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"Self Possessed"

My Favorite episode! It starts with Rogue and Scott on a racket ball court playing racket ball. Rogue is playing very fiercely and seriously and beats Scott. She asks him for a rematch tomorrow and he says he can't because he is going to the concert tomorrow with Jean. Rogue gets pretty upset about this and has sudden flashes of Jean and Scott together and sits down.

Meanwhile we switch to a scene with Mystique and Destiny talking. Destiny says that she's not so sure Rogue will be in their future.

Back at the ball court Rogue suddenly has flashes of Blob and throws her racket at the wall with such strength that it leaves a hole in the wall. Later on Logan knocks on her door and asks about the now destroyed racket. Kitty comes and drags her away telling her about Jean giving them a ride to school in her new SUV before she can explain. Jean and Kitty get on the subject of Scott and the concert and Kurt teleports in and they start to tease Jean about it. This seems to upset Rogue and she yells at them to just drop it.

At school when Rogue is about to go into the Bathroom she has flashes of Kitty and phases though the door. She meets Risty inside who tells Rogue she is sorry she couldn't be there for her and that her parents wouldn't let her come back from England because of the whole mutant thing. As they come out of the bathroom Rogue has flashes of Storm and electrocutes the water water fountain. People turn to stare and whisper and Rogue runs off.

Risty finds her outside and asks if those were her "mutant powers". Rogue explains about her powers and how its getting pretty crowded inside her head. Risty asks Rogue about coming to the concert with her and after some hesitation she agrees.

  At the concert, as Rogue and Risty get closer and closer to the stage, people start pushing and shoving and somebody falls into Rogue, tearing her sleeve off. Rogue bumps into more and more people and they began dropping all around her and she absorbs their life force. She gets shoved into Risty who morphs back into Mystique and screams then falls onto the floor. Rogue morphs into Risty, as she has just absorbed Mystique's powers, as she stumbles away. She morphs back into her self and clasps but only as she has another flashback and of Sabertooth and morphs into him! Rogue/Sabertooth starts destroying all the concert equipment. Multiply jumps on her but she just throws him off. The security force also shows up but she just throws them off as well. Everyone has cleared out of the building by now and Scott blasts Rogue and the stage setup clasps on her. She has flashes of Juggernaut and flings the rubble off herself and creates a hole in the wall which she runs out of. Mystique runs out of the room after her.

As Rogue is running outside she turns into Magneto and pushes away all the cop cars that were following her. She turns into Quicksilver and speeds off again until she runs into some more cars. She turns into Arcade and hides in an alleyway where she collapses and morphs back into herself. She's shivering and crying and probably feeling all alone, totally scared of her uncontrollable powers.

Mystique shows up and tries to help. She says "I know I've hurt you, but I only posed as your friend so I could be near you." Rogue gets up and starts to fight her and morphs into Mystique. Rogue says "Liar! I know the truth. You used me to spy on the X-Men" Mystique replies "No, it's not that simple.. If you have my memories, then you know what our relationship is." Rogue says "I don't know anything." Mystique backs off saying "Admit the truth Rogue. I adopted you when you were four. Search your memories. You are my daughter!"

Rogue morphs back into herself and runs away then teleports onto a rooftop and starts crying again. She hears Wolverine's motorcycle in the distance and turns back into Sabertooth to go after him. Rogue/Sabertooth and Wolverine start to fight and but after Cyclopes shows up and blasts her into a warehouse Wolverine (who says it wasn't Sabertooth scent but Rogue's) tells Cyclopes to stop and that it's really Rogue. They follow her into the warehouse. As they search for Rogue, Rogue morphs into Cyclopes and blasts the real one. Wolverine helps him back to his feet while Rogue morphs into Avalanche and uses his power to shake the ground. She suddenly morphs back into herself and cries out for help. Wolverine and Cyclopes try to calm her down by saying that they're her friends and that they'll help her. Rogue remembers Risty and gets really angry. Her eyes start to glow as she has flashbacks of Risty and she yells "I have no friends!!"

Rogue morphs into Storm and blows both of them out of the warehouse. She flies up into the air and starts blasting everyone (Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean, Nightcrawler, Berzerker, SunSpot, Magma, Iceman, and Shadowcat) with lighting and Scott's beams. Wolverine states that she has control of all the powers she ever absorbed at the same time and can't control them. The X-Jet (with Storm, Beast, and Xavier) comes flying in the air and almost hits Rogue but she uses Magneto's powers to quickly crash the jet. Beast is knocked out and Rogue is still firing at all the other X-Men.

Jean  try's to bring Rogue down but Rogue just turns it back on her and knocks her to the ground. Cyclopes tried to blast her again but she reflects it with Jean's Telekinesis and blasts him. Night Crawler teleports behind her and tries to bring her down but he ends up landing by himself. Storm comes out of the crashed X-Jet and flies up so that she's level with Rogue. She says she's sorry about this but that she can't let her hurt any more people. Storm hits her with some lightning and at first it looks like she might have Rogue but Rogue regains control and and blasts Storm with more lightning. After being hit, Storm starts falling to the ground and Jean catches her using her powers.

Wolverine tells them that he's the only one that will be able to take it and has Ice Man ice him up to Rogue's level. He tackles her and then slam into a parked car. The force of the hit causes Rogue to multiply (Jamie's power). Wolverine tries to talk to her but she just uses Magneto's power to lift him up. Then all 4 of Rogue blast him (Cyclops's power) and knock him somewhere down the street and into the X-Van. She runs after him and lifts him into the air again.

Wolverine tells Rogue that she's letting all the other personalities push her around and the Rogue that he knows wouldn't let anyone get away with that. Rogue stops and absorbs all the other Rogue's together and changes into a dozen more people before falling to the ground. She says that she's trying to fight them but they're just too many. Xavier wheels by and tells Rogue to stop resisting him and that they can wipe out all those memories together. Rogue clasps into Wolverine's arms and Wolverine asks Xavier if she's going to be ok. Xavier replies that he's not sure. We see Mystique watching from the rooftop and she seems pretty upset.

Back at the Institute Rogue is in that little medical room with Logan by her side. Logan talks to her about how much betrayal hurts and says that she needs to let her real friends be there for her. Rogue's hand squeezes the hand Logan is holding hers with and her eyes open. She smiles and Logan smiles back happily. 

Outside the gate, Mystique and Destiny are in a car. Mystique asks if Rogue is in their future again and Destiny says yes.
