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Prayer For Eternal Salvation

You can be saved now! If you died 3 seconds after saying this prayer, you will be with The Lord Jesus for all eternity! ************************************************************************************************************** Pray something like this To God, and mean it and believe it with all your heart. ************************************************************************************************************** "Dear Heavenly Father, I confess that I'm a sinner. I need you, and I know that nothing I can do can earn a place in Your Heaven. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Know the Lord Jesus is your Son, and I believe that You sent Him to die to pay the price for my sins. I believe that he was buried and rose again the third day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come into my heart Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins. I trust you as My Saviour. I know you are the Only way, the truth , and the life. Thank you for this precious gift! Amen." ************************************************************************************************************** That's it! You're saved now and forever! ************************************************************************************************************** Romans 10 vs 9 *** That if shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." ************************************************************************************************************** Romans 10 vs 13 *** "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, Shall be saved." ************************************************************************************************************** You'll never loose your Salvation: ************************************************************************************************************** John 10 vs 28 *** "I GIVE unto them Eternal life, and they shall NEVER Perish." **************************************************************************************************************


Intouch Ministries, Wonderful Lessons in Faith and Our relationship to the Lord