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jen unplugged

The Scandalous Sailor

so this page is about me, and me alone. it prolly anything you would ever want to know and prolly some stuff you didnt. *shrugz* it is one of those surveys that people always email around expecting you to fill them out and send them back. i filled it out and put it up here and added a few questions to shake things up a bit. i dont believe in forewards. but so anyways enjoy...

if you are uneducated in the ways of jen, the best place to start is here-me

the basics
01. Full Name: Jennie Elizabeth Neil
02. Nicknames: jen, chewy, beach, genie, broom, chief, jenifa
03. Screen name[s]: sparkleandfade
04. Age: 21
05. Grade: not in school anymore.
06. GPA: undisclosed
07. Sex: Female
08. Birthday: July 5 1983
09. Zodiac sign: Cancer
10. Hospital where you were born: Misracordia in Edmonton
11. Present Location: New Westminster, Birtish Columbia
12. Height: 5 10 and a half
14. Hair Color: Blond
15. Eye Color: Bluey Grey
16. Siblings : step bros: Norman, Richard, Glen, step sis: Elaine half sisters: Megan, Ashleigh
17. Parents names: Claudia and Arch
18. Hobbies: training, walking, shopping, drinking and dancing, stalking will ferrell

The CRUSH Side:~~~

19. Crush: orange or grape
20. Girlfriend/Boyfriend: none.
21. If you could go out with anyone at all who would it be? hmmm thats a tough question... *evasiveness was my entire point*
22. When and who was your 1st crush?: prolly grade 1, edward. he had a peanut allergy and we thought it would be great fun to try to make him have a reaction. so mean. but hey it was grade 1. what do you expect?
23. What do you first notice about the opposite sex: laugh/smile/legs
24. Your idea of a perfect date: it would have to include mini golf, sailing, bowling, vegetable soup, string cheese, laughter, and stargazing.
25. How romantic are you? [1-10]: whose scale is this? what am i comparing to? is 1 lots or is 10 lots? i m not really into the romance.
26. Biggest turn-on: sense of humour
Biggest Turn-off: long fingernails or toenails.
27. Ideal girl/guy: well they have to be funny, smart but not intellectual i mean smart enough to figure out when they said something wrong and to actually say sorry, maybe a better word is clever... have confidence but not arrogance ummm ... need to be fun, they have to be themselves and shouldnt be afraid to stick out, dance like no one is watching. They have to have decency...aka the decency to not cheat, and you know ideally we would get along perfectly, but argue enough to make things interesting. and you know the list would go onto include things that would make it impossible to find anyone to meet the standards....
28. the sweetest thing that happened to you in your opinion: i recieved a stryofoam flower was symbolic. or the fan.
29. Memory you miss most: This makes no sense. The memory i miss most...well some memory if i cant remember it. But i can say the goodtime i miss most, which would be wintersail. if only...
30. If you could go back in time, where would you go?: i really dont think i would like to go back in time. that would be scary. unless i could go back and not know i am back, which would sorta defeat the purpose wouldnt it? but if i could go back just for the sake of going back cause i love the decade i would pick to go back into the 80s...and be the age i am now and hang out with all my fdavorite bands....BLISS
31. Thing that you regretted doing after you had done it: hmmmm that would have to be sending Corey that letter in the mail. not one of my finer moments. he is satan. or the other thing would have to be joining then quitting cadets.
32. Memory you would like to forget: Most of summer 2000...the parts with Corey in it anyways... well and now maybe grad including how my grad date called me two days before grad and cancelled on me. or hmmm grade 8...i could go on and on...but those experiences are part of who i am and i dont think i would actually want to forget them. i draw from them i would rather have the question read. what has been your worst experience to date?
37. TV show you wish they would re-air again: Astroboy
Movie hero you wish would save you: Cameron Poe from Con Air.

~~~The FUTURE Side~~~

38. Occupation: my dream occupaton would be workign at a school much like the one on the TV show higher ground. workig with troubled kids and implementing outdoorsy type taks and trips into it. i am actually attempting to pursue it but its hard, i have no idea how to get into it.
39. Dream Car: a volkswagon pink or yellow
40. Marriage: Sure why not? maybe one day if i am lucky enough.
41. Kids: well i am beginning to think i would like to have them but prolly not until later. like in my mid-thirties or late 20's
42. Future son's name: Gus or Ollie
43. Future daughter's name: Zoe or Molly
44. Honeymoon: gotta get married first. i would love to go to the bowron lakes for it ... that place is simply amazing.
45. Where will you live?: Canada.
~~~Favorites Side~~~

