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Is that gel?

Principle Cast

"There's Something About Mary" is in my favourite films because it is comedy at its funniest. Pure physical humour. Slapstick of falling over and the pure pain of cartoon violence. Its funny because we can relate to it and of course, because its not happening to us. Ted is your typical white middle-class guy who falls in love with the beautiful blonde prom queen. Heard it before? Well add in a mentally retarded 20 stone brother, an English architect on crutches, a sly but gullible detective, a senile old lady, an obsessive boyfriend, Brett Favre and a vicious little terrier and we have a recipe for disaster! Still think youve heard it? Watch and see!

Ok, so here's the plot. It begins as part of a flashback by Ted to his high school days in the late 70s/early 80s. We see Ted (with huge braces) being rejected to the prom by some girl. Twenty-stone retard Warren interrupts, looking for his baseball. As he continues his hunt, a local jock tells him some girl's got it (her boyfriend's another jock) but she calls it a "weiner". When Warren asks if she has seen his weiner, trouble breaks out so Ted steps in, being floored in the process. Beautiful Mary intervenes, informing the crowd that Warren is her brother. Her and Ted walk home to Mary and Warren's house together and she agrees to go to the prom with Ted. Naturally, Ted's friends dont believe him so he bets them all $100 that its true. Silly move?
Ted gets to Mary's house and her step-dad opens the door. He tells Ted she has already left for the prom with her boyfriend "Woogie" before bursting out laughing and announcing he's "just fucking with him". Mary appears in her beautiful dress. Warren is sat watching MTV. As a surprise, Ted has bought him a baseball but as he goes to give it him, he pretends its behind Warren's ear. Warren belts Ted in the mouth and starts trying to kill him because he hates having his ears touched. Mary's dress strap rips so she goes to repair it and Ted goes to the toilet to freshen up.

Other Films

The Silence of the Lambs
Demolition Man
Rocky IV
Die Hard With a Vengeance