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Saiyan Saga
Earth Meets Mighty Saiyan. Can Earth Survive? Born long ago of a primeval force on a faraway planet, the Saiyans grew and developed into a warrior race so devastating and relentless that their planet itself did not survive the centuries of destruction. Now one of them is coming to Earth to find his younger brother...
Goku is at a reunion at Master Roshi's house when he notices a strong power approaching. Unknown to our hero, he is the brother Raditz is searching for.
Goku was "programmed" when he was a baby and sent to Earth to destroy the inhabitants, making the planet marketable for sale to the highest bidder. Raditz can't understand why Goku has failed in his mission against such weak earthlings.
Master Roshi reveals that a near fatal head injury Goku suffered as a baby scrambled his programming. Raditz is disgusted with this and gives Goku an ultimatum: destroy Earth or die. Raditz kidnaps Gohan. Maybe he can convert this little one into a true Saiyan...
Can Anyone Defeat Raditz? Our hero is baffled at what to do. Then Goku's arch enemy, Piccolo, appears to help fight for the future of the world.
In the fiercest battle ever seen on Earth, our heroes use every technique they know. Piccolo hurls his energy blasts and Goku releases the Kamehameha blast. Raditz stops these blasts with his bare hands...
Raditz is at the point of killing Piccolo when his power suddenly dissipates. Goku has grabbed Raditz's weak point... his tail. Goku tells Piccolo to finish off Raditz.
Raditz declares a change of heart and desire to reform. Piccolo warns it's a trick, but Goku believes Raditz and lets go of his tail. Raditz's power immediately returns and he turns on his brother Goku...
The Ultimate Sacrifice. As all is surely lost, the power sensor goes off. Gohan has broken free of the space capsule in which Raditz had imprisoned him. In a remarkable burst of power, Gohan's Saiyan blood shows through. He "powers up" and assaults Raditz. Raditz is weakened by the assault, allowing Goku to grab Raditz in a bear hug. This gives Piccolo enough time to summon an extra powerful Special Beam Cannon blast to finish off Raditz.
The only problem is that Goku will perish with Raditz. Piccolo's blast will encompass them both. But Goku urges Piccolo to fire -- it's Earth's only hope...
The blast does the trick. But as Raditz is passing on, he reveals terrifying news. Two more Saiyan warriors with even greater power than Raditz will arrive in one year. Earth is their next target for death and mass destruction
. And Goku, Earth's most powerful warrior, has passed into another dimension along with Raditz...
Can Earth Prepare For More Saiyans? The remaining good guys disperse in a frantic attempt to prepare for the coming of the Saiyans. Some try to collect the Dragon Balls to revive Goku. Piccolo takes Gohan to a deserted wasteland to train him to utilize his incredible power potential. Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha go to Kami's to receive special training in the Pendulum Room.
As for Goku, he's in the Upper World where he can get superior training from King Kai to prepare for the coming of the Saiyans in one year. King Kai is pleased that Goku is such a great student and proceeds to teach him the famous Kai techniques. So intent are they on the training, they forget to take into consideration the two days it will take Goku to run back down Snake Way to Earth.
Nappa and Vegeta have landed. The sky darkens as the two Saiyans approach. Nappa and Vegeta take a reading on the planet's warriors and scoff at the weak power ratings. They plant six seeds, which quickly grow into six Saibaimen, fierce plant-like creatures that are told to destroy the Earthlings.
The battle lines form as our heroes Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, Gohan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha prepare to defend Earth against the Saibaimen. The ensuing battle eliminates one of our heroes, Yamcha, but the two sides seem evenly matched. Vegeta grows bored and instructs Nappa to take care of the other Earthlings.
Our heroes attack with massive energy beams that have no effect. Chiaotzu initiates a dimensional attack in hopes of destroying Nappa, but all is in vain as Nappa is barely affected. Piccolo devises a plan requiring Gohan to harness the Power of Light within him for a single blast. But at the crucial moment, Gohan loses his nerve. Gohan has let the good guys down. Were Piccolo's efforts to train Gohan in vain? Apparently not, for in training Gohan, Piccolo has transformed himself. During the next attack, Piccolo sacrifices himself by stepping in front of an energy beam to save Gohan's life.
Nappa decides he has had enough fun and goes in for the finish...
Battle of the century: Saiyan against Saiyan. Just as things look grim for our remaining heroes, Goku sweeps in to rescue Gohan. The Saiyans can't believe it, Goku has a power level of 5000. Everyone is awed by Goku's power and a major battle erupts between Goku and Nappa. But Goku is so fast that he can't even be seen by normal humans. Goku uses the Kaio-ken maneuver to defeat Nappa. Vegeta has no use for such a useless Saiyan and gets rid of the injured Nappa.
The battle moves to another location as Goku and Vegeta face off. In a series of tremendous battle movements, which release more energy than 10 hydrogen bombs, the greatest battle on Earth resonates across the countryside. Each opponent "powers up" to a level higher than each could imagine the other could achieve but Vegeta is able to gain the upper hand by turning into the giant Saiyan Gorilla.
As Goku is being crushed by the giant Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan arrive and distract Vegeta. This gives Goku enough time to take the last energy remaining in him and transfer it to Krillin who, along with Gohan's help, directs his Spirit Bomb to smash Vegeta. They miss. Yajirobe saves the day by cutting off Vegeta's tail. Vegeta, is badly damaged, but able to get to his space capsule. Goku lets him escape.

