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Hi there ! Something's brewing in the soup pot ! Wonder what that is ? Stay for awhile and let my pot whip you up something delicious ! When you are done , you can go on and help yourself to the dessert section .

Here's my mother's recipe for green / red bean soup . This can double up as a wonderful and filling dessert too !

100g to 150g of red / green bean ( Depending on the servings you want )

About 4 to 6 tablespoons of brown sugar

A slice a orange peel (Optional )

Firstly , wash the beans thoroughly . Make sure all the sand or spolied beans ( if any) are washed away or removed . Next , soak the beans in a bowl of clear water for about 30 to 45 minutes before boiling .(This allow the beans to soften so that the cooking time would be lessened .) . After 30 to 45 minutes , pour away the soaking water .

Fill a pot with three-quarters of water . Pour the soaked beans in and start the fire . After 15 minutes , check the water level . Be sure that it stays around half to three-quarters so that the soup would not boil away . Stir the soup every ten minutes or so to prevent the beans from sticking to the bottom of the pot .

The soup would be almost ready once the beans have softened and broken . Lower the flame . Watch for the water level . Add the sugar . Allow the soup to simmer for another 10 minutes or so . Add in the slice of orange peel in the meantime ( Optional ) Taste the soup . If it is not sweet enough for your taste , add more sugar .Once ready , you may serve it hot or cold as a soup or dessert . It's a healthy snack or treat for the whole family !

Here's something which you may not have tasted before or you may have :

An anchoy-based vegetarian soup

50g to 75g of anchovies

Some slices of tomatoes

Some leaves of cabbages(washed and shredded)

A quarter to half of a carrot(Sliced)

Some stalks of parsley(Washed carefully and chopped )

Some baby corn(Sliced diagonally into smaller pieces)

Some olive oil(About one to two tablespoons)

Some salt

The above are some of the types of vegeatbles you may want to add in your vegeatble soup . Unlike some soups which use chicken or other meat as the base ( hence chicken borth , beef broth etc ) , this soup recipe uses anchovies which contain less fat than chicken or beef .

The anchovies should be bought as dried ones . They are to be fried wtih some olive oil until golden brown and cripsy . This is to get rid of the fishy taste which some may not like . Next , remove them form the oil and strain them over on some tissue .

While you are frying the anchovies , boil a pot of water (About a quarter to half a pot depending the number of servings you want) . Bring the water to a rolling boil before adding the fried anchovies in . Let the water to continue to boil until you see a 'milky-mist like' foam forming throughout the soup . ( It takes around ten to fifteen minutes or more depending on the flame).

Next , add in the carrots slices and baby corn (the carrots slices and baby corn would have to increase if you are cooking for more than two).Let them boil for about three minutes (Make sure they are soft enough to eat) . Lower the flame slightly this time . Later , add in the cabbage leaves . Boil for another two minutes . Add in the tomates . Boil for another two mintues . Finally , add the salt for taste .(the amount of salt depends on your slat . Make sure that it is not too SALTY !) Turn off the flame and let the remaining heat to blend the taste of the ingrdients you put in the pot together . Cover the pot . After three minutes , add the parsley and you shall enjoy your very own vegetarian soup ! This is also suitable for those who are recovering from flu or cold or fever .