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Umair's General Knowledge Quiz

1) Who Is President Of Pakistan?
a) Rafiq Tarar
b) Ghulam Ishaq Khan
c) General Perveez Musharaff
d) No One


3) What Is The Capital Of Australia?
a) Sydney
b) Washington
c) Paris
d) Shanghai


5) What Is Name Of Tallest Building In The World?
a) Empire State Building
b) Sears Tower
c) Petronas Twin Tower
d) World Trade Center


7) Which Famous Wrestler Is Also  Known As Rattle Snake?
a) The ROCK
b) Stone Cold
c) The Undertaker
d) Triple H


9) How Many Chambers Are There In An Human Heart?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
2) Who Is The Owner Of Microsoft?
a) Paul Allen
b) Bill Gates
c) Bill Clinton
d) Bill Jones


4) Who Is The President Of USA?
a) George W Bush
b) Al Gore
c) Bill Clinton
d) Harrison Ford


6) What Is Full Term For C.I.D?
a) Crime Interaction Department
b) Crime Investigation Department
c) Cool Intellegence Department
d) Crime Intellegence Department


8) Who Is Peter Parker?
a) Spider Man
b) Bat Man
c) Super Man
d) Hydro Man


10) What Are Tsunami's?
a) Ocean Currents
b) Electrical Currents
c) Ocean Waves
d) Sound Waves