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smiles for miles* (patented by me!)

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well i did it again.. somehow i made the arduous journey intact and with only a few minor mishaps rather then a few large ones! score one for me! so well i cannot not decide whether this move has been a good one for me or was a mandatory move as dad is not very well indeed :(

i miss you coast types like crazy! guess what i had to deal with yesterday... snow... yup SNOW!!! i wanted to cry. none of that over in vancouver.

on the plus side my new mickeys has some grand crew people that are HILARIOUS. not even slightly funny.. but i mean Oh MY GAWD!!! i already have a name.. madame jennie the dominatrix.

but yeah nothing real crazy as of yet happening. been to the strippers already tho... not much else to do. cant wait to see my hastings lake elite...!

smiles for miles


current bang bus destination: edmonton, alberta

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