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St. Peters Catholic Cemetery


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Loraine Galle for all your research for me to use here.

GALLE, Geraldine F.12-7-19255-25-197246 years3-1-1972[nee WALLPE] [1st w/o Lowell [d/o Anthony J. WALLPE and Ethel J. ERTEL]
GANTNER, Faustinus~~about 6010-20-1849~
GEHRICH, Johan Adam12-16-18167-30-189689-7-148-1-1896[h/o Regine RIPPERGER]
GEHRICH, Regina~~69-3-121-29-1890nee RIPPERGER [w/o John Adam]
GEIGER, Otillia~4-15-186062 year4-16-1860w/o Stephan
GEIGER, Stephan~9-23-186670 years9-24-1866[widower of Otillia]
GEIS, Aada~02-09-18583 year~d/o Anna Maria
GEIS, Ada~03-16-18585 year~~
GEIS, Anna Maria~~about 2206-17-1846d/o Wilhelm and Anna Margaret: nee Marget
GEIS, Antonius~1-25-187824 years1-27-1878s/o Iqnatius and Barbara WEBER]
GEIS, Barbara~12-20-188058 years12-22-1800[nee WEBER] w/o Ignatius
GEIS, Gottfried10-29-18091-27-188677years1-29-1886~
GEIS, Ignatius~8-2-186415 yr 6 mo8-4-1864 s/o Ignatius and Barbara [WEBER] fever
GEIS, Ignatius~7-12-188267 years7-15-1882h/o Barbara WEBER
GEIS, Jacob~~12 days09-04-1845s/o Ignatius and Barbara Weber
GEIS, Johan9-8-18514-3-187826 yr 7 mo4-5-1878~
GEIS, Johann Adam3-25-18173-7-1898abt 80-11-73-10-1898[h/o Margaretha KNECHT
GEIS, Joseph Aloysius~3-19-18656 years3-21-1865s/o Johann Adam and Margaretha nee KNECHT
GEIS, Margaretha~2-5-186879 yr 8 mo2-7-1868widow
GEIS, Margaretha4-22-18256-14-1897~6-16-1897w/o Hohann Adam nee KNECHT
GEIS, Maria Elisabeth09-08-185707-15-1858bef 1 yr.~d/o Ignatius [and Barbara Weber]
GEIS, Mary Hellena10-31-189911-1-1900infant11-2-1900d/o William J. and Maria Magdalena WAGNER
GEIS, Mary Magdalena12-12-18697-27-195383 years7-30-1953[nee WAGNER] w/o William J.
GEIS, Matthaus~8-5-l87878 years8-7-1878~
GEIS, Michael~4-4-186515 years4-6-1865s/o Johann Adam and Margaretha nee KNECHT fever
GEIS, Michael Godfried~10-20-186836 years10-22-1868s/o Matthans consumption in Missouri
GEIS, Phillip Jacob~10-10-18643 mo.10-11-1864s/o John Adam nnd Margaretha [KNECHT]
GEIS, William J.2-24-18679-10-194982 yr 7 mo9-13-1949[h/o Mary Magdalena WAGNER]
GEISLER, Mary Anna18202-14-1901~2-16-1901[FRUIT] w/o John [tombstone says died 1900]
GILLMAN, Alfreda19126-10-19152 yr 7 mo6-12-1915d/o Anthony and Mary nee WIWI
GILLMAN, Anthony5-11-18844-10-196782 years4-13-1967[1st marriage to Mary WIWI 2nd to Dulcie ROBERTS FINK GILLMAN DOMIN]
GILLMAN, Charles J.18902-19-194756-8-92-22-1947h/o Mary [BACK]
GILLMAN, Dorothy19244-6-196843 years4-9-1968~
GILLMAN, Esther K.19161-2-197154 years1-5-1971w/o Clarence [nee BACK] d/o Frank BACK [and Catherine F. WINTZ]
GILLMAN, Mary8-29-18843-29-192843 yr 7 mo3-31-1928[nee WIWI - 1st w/o Anthony]
GILLMAN, Mary18934-6-1942~4-10-1942[nee BACK] d/o Henry A. BACK and Catherine SCHUCK w/o Charles J.
