Chapter 30: Another End!
Round 3, Fight 7, Shang Tsung v Noob Saibot!
"How appropriate a place to meet one's end, in the Grave Yard!"
However, Noob Saibot didn't comment, merely looking straight at Shang Tsung. What he was thinking, or what the other was thinking, would be impossible for anyone but the most gifted of beings to tell.
"What the...little kid! Don't think that the spike suit impresses me!"
"Either it does, or you are even dumber than I thought possible," Noob Saibot said.
"Name's Akira. I's looking for my brother, the Big Boss."
"Ah, I'd heard about that. Had to do with some fat slob brain-washing some kids. Raizo was the name. After this is over, I'll be sure to see that."
"Get past your opponent, first," so saying, `Akira' disappeared in smoke.
At the same moment, Noob Saibot came up through the ground, and slammed Shang Tsung into the ground. He was then hit by a ghost ball. A clone was hurled at Shang Tsung, and Noob Saibot awaited the demon with an uppercut.
The entire cheese was repeated. It could have been repeated indefinitely, had Shang Tsung not morphed. For this encounter, he chose the warrior bound from the harsh pits of Hell, Scorpion.
In mid air, he teleported, and brought his fist into Noob Saibot's face, staggering the dark warrior. The follow-up wasn't long in the waiting, as a spear dug deep into what could be called Noob Saibot's flesh, and dragged him to his antagonist. He was uppercutted, and as he went flying, Shang Tsung morphed back into himself, and unleashed a volcanic eruption, bringing Noob Saibot back to him, allowing him to drive another uppercut into Noob Saibot.
"Fool! What chance to you have against me! I who have control of all of those warriors, and even that of you! You have no chance of defeating me!"
Almost in surprise, Noob Saibot grabbed Shang Tsung, and flipped him to the ground. However, in mid air, he morphed into Jax, and the metallic fist crashed into the ground, falling Noob Saibot. He then dashed in, and unleashed a quad-slam on his dazed foe.
Again, Noob Saibot refused to stay down, and kicked Shang Tsung's legs out from under him, knocking him out of his morph.
"Good! But not enough!"
In a flash, he became Reptile, and in a blaze of smoke, he was invisible.
What came from Noob Saibot, was indescribable, but it sounded closest to a laugh, which, considering what happened next, it might have been.
Noob Saibot teleported, and snatched Shang Tsung out of seemingly thin air, and slammed him to the ground. A second later, he was up, with Noob Saibot's hands wrapped around Shang Tung's throat, his green eyes glowing, casting a ghastly light on Shang Tsung's face.
"How, did, you, do it?" choked Shang Tsung, who thought that it would be impossible for him to be seen, invisible.
"Arrogant fool! I don't not need to see you to be able to find you. You have fought humans so long, you forget the abilities of those not of Earth. My eyes give me a sort of night-vision. I could still see your body heat! Now, your mistake will be your demise!"
Noob Saibot stuck a strong punch to Shang Tsung's gut, staggering him. Then, the very shadows seemed to flow into Noob Saibot, obeying their dark master. Then, a large force ball engulfed Shang Tsung. It didn't take long, and the ghastly shadows left the mark, as Shang Tsung joined the ranks of the defeated dead.
"Such amazing potential, but such overconfidence. It is little wonder for you to have lost to a human. Now, I return to the shadows, until next I am called."
I can hardly believe it. Here I am, with Ryu! He's so...lost. Neither he nor Ken will talk about what happened when they were confronted by Shen Long and Goutetsu. None of us have seen them, for that matter.
Now, to have Sakura die, while she was trying to save his life--it must be eating him alive.
"Chun Li?" he asked, almost startling her in her deep thought.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle's nothing."
He's so sweet. Even when he is in pain, he makes sure that he doesn't bother anyone else. I think it's many of the reasons I...I think I love him.
"It's ok, Ryu. I was just thinking about how hard this must be for you. If there is any way I could help you to, well, you know."
"Thank you, Li. It means a lot to me."
Li? she almost asked. Funny, how she usually hated it when anybody called her by that, maybe because it sounded too much like Lee. Who could say for sure. Whatever it was, for some strange reason, she actually liked to hear him say it. Perhaps, if she looked at her heart a little closer, she would find that she loved to hear him call her Li.
