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I FoxXTrash C.e.o. and Manager of XrDarius Production's Inc. am dumb. Hella dumb, beyond dumb. Much like the asshole version of dumb. But I have a reason, cause like DP has moved to the true gaming industry! Yes you heard me right. Now the stories have been finally written down and accounted for in a 3 part series airing soon on this site known as the Chronicles: Endless Demonics I'm currently working on with Rpg Maker 2000. So you ask what's this all about? Well it's a small step towards the future of my career that's what, and everything has a beginning right. There also something in the far future I'm stretching myself but I'm not gonna get into that right now other then the simple company " Green Light" for those of you know who that is


Oh god! the new logo for Dp is sick huh, thank you Drake. Like the wind! Anywhooooooo I'm having some gay problems with the game like every time you take a step it flashes a transparent red color like I'm poisoned and subtracts 1 Hp from the total. So I have to figure that bitch out and pimp slap it. But in the mean time I'm gathering as much info from the past five years of my rping experiences to incorporate into the game. Hella history with a new twist because some things just don't fit into the web of dialogue so if your char isn't in it its either you sucked like a wounded goat, you didn't affect my story, or you were an asshole and I'm mad lazy.


Sick as a dog... sick as a dog. Well I woke up with a really bad head cold and like my mom forced me to school, but like I didn't feel any better so I came back home. Anyway the game is coming along good, except for the minor detail that I had to delete the first copy. Yea Kevin messed up royally, which will put me behind about a month. Other then that the good news is that I've got the hang of game making and I got it all in my pocket with the dialogue and maps. Oh and soon ill consider releasing some screen captures just for a little tease. I be out .. got a runny nose.