47. Food: chocolate, string cheese or any cheese, and kiwis.
48. Drink: Blue Kool Aid
49. TV show: i am a dating show junkie.
50. Movie: Happy Gilmore and Detroit rock City
51. CD: AC/DC Back in Black
52. Band/Group: Ac/Dc...i saw them live...amazing
53. Singer: bif naked
54. Color: Yellow and Green and Red! oh and Orange and Blue! i like em all.
55. Actor: Owen Wilson, Vigggo Mortensen
56. Actress: Reese Witherspoon
57. Weekend Activity: going to the beach
58. Day of the week: friday
60. Book: William Bernhardts justice series, or John Sandfords prey series
61. Holiday: Christmas
62. Number(s): 666, 9, 3, 15,
63. Cookie: Peek Frean Fruit Cremes....Strawberry....mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *excessive Drooling*
64. Phrase to overuse: Peachy-keen...wicked-nifty
65. Toothpaste: colgate
66. Ice Cream: Vanilla
67. Candy bar: Big Turk
69. Part of Newsapaper: Sports
70. Restaurant: red robins
71. Channel: OLN
72. Radio Station: the fox 95.3
73. Type of music: Heavy Metal, Old Rock or 80s...or alternative i have an eclectic taste...pretty much anything is good if the mood is suiting, even celine dion...
74. Shampoo/Conditioner: fructis
75. Song: tainted love soft cell
76. Music Video: Shook me all Night Long by Ac/Dc, i saw it at the concert, dno if the regular video is as good. or if it was the regular video.
77. Sport: any sport is good, but i love water sports in particular
78. Website:
79. Relative: Glen or Brad
80. Hangout: english bay
82.Online Friends: April or russ

~~The ONE OR THE OTHER Side:~~

100. *N Sync OR BSB: BSB, merely because they were there first
101. Peanut butter OR Jelly: jelly... i HATE peanut butter
102. Coke OR Pepsi: not a fan of carbonation....but pepsi is better
103. Boxers OR Briefs: not a big deal to me.
105. MTV OR VH1: MTV
106. Apples OR Oranges: Oranges
107. Vanilla OR Chocolate: Vanilla
108. Flowers OR Candy: Flowers(daffodils if you want specifics)
110. Romantic Comedy OR Horror: horror
111. Book OR Magazine: Magazine. So much more interesting unless it is one of William Bernhardts books then i would pick book.
112. TV OR Radio: Radio
113. Is the glass half full OR half empty?: Am i pouring or drinking?

114. Do you believe in angels?: yes
115. Aliens?: yes
117. God?: yes
118. Yourself?: no.


119. Been on a plane: yeah
120. Cried in public: well how public is public? i dont cry much in front of anyone.
121. Climbed a tree: yeah i used all the time when i was a kid, i was a tomboy
122. Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: no why would anyone do that?
124. Met a celebrity: Well a psuedo-celebrity and he was an asshole. Damn Ryan Smyth! Oh and i met Esa Tikkanen. all hockey players. i dno if they count
125. Met the president: No
126. Been scared to get a shot: no
127. Gotten a cavity: yeah
128. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: no
129. Had an online relationship: no. some guy proposed to me though.
131. Said, "I love you," and meant it: no
130. Made prank calls: yea of course who hasnt in their childhood done that? i was actually banned from babysitting this one family after they made prank calls. i had nothing to do with those tho.
133. Gone skinny dipping: uh huh ;) living vicariously! not in the ocean yet though. its on my list of things to do.
134. Skipped school: yea
135. Gone to a theme park and checked out all the cute guys/girls: no
142. Bill Clinton: dirty old man
143. Lollipops: Sunshine lollipops and rainbows all the time and everything thats wonderful when were together. Brighter than a lucky penny...
144. Dreams: but a dream...
145. Love: out there somewhere
146. Whipped Cream: good to eat
147. South Park: Kenny
148. Boy Bands: hair bands
149. Guys: hot
150. Girls: not
151. Death: bad