They then talked for a long while. They talked about when they first met. Guile was talking to Ken, while she had informed him about what they were planning. They wanted to get as many fighters as possible together, to help them put an end to Shadowloo, and to Bison.
In the end, Shadowloo fell, but Bison had escaped, and as they were to later learn, he had only hosted the tournament in a small base. He had a much larger one, the one in which he had launched his attack of stealing the five nuclear subs.
Chun Li then asked Ryu if he recalled her other motive for entering the tournament. When he said it was to avenge her father, she nodded lightly. She then asked if he knew that he was the first she had told. He replied that he hadn't...and after a very tense moment of silence, he asked her why.
"...Even to this day, I don't know. Maybe it's just something about you, that--appeals to me. I don't know. It causes my heart to race throughout, and beat at my flesh so hard, that it seems as if it wants to break free of my flesh and bone. It causes me to feel very--nervous. I don't know..."
"...I think I may. It is a feeling I shared with Sakura."
She was now standing directly in front of him. Neither seemed to be breathing, or noticing anything that went on around them. In their ears, all they seemed to hear were their hearts, racing faster and faster, with a seemingly endless supply of energy.
To Chun Li's surprise, the wind blew very hard, and caused her hair to fall back. She was bent down to pick the little ribbons she wore, when Ryu's hand caught her hand. It was gentle, without the slightest hint of aggression. His hand felt so smooth, and nice, on her flesh. Maybe...
"I," he began, as if he had just been caught in the act of doing something he felt he shouldn't be doing.
"Yes, Ryu?"
"I--like your hair like that. It seems so natural, so free. I think you should leave it like that."
Then, without thinking, and without waiting, they each moved closer for an embrace, caught up in the moment.
"Ryu! Chun Li!"
They both got up, startled. A few moments later, Cammy was there, never knowing what she had accidentally interrupted.
"I'm so sorry, Ryu. I just heard from Ken what happened. I know that loosing Sakura must really hurt. If I can help, let me know."
"Uh, thank you, Cammy."
"Come on, Chun Li. It's time for our match. Let's see who is the strongest woman in the world!"
They left, as Chun Li waved back to Ryu.
Ryu, ya jerk! How can you be doing this? No sooner has Sakura died, saving your butt, than you fall for another woman! What's wrong with you? I, don't think I'll ever understand love.
"Woah! Strange place. It looks like a sort of Safari. It almost seems--familiar."
"Damn! Look at the size of that snake!"
A green, creature, was revealed in it's mouth, much to the shock of the ladies.
"Don't worry. It won't hurt ya! Just don't get it mad, and you'll be ok!"
"I swear, if you come as Spiderman, I think someone's going to need to visit a shrink."
"It could be worse, Cammy. He could be Morrigan, or Lilith."
They stared at each other, and then laughed, before bowing, and going into their stances.
Each stood, looking across the short distance before each other, sizing up her friend, and now, her opponent. They had fought a match before, with Chun Li just coming out ahead. Now, each had the chance to gain more experience, and both had grown stronger. Finally, each made a move toward the other.
Each leapt, but Cammy was able to grab Chun Li first, and toss her to the ground. Chun Li thrust out her hands, landing, and then flipped onto her feet. Cammy landed right beside Chun Li, only to be smacked by Chun Li's Whirlwind kick. As it ended, Chun Li bent forward, bringing the last two kicks down, over Cammy's head.
Chun Li backed down, allowing her friend a moment to get back to her feet.
"That was always your prob, Li. You always hold back for friends. That's how I was able to smack your head into the ground like I did."
"I know."
Cammy spun through the air for her Frankensteiner, and got her legs wrapped around Chun Li's neck. No sooner had she locked her legs, then Chun Li grabbed them, and drove Cammy's head into the ground, loosening Cammy's hold, so that Chun Li could free herself. Cammy rolled back a bit, and was back to her feet. Chun Li was just looking at her.
"So, what do you think, Cammy? Not going to be as easy this time, is it?"
Cammy opened her mouth to reply, but decided, for her own reasons, not to speak. Instead, she focused on her opponent.