GILLMAN, Norma R.19092-4-198979 years2-7-1989[d/o Anthony and Mary WIWI - single]
GILLMAN, Rosina185111-23-192978 years11-25-1929buried at St. Leon [nee SCHUCK w/o Philip J.]
GLASER, Anna Maria~1-3-18895 mo 16 day1-4-1889d/o John F. and Mary J. SCHUCK
GLASER, Friedrich5-17-18188-6-189376-2-198-8-1893[h/o Katharina SCHERGER] [tombstone says died 8-7-1893]
GLASER, John F.7-10-18596-11-193474 yr 11 mo6-14-1934>[h/o Mary J. SCHUCK]
GLASER, John F.~8-15-194761 yr 3 mo8-18-1947died in North Carolina
GLASER, Katherina7-10-183412-15-190067-5-412-17-1900w/o Friedrich [nee SCHERGER]
GLASER, Magdalena~09-10-1857~~w/o Friedrich
GLASER, Mary J.1-14-186112-6-193170 yr 10 mo12-9-1931 [nee SCHUCK] w/o John F.
GLAUB, Catherina~3-31-187335 years4-1-1873[1st] wife of George
GLAUB, Eva Maria~9-11-186711 days9-12-1867[d/o George and Catherina]
GLAUB, Maria~3-22-1870infant3-24-1870d/o George [and Catherine]
GLAUB, Maria Anna~12-20-1892abt 65 y 25 d12-21-1892nee CHRISTMANN MILLER [1st husband Antonius MILLER 2nd George GLAUB]
GRAUF, Elisabeth Bernardine2-15-18977-23-1897~7-25-1897s/o Henry GRAUF and Clara nee TELKER after the death of John WEILER and Bernardine nee TELKER she was adopted by the GRAUF'S
GRETZ, Eva~11-26-185751year~~
GREUZER, Elisabetha11-28-18311-12-189968-1-131-14-1899[nee MOOCK] w/o Michael widow
GROSSMAN, Lucia~10-6-186456 years10-8-1864w/o Michael
GUETHLEIN, Harry E.3-15-19107-28-197868 years8-1-1978[h/o ?]
HAAS, Laverne12-13-193211-30-19385 yr 11 mo~d/o Raymond and Edna KUNKEL
HAAS, Lorraine12-13-19328-16-19396 yr 8 mo8-19-1939d/o Raymond and Edna KUNKEL
HACK, Elisabeth M.9-7-18427-2-192170 years7-4-1921w/o John L. from St. Nicholaus
HACK, John L.8-25-183911-1-191172-2-611-3-1911[h/o Elizabeth M.
HAHN, Mary Rosa18889-19-190113-3-69-21-1901d/o Adam and Catherine BOEHMER nee STENGER
HANNESFEGER, Margareta~~about 3 mo.08-05-1849d/o Adam and Anna Maria Kleinfelter
HANSON, Anna Maria~9-2-18754 months9-4-1875d/o Frederick and Maria nee WEBER
HANSON, Maria~~28 years7-3-1883[w/o Clement]
HARMEYER, Henry18684-24-191243 years4-26-1912~
HARTMAN, Johann Adam5-4-18582-21-190445-11-172-24-1904[h/o Katharina RIPPERGER] [s/o Joseph and Elizabeth WISSEL]
HARTMANN, Katharina9-26-18652-24-188823 years2-27-1888 w/o Johann ADAM [nee RIPPERGER d/o Aloys RIPPERGER and Maria Eva GEIS]
HAUCK, Andreas~07-02-18581 yr. 3 mo~s/o Adam
HAUCK, Andreas1827~~07-04-1859born in Regne, Bavaria
HEIG, Peter8-6-18307-19-188756 years7-21-1887~
HEIN, Conrad~11-30-187119 years12-1-1871brother of Joseph
HEIN, Elizabeth~~~11-05-1848w/o John nee Metz
HEIN, Joseph~12-7-187117 years12-8-1871brother of Conrad
HELL, Maria Anna~7-19-187860 years7-20-1878[nee BRAND widow of Joseph]
HERGENROTHER, Anna Maria04-18-181810-15-185537-5-27~nee Schmitt, age old [first w/o Peter]
HERGENROTHER, Anna Maria~5-8-187665-1-75-10-1876~
HERGENROTHER, Eva~~15 mo08-10-1847d/o Peter and Anna Maria Schmitt
HERGENROTHER, Franz Joseph10-29-18561-12-18636 year1-13-1863s/o Peter and Margaretha [EPPIG] [tombstone says died 2-14-1862]
HERGENROTHER, John~2-24-187118 years2-26-1871s/o Peter [and Anna Maria SCHMIDT]
HERGENROTHER, Margaretha10-4-18307-27-1860 30 year7-29-1860[2nd] w/o Peter nee EPPIG [record says EPPICH]
HERGENROTHER, Peter~4-18-187665-6-94-19-1876[h/o Anna Maria SCHMITT 1st Margaretha EPPIG 2nd and Anna Maria ROSENBERGER 3rd] f/o a family
HERZEL, Anna M.~2-20-192852 years2-23-1928nee BIHR DUERDERHOFF [DUNDORF?]
