did share and I cryed my eyes out but they did also teach me some very helpful and wonderful things about how to live with this.

After the rape I felt like I was dead. I felt dirty, I couldn't look at myself, I hated my body and I think I hated every single man on this world. They were all the same. I felt like my life has been pulled out of me and throwned away against my will. I never told to anybody anything. Not even to my parents cause he did tell me how he is gonna kill me if I do and I was so afraid. By force he took away from me something that didn't belong to him. He crushed down that part of my life without any guilt what so ever. I learned about a man on a very hard and abusive way and every single day, for the rest of my life, it will be with me. Today I am 27 and I think I am doing very good. I know I will never forget it but I am trying not to think about that. Sure, there are days when I find it very hard but every day is a new challenge for me and I try to make it as best as I can.

Thank You to LadyJ for these gifts!

Thank You, Betty ! It means a lot.
March 28. 2001

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