"Lock on!" Cammy yelled, as she spun toward Chun Li.
With hardly any effort, Chun Li blocked. It was the effort to maintain the block throughout the duration of the attack that put the most strain on her. She was surprised at how much power her younger friend had amassed. She had made an almost unmatched level of progress.
"Now! Hazan-Tensho-Kyaku!"
As Cammy shot into the air, Chun Li bent down, and blasted into the air for her own super, kicking out at Cammy. Chun Li received a shock, for the instant Cammy's move ended, and the exact moment Chun Li started hers, Cammy made an instant recovery, in mid air! As the hits came, Cammy was able to block them, thwarting Chun Li's plan for victory.
"Surprise!" Cammy exclaimed, not even trying to hide her success, "I've gotten better!"
"Let us see how much better, Cammy."
Chun Li went for a flip kick, which was answered by a Thrust Kick. This time, it was Cammy who was surprised, as Chun Li suddenly ended the moved, to grab Cammy, and drive her to the ground, under her weight.
A Kikoken was evaded, as Cammy hit Chun Li with her Spinning Knuckles. Again, each were facing their friend, but only for a moment. Cammy went for a suplex, only for Chun Li to put her leg between Cammy's and slam her to the ground. Cammy then swept Chun Li off her feet. Each backflipped, to allow them some distance, and looked back to each other, trying to figure out to do next.
Chun Li tried another Kikoken, only for Cammy to leap over it, and go for an arrow. Again, Chun Li blocked, and Cammy bounced away.
"Sen-Retsu-Kyaku!" Chun Li yelled, as she shot forward, battering Cammy with a barrage of kicks, ending with a final thrust to Cammy's face, knocking her out.
"I expected better."
"Congratulations, Chun Li."
"Oh, Ryu!" but she stopped, as she saw the look in his manner.
"If I did anything to, lead you on, I'm sorry, Chun Li. But, after Sakura just died, I can' wouldn't be right.."
He bowed politely toward her, and walked back.
"You are right, Ryu," she whispered, "I was wrong for trying to, so soon. I hope you will forgive me. Please, forgive me..."
"What a strange setting. I don't think I've ever seen the moon appear to be so, large. Have I gone mad, or is that a werewolf?"
"It doesn't matter, Sagat. If it wants, it'll come for us. Now, let us begin."
Like the wind, Kabal dashed into Sagat, causing him to spin like a top. He then summoned a saw-like blade, which cut into Sagat's flesh causing the giant to scream in bloody pain. No sooner had it ended, then Kabal was bashing him with strange, hook-like devices. He then knocked Sagat into the air, ending with his exploding projectile, bringing Sagat to the ground with an ugly thud.
"GET UP!" yelled Kabal, as he took Sagat, and violently flung him around, before he threw him into a small pond.
"If you were once a master, it is pitiful to see the rest. Perhaps, after your initial lose, you have slumped. You have been so consumed by it, that it is all you see. That is why you will go down in defeat, and why you have not been able to touch me!"
Kabal summoned another saw, but the initial pain had struck nerve, one that recalled to Sagat his fiery spirit. He executed a perfect Tiger Knee over it, but only with the last part decking Kabal. For any other person, bashing his knee into Kabal's mask would have, at least, shattered it. Sagat is a master of Thai Boxing, so such a thing would hurt, as it would anyone, but it would not be enough to stop him.
Sagat's monstrous hand grabbed Kabal's head, and lifted him off his feet. He then proceeded to bash his knee into Kabal's gut, before he threw him away, like a broken toy.
"That was a mistake, old man. You shouldn't have let me go!"
"Perhaps. Then again, maybe, it's what I want!"
Kabal dashed in for another attack, going for a repeat. Calmly, Sagat blocked the attack, leaving Kabal stunned for a moment--more than enough time.
"Tiger Canon!"
Sagat's voice ripped through the very air, and as his fists crashed into Kabal's face, the same Canon he had used to advance as before, allowed him to advance once more.
"Look at this freak! What a shame, to be so ugly. Time to end it!"
"No," said Sagat, firmly.
"What are you doing, fool?" demanded Vega.