HILBERT, [Herman] John3-15-18683-16-18681 day3-l8-1868[s/o Herman and Charlotte STRASBURGER
HILBERT, Adelheid~3-18-189077 years3-20-1890w/o Henry [tombstone says 78 years died 3-19-1890
HILBERT, Anna Elizabeth188410-6-196581 years10-9-1965[d/o Clemens and Frances BRUNS [nee STURWOLD] w/o John H.
HILBERT, Anna Maria~2-12-190627-4-282-15-1906nee STURWOLD w/o Henry Jr.
HILBERT, Anna Maria12-26-18496-8-191666 yr6-10-1916w/o Gerhart [nee STROTHMAN
HILBERT, Bernard Henry8-6-18176-4-189476 yrs 10 mo6-6-1894[tombstone says died 6-6-1894]
HILBERT, Catherine Adalbaide~1-29-187290 years1-30-1872w/o Henry
HILBERT, Charlotte2-2-18499-28-192677 yrs10-1-1926[nee STRASBURGER] w/o Herman
HILBERT, Francis Joseph2-20-18942-22-1894~2-24-1894infant of Gerhart and Anna Maria nee STROTHMAN [records says Bernard Joseph
HILBERT, George~2-3-1862abt 1year2-4-1862s/o John Gerard [and Maria Adelheide FISCHER]
HILBERT, Gerhart10-2-18502-23-190250-5-212-26-1902[h/o Anna Maria STROTHMAN [tombstone says died in 1901 - this would figure right for the age]
HILBERT, Henry~12-12-188895 years12-14-1888~
HILBERT, Henry G.18497-27-193383 years7-29-1933[h/o Rose LINGG]
HILBERT, Herman9-14-18454-4-193791 years4-7-1937 [h/o Charlotte STRASBURGER]
HILBERT, John~12-7-18743 years12-8-1874s/o Herman and [Charlotte STRASBURGER?] Catherine
HILBERT, John~~4 yr 6 mo2-14-1883[Franklin County death records says Theodore H. HILBERT 4 died 3-14-1883?]
HILBERT, John Gerard11-10-18209-26-190281-10-169-29-1902[h/o Maria Adelheide FISCHER
HILBERT, John H.18805-5-196483 years5-8-1964[h/o Anna Elizabeth STURWOLD] - s/o Gerhart and Anna Maria STROTHMAN]
HILBERT, John Henry~~6 years2-12-1883[Franklin County death record says G. HILBERT age 6 died 2-14-1883]
HILBERT, Maria Adelheide8-15-18198-31-1894abt 75 yrs9-3-1894nee FISCHER [w/o John Gerard]
HILBERT, Maria Adella~7-10-1861~7-12-1861d/o George and Agnes
HILBERT, Robert G.19129-2-199077 years9-5-1990[h/o Lucille METZ]
HILBERT, Rose18486-12-192880-2-96-14-1928[nee LINGG] w/o Henry G.
