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A few things that are mmm mmm Good

okay so i was looking at these pics....noticed something strange. all of them (from what i can tell) have dark hair and blue eyes. maybe i have a thing for that combo. who knows...

A survivor on Survivor II

I know it is a little bizarre putting pics of people i dont know but i am running out of options and this guy is damn hot. NICE! He is getting real skinny tho and his mom reminds me of Julie Newmar from the end of "To Wong Foo thanks for everything Julie Newmar" But whatever he is a hottie!

The Ultimate Hottie

Can anyone really dispute it? I have nothing else to say but DAMN!

The Ultimate Hottie Continued

Once again DAMN!

Russell Crowe

My friend Andrea sent me this pic and wanted me to put it up. Although I dont think i have ever seen one of his movies.He isnt bad tho so up he went :)


more brad....sigh...

its a crime to look this good

i realy dont need to state it again but i will...DAMN!

some guy with the perfect body

he is a tad too muscular for my tastes but it is nice....check out vanity fairs december issue with brad on the cover...he has the perfect body....but this guy is up there.

random guy from some email
