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Chapter Four

It had been three weeks sence Korena and Jacob had had their talk. Korena visited the boys at their home frequently. She had come to grips with tha fact that her and Jacob would only be friends. In fact, they had became pretty close. They would call each other often to vent about their problems. Jacob talked about Janie freely and Korena gave him advice. Korena complained about the downsides of the business and he consoled her.

Sometimes she doubted her position as a musician because of the kaos of the business. She depended on her long talks with Jacob, when he assured her that all the bad was outweighed by the good. Clive was a big help when it came down to the business aspect, but he could only do so much. Korena was thankful for all that he did. Sometimes she wondered where she would be without Clive and the boys (especially Jacob). They helped her so much.

She wiped the sweat that trickled down her face and readjusted the bandana that held her hair back from her face. She frowned at herself in the mirror. Her fingers were aching, from playing the guitar so much; and her voice was strained. It was three days before she was to start touring with Incubus and she was at Trans Con studios, rehearsing. She felt she knew the five song set like the back of her hand, but Darren, the tour director, kept yelling orders at her to do it over. She thought she would snap and say some things she really didn't need to if he kept correcting her.

"Let's take it from the top," Darren said clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. Korena loved the rest of the band. Clive had done a wonderful job in picking them. That man sure did know his music.

Korena sighed and walked to the side of the room. She didn't know why Darren insisted they practice everything, from the entrance to what she would say while she was on stage. Why couldn't she just make up something? Why did it all have to be planned? She realized she might not ever understand the ins-and-outs of this business.

She walked over to the center of the room where there was a stool. She would perform some songs sitting and some standing. Of course that wasn't her choice either. No, that job belonged to Darren also. She sat down and positioned her guitar on her knee. Korena went right into one of her songs, until she was interrupted by Darren... again. "Wait. Stop. Korena, you're supposed to be standing during this song. What's wrong with you?" he demanded.

Korena laughed, "What's wrong with me? My fingers hurt, my voice is strained and I'm about to pass out from exaustion. I've been doing this damned thing for six hours straight. What the hell matters if I'm standing or sitting. No one gives a shit. All they want to hear is the music." She saw the stunned look on Darren's face. "Fuck it. Ya know what? I'm taking a break." She stormed out of the studio, guitar in hand. She needed a break and if they insisted on driving her into the ground, she would do it herself.

After she got a bottle of water from a vending machine, she found an empty room. It looked to be an office that had been cleared of it's owner. She plopped down into an empty chair in the corner. She strummed on the guitar, thinking of what to play. She wanted to play something other than what she had been playing all day. She began to play Incubus' song 'Drive'. She had been so excited about Clive's choice in who she would be opening for. Clive always seemed to know what was best for Korena. They had this weird connection and he referred to her as his 'precious gem'.

She was well into the song before she realized she had an audience. She looked up and saw the guys of Incubus, standing in the doorway with Clive.

She stopped playing and tried not to blush. Why did people always have to catch her at her most vulnerable moments? She liked to express her feelings by playing the guitar and singing songs that made her feel better. So, why had she chosen to play Incubus' song on the day that Incubus walked into the room and heard it? Why couldn't she have just played one of her songs?

"There you are Korena," Clive said excitedly. "We've all been looking for you."

"I didn't know I had an audience," she said confidently, not wanting to seem shy. She usually wasn't, but this was one of her favorite bands. Why wouldn't she be a little nervous?

"You play well," one of the guys said, which Korena recognised him as the lead singer, Brandon.

"Thanks." She couldn't help but stare at Brandon. He had changed so much from the group's older days. He had lost the dreads and now had a layered look. (AN-I definately have to put a pic of Incubus up on the webpage for the ones who don't know what they look like.)

Clive broke her out of her trance. "How's Darren treating you?"

Korena almost laughed at his comment. "Well, let's just say that Darren and I bumped heads a little. I got pissed off and here I am." She knew Clive wouldn't be mad. He had already warned her that Darren was a little overbearing, but he was the best for the job.

Clive smile. "I figured that was coming. You'll be glad to know that Darren left for the day. The guys and I ran into him as he stormed out of the building."

"To what do I owe the good luck?"

"You owe yourself... I think you scared him away. I asked him what the proplem was and he would only mumble things that wer inaudible."

Korena smiled and set her guitar down beside her. "Anyhow, I presume you know the guys. I don't think there is any need for an introduction," Clive commented.

"Yes, I know these guys. Anyone who doesn't has no idea what good music is. I'm a fan," she said seriously, then smiled. "I didn't know I would have the pleasure of meeting you guys so soon. Am I so out of it that I don't even remember what day it is?"

"Slow down there kid. You still have three days before you go on tour. I just made a few phone calls and the guys agreed to swing by here. They have two shows to play here in Orlando," Clive explained.