HILLER, Rosa Catherina~9-28-18983 mo9-29-1898infant d/o Edward and Margaretha WELDISHOFER
HINZLER, Margaretha~9-9-186511 months9-10-1865d/o Nicolaus and Apolonia
HOETING, Emma12-15-19056-4-1979~6-7-1979[w/o John nee MESSERSCHMIDT]
HOETING, John1-22-19091989~~[tombstone information only][h/o Emma MESSERSCHMIDT]
HOFF, Anna Maria8-9-17853-26-187185 yr 7 mo3-28-1871[nee STRITZINGER w/o Valentine] widow
HOFF, Valentine8-27-17809-9-186787 years9-l0-1867[h/o Anna Maria STRITZINGER]
HOFFMAN, Adam~9-28-187563 years9-30-1875[1st h/o Barbara ? HOFFMAN MAUNE] f/o a family
HOFFMAN, Elisabeth6-9-18844-2-195974 years4-6-1959[nee SCHUCK] w/o William buried at Maple Grove
HOFFMAN, Katharina~12-8-187975 years12-9-1879widow [tombstone says died 12-7-1879]
HOHMAN, Eva~l0-11-18656 years10-12-1865d/o Tobias
HOHMAN, Gerald M.10-21-19484-20-195017 mo4-21-1950s/o Jerome and Delores SCHWEGMAN [tombstone says died 4-21-1950]
HOHMAN, Joseph~9-18-186510 years9-10-1865s/o Tobias
HOLTMULLER, Joseph~~about 50 02-16-1846~
HOOG, Alphonse5-12-19014-16-193634 yr 11 mo4-20-1936s/o Joseph and Cecelia HAAS h/o Rebecca ????
HOOG, Anna18841-7-197287 years1-11-1972[nee TELKER] w/o William buried at St. Leon
HOOG, Cecelia A.18745-31-196389 years6-4-1963[nee HAAS] w/o Joseph H.
HOOG, Joseph H.18734-4-194874-5-154-7-1948h/o Cecelia A. HAAS
HOOG, Loretta Marie19166-22-197760 years6-25-1977[nee BULACH w/o Robert]
HOOG, Rebecca8-1-19027-21-194340 yr7-24-1943d/o John SCHNEIDER and Anna SCHUCK w/o Alphonse deceased died of cancer
HORNBERGER, Henry J.19148-26-196349 years8-29-1963h/o Rose [P. VOGELGESANG]
HORNBERGER, Rose P.8-29-19132-26-198470 years3-2-1984[nee VOGELGESANG w/o Henry J.]
HORNUNG, Francesca~5-14-18614 mo.5-15-1861d/o Andreas and Carolina
HORSTMAN, Louis18716-9-191847-2-256-12-1918h/o Margaret [RITZI]
HORSTMAN, Margaret18687-10-196496 years8-1-1964[nee RITZI] w/o Louis
HOUNTZ, Nora18925-17-1980~5-20-1980buried at St. Pius - single
HUBER, Everett4-5-1900~~8-29-1988[h/o Susan ROSFELD] [tombstone information only]
HUBER, Susan19029-15-197774 years9-17-1977[nee ROSFELD w/o Everett]
HUMIG, Andronis~10-18-1857~~s/o Andreas
HUMIG, Francis~9-20-18654 mo9-21-1865s/o Adam and Catharina [NAEGELE]
HUMIG, Francis Ignatius~8-21-18642 mo8-23-1864s/o Adam and Catharina [NAEGELE]
HUMIG, Juditha7-4-18898-18-1890~8-20-1890d/o Henry
JACKLE, Blasius~~12 days11-12-1848s/o Matthew and Elisabeth Jackle
JACOB, Catherina~11-12-187047 years11-14-1870w/o Peter
JACOB, Henry Francis~~about 50 09-23-1849~
JOHNSON, Magdalena18748-25-196489 years8-28-1964~
JUNG, Caroline~4-10-193774 years4-13-1937~
JUNG, Catherine~~2 yr 3 mo06-15-1847d/o Peter and Catherine Eberling
JUNG, Catherine~~about 4007-05-1847nee Eberling w/o Peter
JUNG, Catherine~11-24-193469 years11-28-1934of cerebral hemorage died 11-24/25-1934 ?
JUNG, Elisabeth~9-3-193373-7-179-5-1933[w/o George?]