152. Dog/Cat: Cats cause they are so smart but on the other side dogs are so blissfully stupid...
153. Blue/Purple: Blue. depression is always good. and i always idolized the smurfs when i was younger.
154. Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
155. Underwear/Bra: Well neither cause ummm i would prefer to not be underwear or bras
156. Pen/Pencil: pen
157. Plumber/Trashman: trashman
158. Ear/Eye: Eye...cause i like to see
159. Rich and unhappy/Poor and happy: Well who would pick unhappy? Poor and happy cause it is the best of the worst answers.
160. Tall/Short: Tall...oh so tall... i wish i was 6 feet tall i am not tall enough i have another 2 inches or so to go :( not going to happen.


161. Do you sleep with a stuff animal?: sometimes
162. Last time you showered: This morning likely
163. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Yellow or Jungle Green
164. How many buddies do you have on your list?: enough
166. What are the last 4 digits of your number?: 7986
167. One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: 2 and feather.
168. Last CD you bought: well i am not updating but we can safely assume it is a good one...
169. How long are you in the shower?: 10 minutes usually unless i have to shave that adds on another 10 at least! i wish i only had to shave my less time consuming
170. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup?: I put it in my mouth bite off a piece chew and swallow and repeat...unless i shove it all in and eat it all at once
176. Right, Left, or Ambidextrous?: right tho my toes are ambidextrous
177. What is on your mouse pad?: Cosmopolitan and a hundred million fun fearless females
178. What is under your bed?: Well seeing how i wont have a bed very soon nothing but at the moments. there are boxes and my sleeping bag and some tapes
179. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsi Pop?: 2506


180. Gone an extended period of time without shaving?: yeah about 10-11 years then i shaved for the first time and i have to say it was my arms that i shaved first
181.Been on stage?: Of course. many times
182. Gotten in a car accident?: a couple
183. Hiked a mountain?: yup and i love hiking so awesome. i wish i had friends who would go with me to the mountains and hike.
184. Death Valley on horseback? Nope never been to California.
185. Stayed home? i used to until i got sick of waiting for the phone to ring
186. Made homemade fudge?: no what do i look like betty crocker?
187. Seen the Eiffel tower?: in pictures yes


188. Season: Summer
189. Commercial: the quiznos one with don cherry
190. Cold or hot?: actually i would rather be cold...
191. Big or little?: huh?
192. Lace or satin?: Ick...they both are sissy but lace sheets would feel sweet and umm satin sheets are divine...too hard to call, i dno what this is pertaining to. i liek lace on my skirts but they are also satin... so confusing.
193. Red or blue?: Blue...depression is sometimes good... wait didnt i already answer this?
194. New or old?: old cause oh man i loved the 80s
195. Teeny or weeny?: yellow polka dot bikini
196. Here or there?: Here and there i like to get around
198.Old Madonna or New Madonna: old
200. Mall or Movies?: mall...movies are just getting bad
201. Sweatshirt or sweater?: Sweatshirt with a hoodie
202. T shirt or tank top?: t shirt


203. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
204. Do you have a best friend?: i hope so.
205. Who are your really good friends? andrea, jess, jamie
206. Who's your funniest friend(s)?: Andrea and Jamie
207. Who have you known the longest of your friends?: well all the st lukers have known each other for 13 years, some only 9 but thats a long time... but most of us arent friends anymore
208. Who's the loudest?: Jamie
209. Who's the shyest?: jess
210. Whose parents do you know the best?: no-ones really
211. Who do you go to for advice?: i usually give it out not take it, if i do need it i go to myself, i have a built in therapist i think.
212. Who knows most of your secrets?: no one really. no one asks so i dont tell
213. Who are you jealous of?: everyone
if you actually read this whole thing KUDOS