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THE EXHIBIT: Arctic Summer

  • At a cost of $7 Million Dollers, it is claimed to be the best in the world.
  • Certainly it far exceeds the most demanding legislation covering Polar Bear Enclosures that exists, that of Canada.
  • The total enclosure covers an area of 1,332 square metres, one of the largest in the world.
  • It is designed to 'Promote natural polar bear behaviours, to the maximum extent feasible in a non wild situation'
  • All areas are accessable to the bears at any time
  • The public area covers 1,026 square metres. There are chilled frsh and salt water pools, reaching a depth of up 4.5m, rock and timber climbing terrain and various substrates including gravel, sand and bark.
  • Seaworld promotes its ability to provide variable micro climate with fogging devices, sprinklers and wind generators allowing for diferent speeds and directions. All these are used to provide variety in the bears lives.
  • The behind scenes include 5 air conditioned dens, all of which have a small pool. There is also a maternity den.
  • An exercise area covering an area of 120 square metres icludes a pool, gravel pit for digging a timber climbing structure and sprinklers and wind generator.
  • There are three viewing points for the public. The first is behind glass at one end of the exhibit, the second is from above at the other end and the third is below water level, where it is possible to watch the bears swimming.
exhibit plan All pictures can be clicked on for larger versions.

A plan of the exhibit.

A view showing the outdoors area with viewing window in the distance. The large blue drum is one of the bears toys.
A different view of the outdoors area.
Ping Ping, the male polar bear diving into the deep pool.
A view from the underwater viewing area.


At the moment there are two bears, Kanook the female and eldest and Ping Ping the male. They will be joined at christmas time 2001 by two cubs from Russia. See news

  • Kanook hails from Reid Park Zoo in Tuscon, the U.S. and is approximately 17 years old. She has given birth three times before but the six cubs did not survive. Her former home was only 120 square metres.

  • Ping Ping is from the Beijing Zoo in China where he was born and lived with his family group, including his mother and twin sister. He is about five years old and is still a teenager in bear years.


These concerns are raised by Cynthia Burnett, author of 'Polar Bear Shores, Bringing the Arctic to Queensland' found in Animals Today magazine Vol.9 No.3 2001
  • Can the new enviroment offer any long term welfare benefits
  • Can Seaworld provide enough stimulation for intelligent animals to prevent stereotypic behaviour
  • what will be the fate of any off-spring
  • If Kanook fails to nurture her young, and/or if the bears devolop stereotypies, will the zoo/theme park industry rethink keeping such animals in captivity.