JUNG, George~1-11-193177-2-201-14-1931[h/o Elisabeth?]
JUNG, Margaretha3-18-182710-20-189164 yrs 8 mo10-23-1891w/o Valentin
JUNG, Valentine3-13-18237-11-189673 yr 4 mo7-13-1896[h/o Margarethe]
KAFER, Andreas11-30-18334-28-189561 yrs 5 mo4-30-1895[h/o Mary ZIMMERMAN]
KAFER, Andrew11-29-18698-19-194375 years8-21-1943[s/o Andreas and Mary ZIMMERMAN]
KAFER, Mary183512-22-191883 yr 11 mo12-26-1918[nee ZIMMERMAN w/o Andreas]
KENNEL, Loren Phillip19464-16-196316 years4-19-1963[s/o Elton C. Sr. and Virginia A. CARBEARY]
KENNEL, Virginia A.8-5-19083-5-196960 years3-8-1969[nee CARBEARY] w/o Elton C. Sr.
KESSEL, Edward Peter~2-21-1904abt 6-7-272-16-1904s/o Edward Sr. and Anna Maria REISERT
KESSEL, Margaret~~abt 17 hrs8-24-1903infant d/o Edward and Anna Maria REISERT
KIRSCHNER, Barbara~2-5-186867 years2-7-1868widow
KIRSCHNER, John~8-1-186028 year8-3-1860New Orleans comsumption
KLEINFELTER, Elisabeth~~about 8 mo07-30-1849d/o John and Elisabeth nee [Heeg] Heck
KLEINFELTER, Elisabeth2-12-18233-12-189572 yr 1 mo3-15-1895[w/o John] nee HEEG
KLEINFELTER, Henry~~around 65 06-26-1849funeral at Wolf Creek
KLOTZ, Johann Mathias5-12-18474-20-189952 yr 11 mo4-22-1899~
KLOTZ, Joseph~08-05-185840 year~[h/o Kresendia] [stone saids 46th yr.]
KLOTZ, Kresendia~10-28-188977 years~[w/o Joseph] [tombstone record only]
KNECHT, Catherina~12-26-186612 years12-28-1866d/o Francis and Margaretha
KNECHT, Ernest C. Sr.18989-25-196971 years9-29-1969[h/o Henrietta C. SCHUCK]
KNECHT, Helen M.18961-16-198588 years1-19-1985[nee WERNER w/o Kleo A.]
KNECHT, Henrietta C.8-29-18999-9-198586 years9-12-1985[nee SCHUCK w/o Ernest C. Sr.]
KNECHT, Joseph Frank187710-14-196588 years10-16-1965h/o Josephine BATH [s/o Francis and Margaret HERBERT]
KNECHT, Josephine18813-28-1982100 years3-30-1982[nee BATH w/o Joseph Frank d/o Peter BATH and Margaret Anna WEIDENBACH]
KNECHT, Katherine11-6-18694-7-190222 yr 5 mo4-9-1902w/o Charles nee HILBERT- 32 years old?]
KNECHT, Katie3-31-19023-31-1902infant4-2-1902daughter of Charles and Katherina [HILBERT] died at birth
KNECHT, Kleo A.18982-8-196768 years2-11-1967h/o Helen M. [WERNER]
KNECHT, Lawrence J.10-2-190512-10-19052 mo 6 d12-12-1905(John Lawrence Gabriel) s/o Charles and Anna nee SCHMIDT
KNECHT, Margareta02-26-180107-15-185251 year~w/o John [tombstone record only]
KNECHT, Marie11-8-191611-8-1916infant11-10-1916d/o Joseph Frank and Josephine BATH stillborn
KNECHT, Peter Paul~3-15-18991 mo 16 d3-16-1899s/o Joseph Frank and Josephina BATH
KNECHT, Stanley Philip9-8-191810-15-197051 years10-17-1970h/o Margaret [VOGELGESANG] s/o Kleo A. and Helen M. [WERNER]
KNECHT, Theresia12-27-190412-6-197973 years12-10-1979[METZLER w/o Xavier] buried at Cedar Grove
KNECHT, William J.19375-20-1937infant~s/o Ernest C. Sr. and Henrietta SCHUCK
KNECHT, Xavier10-3-18943-20-197176 years3-23-1971h/o Theresia [METZLER] buried at Cedar Grove
KOCH, Henry J.3-26-18229-24-189977 yr 6 mo9-26-1899[h/o Katharina]
KOCH, Katharine1-23-18242-3-190884 yr 10 d2-5-1908w/o Henry J.