"Look at him. Without his breathing things, he will die. What worse a way to let a man die, than this. Every thought being turned against him. The one thing that he needed to live, deserts him."
"I love the way you think, Sagat. Let's go back to the others."
The wolf stopped howling to the moon, and vanished from sight. A mere heartbeat later, it was beside a dying Kabal.
"Nice work, Sagat. He actually bought it," was the last thing Kabal heard, before he was consumed in blackness.
"Man, what a spooky, gate! It's almost as freaky as Shadowloo! It's hard to believe that this place is a High School!"
"Justice High School, according to this sign. How fitting a name, Ken."
Subzero turned to where Ken was looking, and saw a very pretty woman, one that could even warm the heart of the "ice-man."
"It is almost a shame," said Subzero.
"What, ya married?"
"She's not real."
"She looks real enough for...oh, yea," he finished, as the woman flashed in between them.
"Be careful, Ken. What would Eliza say if you were gauking at another woman. Kyoko's real, and when you return, you may meet her. What would happen, if you did what you are doing now?"
"He would probably have his wife slug him, for being disloyal," Subzero smirked.
"You're a friendly one. Well, with Ryu's loss, some guy has to restore our name. Looks like it'll be me. Ready when you are, snowy!"
"The name, is Subzero," he replied, coldly, if such a thing made much a difference.
"Hey, you, watch your mouth! Despite some--little game, I love her with every part of my soul! I would, and have, recently, risked my very life for her! Just because you're cold, and don't know how to feel the heat, don't go messing with a man's wife!"
"No need to become so offensive, Ken...not unless you have a reason to."
"That does it! I'm going to pound you into the ground."
Ken went for his series of Dragon punches, but as he lashed out with the last one, Subzero did a back-flip, and froze Ken. He then smashed his fists into Ken, finishing with a sharp kick to the head. As Ken got up, he was frozen by a shower of ice, freezing him before he could even attempt a second attack.
This time, Subzero merely hit Ken with a punch to the heart, before he froze Ken again. He then uppercutted Ken, before he used a slide on him. He waited for Ken to get on his feet, and blasted him with his freeze attack.
"Not this time!"
Ken rolled under the blast, and was almost up in Subzero's face. He attempted another one, only for Ken to use a Hurricane Kick over it. Still staggering from being hit across the face so many times, Ken grabbed Subzero, and rolled, before he threw him into the gate.
As Subzero got up, Ken went in for a Sho-Ryu-Reppa!
However, it was too soon in the match. He was too close to properly counter, so Subzero merely side-stepped him. As Ken landed from the final hit, Subzero grabbed him, and introduced his face into the cold, hard, rusted steel of the gate.
As he got to his feet, though not without support from the gate. He looked up, to see Subzero's fist crash against his, and he didn't need to look to see that there was a small streak of his blood along the huge barricade.
He got up, only to have Subzero use each of his ice kombos on him, leaving Ken on his knees, with time for little more than panting.
"Well, Ken, it seems like you've reached your end. You are a good fighter, but you've lost to the better man. Better luck next time."
No! I can't lose! I...must keep on, for Eliza, for Mel, I won't lose!
"What, is that..?"
"It's time I drew upon something I haven't used in a time...Shiku-Hadouken!"
The blast, fueled by Ken's determination to win, to survive, and to for his wife and son to be proud--that is where he owes this victory.
"You need to work on your style!"
"Sensi, you did it!"
"Yea. Ooowww!"
"Ken! Is he..?" Chun Li asked, not sure she wanted to know.
"Let me...Ken will live, just a lot of blood lost."
"Ryu? I...I'm sorry about..."
"Don't worry. Sean, help me get Ken to rest. He'll need it, if he's going to make it to the end. You may come too, if you wish."
"..." Chun Li looked at him, and nodded, helping to help with Ken.
So, yet another round has come and gone! Things are coming about pretty fast! The fights are drawing to their finals, as the strong, the popular, and the lucky advance into round 4!
Bison is still determined for Shadowloo to reign supreme. Before Sagat's match, they were engaged in a battle with Goro. Well, Vega and Sagat obviously survived, leaving the conditions of Bison, Akuma, and Goro in question. Look out for 31!