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my almost attack : January 11th

okay so once again i am beginning to believe that my move is cursed or something. i seriously almost got attacked in central park. if it werent for my quick thinking i am pretty sure that i would be a rape victim or dead. who knows what that guy was going to do...

okay so its was a so so day yesterday and i decided to go for a walk through central park. it was around 4 PM. no biggie right? not dark yet and there were lots of ppl in the park....sorta.

so i head to the trails and i have no idea how to manuver around these things. so i am just aimlessly walking listening to some tunes on my walkmen. well so i see this one guy pass me, he was just a bit taller then me, ball cap and he was wearing a leather jacket and tight skinny boot cut black jeans. so i pass him. then about 2 minutes later i get that feeling like someone is watching me or is following me so i look behind me and its that guy. which i thought well whatever who knows maybe he went the wrong way and just turned around. so i turn a corner and he ended up turning it too. so i took a quick corner and then another one in no pattern and he takes it too. i noticed he was catching up on me so i started to walk faster, but then so did he. so i was kinda spooked i looked backa dn he gave me this totally creepy knowing smile,almost like he is saying you can run but oyu cant hide , so everytime i turned a corner out of his view i would run trying to gain some ground. i cant see anyone around anywhere, took off my walkmen to see if i could hear them i must of been right in the thick of the park at this time. so i keep trucking it trying to find someone or a main path, so then once after a corner while i was running i looked back and he saw me running and he sorta did that creepy smile again and started to half jog. ahhh. so i freaked right out i began to jog even in view of him. he still seemed to be gaining when i hit this three way intersection with the choice of going right or left. i was trying to listen to see if i could hear anyone and i couldnt so i took a gamble and i went right....and booted it. then thankfully i saw this old man rounding the corner onto the path up ahead. in my head i was praying he wasnt in on it too, and they were cornering me, thank fucking god this wasnt the case. i slowed down and walked thinking of what i could do, incase they were conrering me or to get away fomr the first guy so i stopped and pretended to tie both of my shoes for about 2 minutes till the old guy was pretty close. this way i could see what the plan was. around this time the stalker guy caught up to me. they were together. for this i am eternally grateful. but he (stalker) must figured out what i was trying to do he gave me this look up and down and grinned again. so i naturally followed the old man even though its just where i had come from knowing he wouldnt try to attack me with the old guy right there *fingers crossed*. when i looked back the creepy guy had stopped and was staring at me even when i turned and looked. he was just staring and he had this strange smile on his face. i just turned and walked the other way. about 5 minutes later at the end of the path where i could go either way i looked back and he was walking away but he was looking at me too...

narrow miss i think... so then as soon as i was out of his sight i got the hell out fo there. holy shit. never been so scared in my life. omg. and ahhhhh... seriously traumatized. ahhhhh :( ahhhhhh :(