KOCHER, William19222-27-198764 years3-3-1987h/o Anna Mae SCHWAB buried at St. Michaels
KOEHLER, Margaretha~6-15-18609 mo6-16-1860d/o Ignatius and Catherine Geis
KOETTER, Roman H.190412-26-197369 years12-29-1973[s/o Bernard and Rose LECHER]
KOHL, Maria~~6 months12-15-1863~
KOHLMAN, Rev. John A.9-5-18674-16-1938~4-20-1938pastor of St. Peter's
KRAUS, John Adam~~about 5 yrs04-03-1849s/o John Adam and Maria Anna nee Ripperger
KRAUS, John Jacob~~about 8 mo07-04-1849s/o John Adam and Maria Anna nee Ripperger
KRAUS, Maria~4-18-186111 year4-19-1861d/o John Adam and Maria Anna [RIPPBERGER]
KREITZER, Anna18954-28-193641 yr 7 mo5-1-1936[nee MESSERSCHMIDT] w/o Frank died suddenly
KREITZER, Conrad4-9-186910-21-191242 years10-24-1912~
KREITZER, Conrad Philip2-15-18964-5-189670 days4-7-1896infant s/o Philip [ and Josephine BOERSTLER] [tombstone says died 4-20-1896]
KREITZER, Frank~3-26-196168 years3-29-1961[s/o Michael and Magdalena KUNTZ] h/o Anna MESSERSCHMIDT]
KREITZER, Josephine11-21-18645-8-192459 yr 5 mo5-10-1924[nee BOERSTLER] w/o Philip
KREITZER, Magdalena12-31-186710-18-194981 yr 9 mo10-21-1949[nee KUNTZ] w/o Michael
KREITZER, Michael12-27-18572-24-191355 yrs 1 mo2-27-1913h/o Magdalena KUNTZ
KREITZER, Philip7-15-18607-28-193979 yr 15 d7-31-1939s/o Michael and Elisabeth MOCK [h/o Josephine BOERSTLER]
KREMER, Thomas A.194712-18-197427 years12-21-1974s/o John [and Francis KIRSCHNER]
KREUZER, Adam~9-2-18651 year9-24-1865s/o Michael and Elisabeth [MOOCK]
KREUZER, Elisabeth Magdalena~9-30-1892infant10-1-1892d/o Elisabeth
KREUZER, Joseph~9-15-186314 months9-17-1863s/o Michael [Sr.] and Elisabeth [nee MOOCK]
KREUZER, Michael~9-18-18755? years9-19-1875[h/o Elizabeth MOOCK] f/o a family farmer
KUEGEL, Catherina~4-24-186493 years4-25-1864widow
KUHN, Adam John18642-16-194075-2-12-19-1940s/o Michael and Philomena AMHRINE h/o Anna HOLTZLEITER buried at St. Michael's
KUHN, Anna18835-28-196682 years5-31-1966[nee HOLTZLEITER w/o Adam John] buried at St. Michaels
KUHN, George~2-15-187056 years12-17-1870farmer
KUNKEL, Adam2-14-18304-2-191484 years4-4-1914h/o Elisabeth Maria REISERT
KUNKEL, Amelia4-28-18728-22-194371 years8-25-1943[daughter of John MESSERSCHMIDT and Constantina GEIGER [nee MESSERSCHMIDT] w/o John died of pnumonia
KUNKEL, Bernice Marie3-19-19283-24-19302 yr 5 d3-26-1930d/o Joseph Jr and Veronica [Fronie] ROSFELD died of throat infection
KUNKEL, Clarence4-27-19006-11-1900infant6-13-1900s/o John and Amelia [MESERSCHMIDT] born in Fayette County
KUNKEL, Edward189111-1-198088 years11-4-1980[h/o Lena RATZ] - marriage record says born 11-23-1892?]
