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Barbara Jeanne Fisher$11.00
Author Barbara Jeanne Fisher

Stolen Moments is a powerhouse of a love story, fraught with the joy and despair of day-to-day living. Several twists and turns take the reader to a parallel universe where those who have lived long and loved well can understand.

The story line is timeless. In many aspects it is a lonely account played out in the lives of women who are married to successful men . . . men who see their only worth in life as being successful in business, blind to the beauty surrounding them.

It is a story of emotional isolation as lupus devours a physical body and, if not for unexpected love, a radiant spirit as well.

In the end, Donald finds the grace to live with courage. Julie finds the courage to die with grace. Together they find the love they so strongly desire and deserve; she from a passionless marriage; he from a passion-filled loss.

In this writer's opinion, Barbara Jeanne Fisher shines as an inspiration to the literary heart of a true love story. The depth of emotion and strength of character development is a tribute to her talent and intimate knowledge of lupus. Is Stolen Moments her own catharsis of her battle with the pain?

Reviewer: Judy K. TeSelle (April 2001)

Order you copy today, only $11.00, plus shipping and handling!!

This book is in hard cover only, and will be mailed by the author after purchase.


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