"Well, I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to come out and see me. Like I said, I'm a fan and it's a pleasure," she smiled, speaking more towards Brandon than anyone else.

"Well, we have our own motives for being here. Clive tells us you're new to the biz and suggested we show you the ropes. We'd love to take you under our wing and show you a thing or two," Brandon said flashing a huge grin.

"I'd like that. Clive claims he's too old, but he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's young at heart. That's all tha matters," she said winking at Clive.

Clive smiled and chuckled lightly. "Good, then it's settled. You guys will take care of my precious gem, won't you?" Clive asked.

"She's in good hands, I assure you, Mr. Davis," Micheal, the guitarist said.

"Well, if that's the case, then you may have her. She's a handful..." he's said laughing. He then walked out of the room, leaving Korena to fend for herself.

"You're a handful, huh?" Brandon asked, eyeing her up and down. Korena noticed, but didn't mind.

"I can be.." she answered.

DJ Kilmore rolled his eyes. "We have an interview in less than an hour guys. We need to go. By the way, Brandon, we're supposed to be showing her the ropes, not hitting on her."

Korena eyed Brandon and actually thought he was blushing. 'Had he really been flirting with me?' she wondered.

The rest of the day was spent behind the scenes pretty much. The guys had to do an interview and other press things. Korena just followed them and hung back, not wanting to be noticed. She didn't want people asking questions, since questions were already arrising about her and the boys of O-town.

She missed Jacob and wondered if he would call. She snuck away during one of the guys' interviews and called Jacob. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey baby girl," he said. This had become his nickname for her. She liked it, but it was a reminder of how attracted she was to him.

"Hey. Listen, I just wanted to call and talk. I only have a few minutes. I'm hanging out with the guys of Incubus. They're doing an interview right now," she said excited.

"That's cool, I guess," he said. Korena frowned. He sounded.. dissappointed. She wasn't sure.

"Is everything okay with you, Jake?" she asked, worried.

"Yeah.. I just realized that you would be going on tour in a few days and I'm going to miss our talks." He felt selfish, but he loved having Korena around. She had become his rock; and even though he loved Janie and planned to stay with her, he knew he had feelings for Korena. He didn't like the fact that she would be spending three months away from him, with other guys. He knew they would be attracted to her. She was irresistable, to him anyway. He didn't know how he had kept his hands off of her, but he had. For the sake of him and Janie's relationship.

"I'm going to miss you too Jacob, but there is such thing as cell phones. We'll be able to talk as much as you want." When she didn't get a response, she continued. "These guys are like the best. I've loved their music forever. Not to mention, the lead singer, Brandon, is hot."

Jacob didn't want to hear anymore. He knew he shouldn't feel this way, but it was like she had stabbed him with a knife and now she was twisting it. He listened to her ramble on about how great Incubus was and he began to feel sick. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' he wondered. He knew that he should be happy for her. Besides, she listened to his problems about Janie all of the time.

"Did you know that the guys actually chose me to tour with them?" she said excitedly.

"You're great Korena. Why wouldn't they? Look I have to go... I have other things to do," he said hanging up.

'He hung up. What the fuck?' she thought. She stared at the phone waiting for it to ring. When it didn't, she stormed outside and sat on a bench. She looked up at the sky and said a silent prayer, hoping everything was alright with Jacob. 'Why had he been so rude? Why isn't he happy for me?' she thought. She was brought out of her thoughts by Brandon. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and smiled up at Brandon.

"What's up?" he asked. "I didn't know where you went to."

"I didn't know you were paying attention. Sorry, I had to make a phone call," she said shrugging.

"Want to talk about what brought you out here?" He took a seat beside her and Korena sighed.

"There's this guy..." she started.

"A boyfriend?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Just a friend. He... well we're really close, or so I thought. He just hung up on me."

Brandon put his arm around her (just a friendly gesture). "Do you know why?" "That's just it. I don't have a clue. Everything seemed fine when he answered the phone. Then, I started talking about you guys and how cool you all were.... I don't know," she said putting her head in her hands.

"Sounds like someone's jealous," Brandon said.

"Why would he be jealous?" she asked.

"Maybe he has feelings for you."

"I don't think so. He has a girlfriend. Besides, even if he did, I didn't say anything out of line." She shrugged and they both were silent for a while. Then she remembered saying something about how hot Brandon was. She remembered him getting quiet after that comment. She didn't know whether to be excited or annoyed. She had wanted him for a long time, but she had kept it a secret. She sat and listened to him talk about all of his problems with Janie and didn't say a word. Now the first time she mentions a guy, he hangs up on her.

Brandon sat quietly and watched Korena. He coudn't help but notice her beauty. He liked the way her forhead crinkled up when she was thinking about something. "What's going on in that head of yours?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"I remembered saying something about you. Everything seemed fine until I said something about you, Brandon," she said.

