My name's Eddie Starr! The Ringo has an interesting story, which you can read about below.
In my senior year in High School, page I had a teacher who just could not get my name right. She would always be calling me "Sparks."
So, I decided to tell her: "My name is NOT 'Sparks.' It is Starr, as in Ringo Starr.
Well, she still couldn't recall my name, so I became Ringo. Throughout my Senior Year, that's who I was.
If you can't tell, I love computers and the web! I'm a regular netter! If you need something found on the web, from freebies to scholarships, I'm your man. Don't forget to check my resume.
I also have a huge flare for writing. I have written sixth fanficitions, co-authored one, and am working on my seventh! What can I say, I love to write! With well over 30,000 hits to my fan web site, I got a lot to beam about!
Just in case you are wondering, my fics are: The Unofficial Mortal Kombat v Street Fighter Story; The Fatal Fury v Samurai Showdown Epic; Riot Of The Blood, Street Fighter Legends; and Fallen Angels. The one I co-authored with is a friend from Canada, called Shadowloo. I'm currently working on Generations, in an attempt to "flesh out" Street Fighter 3's Story.
During my work study, I worked at a local elementary school as a reading tutor at a local elementary school. There, I really let my writing shine. I wrote countless short stories for the kids, to entice them into wanting to read. I would create stories about the favorites, from wrestling to anime, and probably everything else! When the school year ended, I included them as part of the cast, as a sort of congratulations!
The biggest form of flattery was from the crowds. Not only was the child I was tutoring had my undivided attention, but all of the other tutors' kids too! There were even students who were passing by who listened to me as well!
Click the image for a little set of pictures from my baby book, yearbook, etc. Click it to return.
© 2001 Starr