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here are some pictures that i have. please note i will add more as soon as i get some. btw they are listed in regular order, so if you want to see new pictures, you hafta scroll down hehe.
AH here is one of my prize pictures. ME eATING. YES i have so much style. look at my hair. isnt it sexy? well anyway i'm eating so....later
here is a picture of some slut trying to hit on me, but i know better. but anyway, this was on some trip to skiing in Big bear, and i happeen to have a lot of asian friends. the skinny asian guy with glasses is jung, the fat one is mark who overate in high school and now weighs out at 300 pounds, and the girl is i have no idea =[.
well, i got my plastic surgery and i got a changed look. so, i will be posting more pictures of myself now, since i'm not ugly anymore. here i am, posing for the camera. i rarely use gel, but today i decided to.
ok here is my girlfriend, who i found in LA, and this is a shot of us about to shoot each other :P. how romantic eh?
Ok here is a shot of my at a hotel, with no parents in site. hahhah so i decided to be dangerous, and left the hotel in a foreign country =o. yes gogogo me.
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