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Miracles Of Quran Page


Bee Testifies Gods (Allah) Name Is True 

In this picture you will find that a colony of bees have worked under god (Allah) will to fill up there honey combs in honey with a shape resembling the word Allah (God)  in Arabic : 


And this shows the power and will of Allah.


Tree Testifies That God (Allah) Is One And His 

Prophet  Mohammad {P.B.U.H}


In this picture these trees are found in Germany, theses trees have been created and grown resembling the phrase 

"There is no God but Allah"

"Mohammad {P.B.U.H} his prophet."

And it is not a creation of human beings. 


Tree Testifies Praying The Muslim Way


This tree was created in the form of a human praying, this was found in a forest near Sydney ; Australia. And more reassuring the tree is facing towards the qibla (which is where Muslims must face whenever praying there daily prayers - facing Allah's house the KABA in Mecca ; Saudi Arabia)


Lung Testifies For

This is a pattern of air tybes in the lungs of all human beings. The pattern has been worked out with extreme precisoionm on a computer in Saudi Arabia. Theses represent the form of words.

 Mohammad {P.B.U.H} his prophet.

"There is no God but Allah"


Fish Testifies For Prophet Mohammad {P.B.U.H}

The story of the fish began when Mr. George Wehbi, a Christian Lebanese, was practicing his fishing hobby, in Dakar, Senegal (the capital of West Africa). He caught many fish. When he went home his wife saw among them a strange fish about 50cms in length, with some Arabic writing on it. He took it to Sheikh al-Zein, who read clearly what was written in a natural way, that could not be done by a human being, but rather a Godly creation which the fish was born with. He read:"God's servant" : on its belly and "Muhammad" near its head, and "His Messenger" on its tail.


Mosque Testifies Gods (Allah) Power To Do Anything


A mosque still stands among the rubble of collapsed buildings in this aerial view of a neighborhood in the western Turkish town of Golcuk, 60 miles east of Istanbul, August 19, 1999. The death toll from western Turkey's worst recorded earthquake surpassed 6,000, as hope waned of finding any of the thousands still missing under the mountains of rubble.


Stars Testify Gods (Allah) Words In Quran:

An image taken by the Hubble space telescope of the "Cat's Eye Nebula"; an exploding star 3,000 light years away, the image was published by NASA on Oct 31, 1999.

(Subhan Allah) Glorify The Lord (Allah)

There is no god but Allah, his rightful, and last prophet is Mohammad {P.B.U.H}. All we have to say is Subhan Allah, (All the Blessings and power is for god)

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