Mountain Plover -- adult on nest, Phillips County, Montana.
Mountain Plover -- freshly hatched chicks, still in the nest cup, Phillips County, Montana.
Mountain Plover -- adult with two new chicks, Phillips County, Montana.
Mountain Plover -- adult approaching nest, Phillips County, Montana.
Mountain Plover -- above adult performing distraction display near nest, Phillips County, Montana.
Mountain Plover -- juvenile, Phillips County, Montana.
Eurasian Dotterel -- Imperial County, California, 22 January 2001.
Eurasian Dotterel -- another shot of the above bird.
Eurasian Dotterel -- above bird from behind.
American Avocet -- Honey Lake, California, July 1999.
American Avocets -- a flock of 37 at Sandpiper Beach, Saylorville, Polk County, Iowa, 30 Sep 2003.
Ruff -- male in worn alternate plumage. Honey Lake, Lassen County, California, 5 July 1999.
Ruff -- same bird as above.