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Chapter Two

The long strenuous hours of working on her album had paid off and at the end of the week, Korena's first single was released. The song "You Get to Me' had hit the airwaves that morning. It wasn't actually her first choice for a single, but she liked the song and the label thought that the song was catchy and appropriate.

Korena woke up bright and early feeling the sunshine hit her face. She squinted and walked clumsily over to the window to pull the shade down. After taking a shower and getting dressed Korena headed over to J Records. She had an important business meeting with Clive and a couple other big shots at the label. The meeting had been called two days ago, with intentions of her getting some rest. She had spent most of her time off writing songs, trying to keep her mind off of the debut of her first single.

She turned the radio on to a local station and sang quietly to familiar tunes. The announcer came on the radio and began to speak. The words were music to her ears and Korena almost swerved off of the rode as her song began to play. She couldn't even describe to anyone how she felt at that moment. All of the hard work and endless hours of working had paid off. She vowed at that very moment that no matter how tired she got, she would keep pushing herself. Fore she knew that if she did, it would pay off in the end.

Korena parked her Jeep and walked into the building. She knew she was glowing and she probably had the goofiest smile on her face, but she couldn't stop smiling. She walked into Clive's office to find that he wasn't there. "That's weird, " she mumbled.

"You looking for Clive?" someone said behind her.

She was startled, not expecting anyone but Clive. "Yes, actually I am," she said turning around. What she saw took her breath away. The guy that was staring at her was one of the most amazing looking guys she had ever seen. There was something about him that just floored her. He had dreads and warm brown eyes. Korena wasn't usually speechless around guys, but for some reason she was at a loss for words. She realized how rediculous she nust look. "You wouldn't happen to know where I could find him, would you?"

He broke into a smile thinking how beautiful this girl was. He knew he was in a relationship, but it didn't hurt to window shop. "It just so happens that I do. Hi, I'm Jacob. Follow me," he said turning to walk down the hall.

Korena followed. "I'm Korena. I was supposed to meet him in his office this morning. We were to discuss some business. Probably about my hectic schedule that I've been dreading to hear about."

Jacob smiled. "New to the business, I assume?"

She rolled her eyes in agreement. "Yeah. I'm supposed to go on tour soon. I suppose that's what Clive wants to discuss with me. First, he said I'd be opening for an alternative band. That lucky band is undecided at this point," he smiled at her and she continued. "Then, later this year when my album comes out I'll be opening for some pop group named O-town."

He raised his eyebrows in question. He couldn't deny that he actually had felt a tinge of happiness when he heard the news. What's gotten in to me? he asked himself. "Really?"

"Yeah," she said as they walked into a studio to find Clive standing at the switchboard, lost in his work.

"Hey ther Clive," Jacob said patting him on the back. "You have a visitor." Jacob pointed towards the door where Korena was standing.

Clive looked up from his work and flashed her a smile. She was getting used to his smile and his fatherly ways. "I'm sorry. I just got caught up with these guys. This would be a great time to introduce you to the guys though. Korena, this is O-town."

She smiled knowingly seeing Ashley walk in the door moments before. What did take her by surprise was that Jacob was in this group. He just didn't strike her as someone who would be in a boy band. But she didn't know much about boy bands anyway. So who was she to say who was the type? "Nice to meet you guys." Korena flashed them a smile.

Clive smiled at everyone before beginning the introductions. "This is Ashley, but you two have already met yesterday I think."

Korena smiled at Ahsley and nodded her head.

Jacob looked puzzled and wondered why Ashley hadn't told them about their encounter. He shrugged it off realizing that he really shouldn't give a damn.

Clive finished the introductions and proceeded to talk about the upcoming tour that Korena would be a part of. She began to think that this wouldn't be as bad as she had thought.

Clive and her left the guys a few minutes later to go to the meeting. After sitting through what she thought was one of the most boring, grueling things she had ever been through, she walked out into the parking lot getting ready to leave. She was surprised to see Jacob and Ashley talking quietly off to the side. Jacob was sitting on a curb and Ashley was standing. It seemed as if they were having a serious conversation. "Is everything alright?" Korena said loud enough so that they could hear her.

"Actually, no. Korena, could you talk some since into this boy? I'm tired of trying." he threw his hands up in disgust before walking towards the building.

Jacob hadn't even looked up from where he was sitting. He seemed to be trying to find something interesting to look at on the ground, avoiding eye contact with either of them. Korena didn't know how far she would get, but decided it was worth a shot. She shrugged her shoulders and walked over to where Jacob was sitting. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it," he said still staring at the ground.

"Maybe you should."

He shrugged his shoulders and remained quiet.

Korena decided that maybe this wasn't the best place to discuss whatever was on his mind. She suddenly had an idea. "How about you come over after you get done here? My apartments not that far from here."

He shook his head. "I have a girlfriend. I don't think that's such a good idea."

"And why's that? I wasn't insenuating a date. I was only asking for company. Someone to talk to about my horrible problems," she said nudging him.

He smiled and turned to look at her for the first time. He realized what a beautiful smile she had. He took in her other features. She had a small dimple that set off her smile. She also had clear blue eyes that he couldn't help but look into.

When he didn't answer she continued, "Maybe we could even talk about what's bothering you. Besides, I need a friend. All of this work I've done and I've got no one to celebrate with."

"I would like that."

"That's great." She wrote down her address on a piece of stray paper she found in her Jeep and handed it to him. "So, I'll see you later?"

"Definately." He stared at her for a moment longer and was amazed at her beauty. His thoughts were already in the gutter. He didn't know what it was about her that made him feel this way. He was so content with his current relationship. After all, he had been with Janie for as long as he could remember. And he had had plenty of girls that practically through themselves at him, but this girl was different. There was just something about her and he planned on figuring out what it was.

"Good," she turned and got in her Jeep and drove off. He stared at her all the while, wondering how she could make him feel the way she did when she looked at him. No one had made him do that. No one except Janie. His stomach began to turn thinking about how Janie would probably dissaprove of this. He shrugged it off, assuring himself that this was harmless.

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