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Stone Cold Steve Austin PageLights1.gif (2107 bytes)

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Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Height: 6' 2"
  • Weight: 252 pounds
  • From: Victoria, Texas
  • Favorite Quote: "And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!"
  • Finishing move: Stone Cold Stunner
  • Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion (4); Intercontinental Champion (2); Tag Team Champion (3); King Of The Ring 1996; 1997, 1998, 2001 Royal Rumble winner


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Stone Cold Steve Austin. The mere mention of his name will bring any sold-out crowd to its feet in a crazed frenzy. Never before has the world of sports-entertainment seen a phenomenon like the one that Stone Cold Steve Austin has created. At any live event you attend, all you see is a sea of Austin 3:16. Why? 'Cause Stone Cold said so!

When the Texas Rattlesnake entered the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, for the 1996 King Of The Ring, he never could have imagined that before the evening was through, he would change the entire face of the wrestling world. After beating the Bible-referencing Jake "The Snake" Roberts to become King Of The Ring, Austin accepted his crown, and upon doing so informed Roberts that "Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!" With that simple phrase, Austin became the most popular superstar to ever compete in this sport.

Some peers say Stone Cold Steve Austin is a suicide machine with lack of regard for authority and rules. But you can't deny this superstar is tougher than leather when he steps through the ring ropes. Without a doubt, there are still plenty of unwritten chapters in the book of Austin 3:16!

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