"Me? I'm the cause of all of this? What did you say about me?" he asked, smiling.

"I told him that you were hot," she said seriously. He couldn't believe how blunt she was.

"You think I'm hot?" he asked smiling.

"I don't say something unless I mean it." She seemed to think for a minute before speaking again. "You have nice lips and pretty eyes."

Her comments caught him off guard. Korena noticed the look on his face. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I say things I probably shouldn't. I'm always blunt and some people don't like that. I should really watch what I say to people I don't really know."

"No, I don't mind. Actually, I've always found that to be a turn on." He smiled and Korena shivered. She wasn't sure whether she was shivering because of what Brandon had just said or if it was getting colder out.

"I guess we're on the same page then. Let's be blunt with each other Brandon." They both laughed and he nodded his head in agreement.

"So, will you come to the show tonight?" he asked.

"I thought that was the plan," she said, arching one of her eyebrows.

"Yeah, but I didn't know if you wanted to come," he said seriously.

"It depends... will I get a good seat?" she asked, half joking.

"You'll be in the pit, in front of the railing. That's the perks of knowing the band," he said handing her a pass. "So, will you come?"

"I wouldn't miss a chance to see 'hot lips' in concert," she said laughing.

"Hot lips, huh?" he asked grinning.

"That's you." She loved the way he always smiled; and she loved the dimples that came along with that smile.

They were interrupted when someone stuck their head out of the building. It was the drummer (I don't know all of their names. Forgive me!). "Yo Brandon, get your ass in here. We've got to sign some stuff for fans."

"I gotta get back in there. Are you coming?" he asked.

"Yeah...Brandon," she said grabbing his arm as he began to stand up. He tuned quickly to look at her. He was closer than he thought and they're faces were a mere inches apart. She faught from getting lost in the moment and began to speak, "Thanks. I really needed that." She kissed him on the cheek and recieved a smile from him.

"Anytime.. as long as I always get one of those," he stated. Korena blushed and he noticed. "Hey, I'm just being blunt with you."

"Yeah, yeah. Get your ass in there and suck up to the fans," she said laughing.

She followed him back into the building and watched from the sidelines. She couldn't believe how nice all of the guys were. Actually, she couldn't believe how nice Brandon was. She saw him look up for a moment and she caught his eye. She smiled and he winked back at her.

Ashley walked over and sat down beside Jacob. He had been quiet all day. All of the guys knew something was up, but they didn't want to pry. They all knew about Jacob's temper and didn't want to push his buttons.

"Man, something's up. What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," he said looking at the ground.

"Come on man. You've been acting weird all day. Did something happen with you and Janie?"

"No... it's Korena."

Ashley hoped something hadn't happened to her. "What about her?"

"She called me earlier," he stated.

"Dude, she always calls you," Ashley said wondering where he was going with this.

"Yeah, I know. When she called I got pissed and hung up on her."

"Why'd you do that? You guys never argue," Ashley questioned.

"I know. She got to meet the guys of Incubus and she was going on about how great they were and how glad she was to be touring with them," Jacob said, sounding disgusted.

"Yeah.. so. They're a good band," Ashley said shrugging.

"Yeah well, I didn't want to hear about it," Jacob said running his hands through his dreads.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? What really set you off?" Ashley asked, sensing that Jacob wasn't telling the whole story.

"Maybe I got a little jealous. She started talking about this Brandon guy and..."

"That's the lead singer, Jacob," Ashley said cutting him off.

"Whatever. She started talking about how hot he was and it was so disgusting. I..." he looked away from Ashley.

"You care about her don't you?" Ashley said, like he had just solved some 'Unsolved Mystery'. "Of course, I care about her. She's one of my best friends," Jacob retorted, looking back at Ashley.

"No shit. I meant, you care about her as more than a friend. " Jacob rolled his eyes and Ashley sensed that he was in denial. "I'm serious man. You like her and you're jealous because she's interested in another guy."

Jacob began to get pissed. He didn't like where Ashley was going with this. What was worse was that he just didn't like that someone else was starting to see what he was beginning to see. "Look man. You're way out of line. You don't know what you're talking about. I LOVE JANIE!" he yelled, standing up and storming off.

"Just keep telling yourself that, Jacob," Ashley yelled after him. Jacob slammed his door and paced back and forth in his room. 'Whats really going on? Could I really have feelings for someone other that Janie? Have I somehow met the girl of my dreams and am I letting her slip through my fingers?' he asked himself. He sat down and put his head in his hands. He had to slow down or he was going to give himself a headache. He decided to sleep on it.

He began shredding of his clothes, down to his boxers. He noticed a light blinking on his phone, signalling he had a message. He checked the message. It was Janie. He through the phone against the wall. "I love Janie," he mumbled to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

Three / Five