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American Pie - Unprecedented Success!

Principle Cast

American Pie is one of my favourite films because not because its funny (though it is), but for its realism. It captures the essence of American life and lifestyle superbly.

Aside from the obvious theme of sex, American Pie is about finding out about yourself and deciding on your future. Its about the importance of friends, even ones like Stifler and the importance of trusting them. It is successful in portraying a lifestyle that is desirable, yet taken for granted (parties by the lake, cars, proms, the prospect of university etc). Sex is just what moves the story along and the film's purpose for being.

Much like Demolition Man, it is the "utopian" world which is created which adds the extra enjoyment to the film aside from the obvious humour. Here is a synopsis of the plot.

Basically, American Pie is about 4 boys in their final high school year in the States who want to lose their virginities before they go to college. After their goofy friend, Sherman "The Shemanator" allegedly loses his at a party, the four make a secret pact to help each other lose theirs at the graduation party by the lake.

Kevin has been in a long term relationship with his girlfriend, Vicky but she wants it to be perfect when she finally has sex. Kevin has been forced to wait all this time. Oz has been closest in the past. A high school lacrosse player, he has had dates with "college chicks", but his reputation as a Casanova and chat-up lines like "suck me, beautiful" never get him much further. Finch has a reputation as a bit of a geek and is nicknamed "shit-break" by Stifler due to the fact he goes home when he needs to take a dump. He has never got very far. Lastly there's Jim. Like Finch, he has never got very far and when things seem to be going right for him, something comes along to mess them up. He "learns" all about the facts of life from his horny dad, producing some of the most hilarious moments in the film.

The film follows the efforts of the fab foursome in their quests through the remaining weeks of High School up to the graduation party. Kevin inherits "The Bible" from his brother, a sex manual about how to give your girlfriend an orgasm. He hopes to better prepare Vicky for their first time. Vicky enjoys herself!

Finch pays Vicky's friend $200 to spread some rumours about how good he is in bed, how well-hung he is, tough he is etc. The plan seems to be working until one rumour says he beat up Stifler. As an act of revenge, Stifler slips a laxative into Finch's coffee and then tricks him into taking a dump in the girl's toilets. As Finch leaves, he realises what he has done as a mocking crowd awaits him. Finch's reputation is ashed and he is left dateless for the prom.

Oz joins a vocal-jazz choir, hoping to score with a blonde girl called Heather. The two hit it off and she agrees to go to the prom with him. However, when the Lacrosse schedule clashes with that of the choir, Oz faces a tough moral choice. After playing the first half of Lacrosse, he gets an attack of conscience and runs off to the concert. Heather is delighted.

As for Jim, he has been caught watching porn by his mother, having sex with a pie by his father and numerous other humiliations, he thinks his luck cant get any worse. Enter Nadia, the Czech exchange student. Jim agrees to tutor her in History which involves her coming to his house and changing her clothes. Jackpot! The others persuade Jim to set up a web-cam and send them and Stifler the address. Unfortunately, Jim addresses the email wrong and it goes to the entire school. Jim bursts in on Nadia masturbating and asks if she needs a "hand". After a hilarious dance show, the two are about to get down to business when, oh no! Jim has TWO premature ejaculations ending his chances with Nadia. Live in front of the whole school, Jim is humiliated again and any reputation he has is dashed in similar fashion to Finch. Jim is left going to the prom with Michelle, a geek from the school band, who he thinks is the only one who hasnt seen the Internet incident.

So on to the prom. The guys find out that Sherman didnt have sex, he just made it up. The girl he allegedly had it with got up on stage and told the whole school. Sherman wet himself. After a dull evening, the group move onto Stifler's lakeside house for the graduation party - where the "magic" is supposed to happen. It does. Kevin and Vicky find a "perfect" room to do it in, Oz goes down to the lakeside with Heather and Jim finds out that Michelle is actually a sex maniac, saw the whole Inet thing and is totally up for it. They go at it in Stifler's litlle brother's room.

That leaves Finch. Half drunk, he wanders upstairs and encounters Stifler's mom. After some James Bond style banter, Finch gets his oats over the pool table. Revenge is sweet as Stifler walks in on the two and collapses from the shock.

The final scene in the film is the next day at the local cafe with the four discussing the previous night. They toast to the future and to college.