Awarded: Bronze and Silver Star, Korea Service, National Defense, Joint Service Commendation, Soldier's Medal, Vietnam Service, Vietnam Campaign Medal with Bar, Distinguished Service, US Army Commendation, Armed Forces Expedition, Congreesional Medal of Honor.
Arrested for Robbery of Bank of Hanoi
Escaped incarceration at Fort Bragg in 1972
Works at Universal Studios as the Aquamaniac
Commander of the 'A-Team'
Master of Disguise
Enjoys smoking Cigars
Catchphrase: 'I love it when a plan comes together!'
Cigar smoking Hannibal is the leader of the A-Team. He was the colonel of the team in Vietnam and remains so, demanding awesome respect from the other team members. Hannibal is intensely loyal to his men and to his country and his arrest in Vietnam was the result of following internal orders from Colonel Morrison. However, Morrison's untimely death therefore destroys Hannibal's alibi. In 1972, Hannibal, B.A. and Face were incarcerated at Fort Bragg, a maximum security penitentiary. Murdoch was committed. Hannibal was able to mastermind the team's escape and so began their life as "fugitives" from the law, fighting injustice as mercenaries whilst avoiding the clutches of the military police and Colonels Lynch and later Decker.
In 1987, the A-Team was forced to accept a mission from an obscure retired General (See General Hunt Stockwell) with high contacts. Smith and the team were caught, tried and found guilty, sentenced to death by firing squad. However, Murdoch was able to save the team with the help of special effects expert, Frankie Santana and an elaborate scheme which involved faking the team's deaths. Upon escape, Stockwell convinced the team he could secure their unconditional pardons if they would complete several missions for him. Though the team accepted, the series would end before Stockwell would make good on his promise so the true ending would never be known!
It has been said that Hannibal was forever "on the jazz" (loving the adrenaline of action). He just loved to rough up the biggest bad guy. His nickname comes from the Carthaginian general who almost destroyed the Roman Empire 2200 years ago. Like his namesake, Hannibal is a master tactician, but his plans never quite turned out as they were supposed to. According to Amy Allen, the team's journalist friend, "Hannibal's plans never work like they're supposed to, they just work".
Hannibal was also famed for being a master of disguise. This usually involved a wig and a pair of false teeth, or his aquamaniac costume. Determined to live his life to some form of normal, Hannibal held a job at universal Studios, playing the Aquamaniac, amongst other scaled villains in order to fund the team. He was man the Team revolved around and after every successful victory he would utter his infamous catchphrase, "I love it when a plan comes together!".