Frieza Saga
Race for the Namekian Dragon Balls! As Goku is rushed to a hospital, it's revealed that the Dragon Balls on Earth are now powerless due to Piccolo's demise. The only hope to bring back the dead heroes is to fly to Planet Namek for the original Dragon Balls. Headstrong and technically-talented as always, Bulma rushes forward, devising a way to use an ultra-fast space craft to reach Namek. Bulma, Krillin and Gohan are off to Planet Namek.
But they are not the only ones after the Dragon Balls. Vegeta returns to Frieza Planet #79 to regenerate himself using a special medical tank. He discovers that his former boss turned enemy, Frieza, has already left for Namek after the Dragon Balls. Vegeta rushes off to Namek to find the Dragon Balls for himself.
Soon, Vegeta, Frieza, and our heroes are on Namek searching for the seven Dragon Balls. There is one Dragon Ball per Namek village, each ball being protected by the village elder. Frieza has an entourage of minion monsters which terrorize the villages, eventually gaining four Dragon Balls.
Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma land on planet Namek? En route to Namek, Gohan, Krillin and Bulma run into one of the many dangers of space: an alien warship. Caught offguard, they are ambushed as they investigate the alien ship. Fortunately for our friends, the ship enters an asteroid belt. Bulma jumps to the rescue and steers the ship out of harm. The aliens, who are actually refugees looking for a new home because Frieza destroyed their planet, realize Gohan, Krillin and Bulma mean them no harm. They reveal a shortcut to Namek and wish their new friends good luck.
Taking the shortcut, Gohan, Krillin and Bulma reach the planet Namek long before they had expected. This is great... assuming the planet is really Namek. It appears like the planet they were expecting, and the inhabitants do look like Namekians. These inhabitants are helpful to our friends as they encounter giants, volcanoes, ice caves, and assorted dangers in their search for Dragon Balls.
But that's nothing compared with the real danger our heroes are facing. Their Namekian helpers Raiti and Zaacro aren't Namekians at all. They are aliens stranded on this deserted planet. Anxious to escape and masters of illusion, Raiti and Zaacro are willing to do anything to grab a spaceship and leave this planet behind. They have read Gohan, Krillin and Bulma's minds, and concocted the environment they were expecting to find, secretly making plans to steal their spaceship and leave our friends stranded. They almost succeed, but don't know the secret password to open the door to the ship. At the last minute the tables are turned, and Gohan, Krillin and Bulma zoom off in their spaceship toward the true planet Namek.
Can Krillin and Gohan stop such an evil power? Things are not going so well on planet Namek. Frieza is terrorizing the villages and collecting the Dragon Balls. How will Gohan, Krillin and Bulma ever bring their friends back if Frieza gets the Dragon Balls first? More importantly, what chance does the universe have if Frieza collects all seven Dragon Balls and realizes his wish for immortality?
To make matters worse, Vegeta is on Namek and stronger than ever after his near fatal injuries on Earth. Saiyans have the unusual ability to reach higher power levels after healing from serious wounds. Vegeta is seriously injured again in a fight with Zarbon, one of Frieza's henchmen. He is left to die until Frieza tells Zarbon to bring Vegeta to him, or else. Vegeta has hidden a Dragon Ball and is the only one who knows its location.
Mystery of the Dragon Balls revealed by Guru. Meanwhile, Frieza has decided to summon the elite fighters known as the Ginyu Force to help search the planet for Dragon Balls and take care of any problems that might develop. They will arrive in five days. Goku has been summoned and is on his way to Namek, traveling in a specially constructed spaceship with special training facilities. Help is on the way, but time is running out for our heroes.
Krillin is taken to Guru's house. Guru is the Eldest, the leader of all the Namekians and the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls. He is, unfortunately, very ill. If anything happens to Guru, the Dragon Balls, which the good guys need to bring their allies back to this dimension, will cease to exist. Gohan, Krillin and Bulma must collect these Dragon Balls while Guru is still alive. This seems impossible since Frieza already has five of the Dragon Balls. But the good guys won't give up.
Guru lays hands on Krillin, realizes that he is good at heart, and decides to give his Dragon Ball to Krillin for safe keeping. Now atleast Frieza can't get all seven - not as long as Krillin has one of them. Guru also awakens the sleeping power with Krillin, giving him more power than ever!
Frieza's plan backfires. He has Vegeta brought to his spaceship so he can learn where Vegeta's Dragon Ball is hidden. But Vegeta makes a daring escape from Frieza's spaceship prison, stealing the five Dragon Balls, which were in Frieza's possession.
One more ball and Vegeta can gain immortality. Vegeta locates Krillin and Bulma and realizes they have a Dragon Ball (the one given to Krillin by Guru). Vegeta promises to spare their lives in exchange for the ball. Krillin reluctantly hands over the ball in order to save Bulma's life.
Suddenly Zarbon, Frieza's minion, arrives and transforms into the uglier version of himself, giving him increased strength to battle Vegeta. But Vegeta's previous battle has made him even stronger, allowing him to defeat Zarbon. Vegeta takes Krillin's Dragon Ball and flies off, surprisingly keeping his promise not to kill Krillin and Bulma. Gohan returns with the Dragon Ball that was hidden underwater. Now Vegeta cannot make his wish for immortality.
Goku is on his way! Back on Earth, Yajirobe visits Goku in the hospital and gives him a Senzu bean. Goku immediately recovers and goes to the Capsule Corporation. Dr. Brief has designed a ship that will allow Goku to train at up to 100 times Earth's gravity. Goku takes off for Namek.
The Ginyu Force. Krillin takes Gohan to have his hidden powers revealed by Guru. On the way, