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~H~ the plight of todays society: an exposé on hoochification
this is an indepth look into, what i see as one of todays pressing issues, the hoochification of our society.

~H~ hoochification by definition

you are probably wondering what the heck i am talking about, hoochification. its quite simple really, not to mention self-explanatory. hooches, we have all seen them, you are most likely to encouter a hooch at a bar/club. the female version are typically seen wearing miniskirts, "shirts" meaning tiny scraps of what may be fabric or could just be paint, layers upon layers of makeup, and are often seen teetering on their 8 inch heels and sporting a snobby ass attitude, a holier then thou type dealie. the male counterpart also boasts the holier then thou attitude, but can also be seen wearing $4000 pants and are often seen carrying their cell phones everywhere, including to the dance floor, they are cocky assholes and think they are the shite. for the females stage dancing is their specialty, or bar dancing, table, pole its all the same to them. they put the dirt in dirty and the trash in trashy for their style of dance. the males often just stand on the sidelines and leer at the people dancing, if they see someone who is up to par they may go and approach. the male hooch may be seen dancing occasionally but will continously scan the room looking for better options or for easy prey. if they do venture onto the dance floor it is to pick up chicks. another word for them that fits quite nicely is asshole or jerk. well it became quite appparent to me that our society is over run with them. the term hoochification merely means that our society today is predominantly becoming this type, the hooch. sort of like mechanization, this is hoochification.

~H~ sad thing is it seems to work (for the females anyhow)

so there is no arguement that sluttyness does take you places. you have to wonder if the sorts of places these hooches go, are the places a person with dignity or self-respect would want to go to. probably not. but for all intents and purposes their hoochie approach to attracting guys at the bars works. but is this approach effective on all guys, or is it merely a screen that a female hooch would use to attract a male hooch? now i think it would be safe to assume that most guys would be intimidated by the hooches, meaning sure they want them but they are not about to get up an do something about it. therefore the hooches intent is going to backfire. unless they want to attract the hoochie guys, but these relationships are doomed to fail, both are so self absorbed that it is impossible for it to work out. boggles my mind it does. why it works i dont know. well yes i do. society is one big ball of fucked up. people are shallow. thats why it is easy for the rise of hoochification. but superficialness will not pan out in the end, at least i hope not. *fingers crossed*

~H~ but at what cost is this sluttiness paying off

so with the hoochie clothing it is obvious that less is more. with the outfits becoming more and more tight and skimpy there would appear to be that a lesser margin of our society that is actually able to wear this clothing. of course all the up and comeers want to wear the hooch clothing, aka the clothing that gets them the guys. unfotunately not all of us are built with the bodies to carry off this clothing. this is why accompanying the rise of hoochification is the rise of eating disorders. if you need to wonder where this is coming from, look at all the little girls who idolized britney or christina, i am a slave for you? what the hell kind of message are we sending out to these poor kids. no wonder our society is so corrupted and hoochified. everywhere i look hooches are reigning, no wonder kids want to emulate them. even if this means starving themselves to look like them.

~H~ what can i do about it?

prevention is key. we need to enstill in those younger generations a stronger sense of morals and self respect. gotta stop it before it starts. spread the word.