KUNKEL, Elisabeth Maria2-5-18421-23-1909~1-26-1909[nee REISERT w/o Adam]
KUNKEL, Frank Wendel4-5-18854-10-1900abt 15 yr 4 d4-12-1900s/o Adam and Elisabeth Maria REISERT
KUNKEL, John1-16-18741-6-195984 yr 11 mo1-9-1959h/o Amelia [MESSERSCHMIDT s/o Adam and Elizabeth REISERT] died at Madison Indiana
KUNKEL, Joseph Jr.1-23-19013-17-195655 years3-21-1956h/o Veronica [Fronie ROSFELD s/o Adam and Elisabeth Maria REISERT]
KUNKEL, Joseph Sr.18652-20-195185 years2-23-1951[1st marriage to Rosalie MESSERSCHMIDT 2nd to Mary VOLK 3rd to Anna RITZI]
KUNKEL, Mary18792-24-192646 yr2-26-1926[nee VOLK 2nd w/o Joseph Sr.] d/o Joseph VOLK and Annie GEIS
KUNKEL, Mary L.2-13-19042-13-1904infant2-15-1904d/o Joseph Sr. and Mary nee VOLK [tombstone says 2-14-1904]
KUNKEL, Ohmer J.5-5-19021-1-197572 years1-4-1975h/o Verena [SCHWEGMAN]
KUNKEL, Rosalia Maria12-7-186711-9-1898~11-11-1898nee MESSERSCHMIDT [1st w/o Joseph Sr.] d/o John MESSERSCHMIDT and Constantina GEIGER
KUNKEL, Veronica18973-9-197878 years3-13-1978[Fronie nee ROSFELD w/o Joseph Jr.]
KUNTZ, Elisabeth~2-8-18771 month2-9-1877d/o John P. [and Mary Anna MOCK]
KUNTZ, Jacob~09-06-185875 year~~
KUNTZ, John P.6-24-18358-23-192083 years8-26-1920[h/o Mary Anna MOCK] [married 5-18-1857]
KUNTZ, Mary Anna9-13-18342-7-191277 years2-10-1912[w/o John P. married 5-18-1857 nee MOCK
KUNTZ, Michael2-9-18655-24-189429 years5-26-1894s/o John P. and Mary Anna MOCK died in insane ward at Rushville
KUNZLER, Joseph~12-12-187736 years12-14-1877[husband of Frances STULP] f/o a family
LAKER, Edmund F.8-20-19017-3-197573 years7-8-1975[h/o Matilda E. ROSFELD]
LAKER, Matilda E.5-17-18985-5-196566 years5-8-1965[nee ROSFELD] w/o Edmund F.
LANG, George~09-25-1858infant~miscarriage
LEDIG, Barbara~6-4-187057 yr 8 mo6-6-1870w/o Joseph nee JUNKER - paralysis
LENDER, Alois3-17-189212-16-193240 years12-19-1932s/o Aloysuis and Anna M. GEIS suicide soldier
LENDER, Elisabeth Helen7-10-1897?7-17-18978 days7-19-1897infant of Aloysius and Anna M. GEIS
LENDER, Joseph S.10-7-18883-20-193242 years3-23-1932~
LENDER, Magdalena~11-11-186473 years11-12-1864widow
LENDER, Theresia~7-26-18944 months7-28-1894infant of Aloysius and Anna M. GEIS
LEWIS, James6-13-18665-31-191750 yrs 11 mo6-4-1917h/o Maria PFLUM
LINDER, Aloysius~1-8-190775-3-81-10-1907[h/o Anna M. GEIS]
LINDER, Anna M.~10-27-192771-5-1910-31-1927[nee GEIS w/o Aloysius]
LIVERS, Amos Leonard8-15-19217-6-197149 years7-9-1971h/o Ada [HANKINS LIVERS NICHOLSON] s/o Amos and Verna ELDER born in Perry County Indiana
LOECHLE, Germard~12-25-187165 years12-27-1871[h/o Louisa SCHNEIDER] f/o a family
LOHR, Jacob~~72 yr 4 mo10-26-1908[Franklin county death records says died 10-27-1908?]
LONG, Frank~11-9-18622 year11-10-1862~

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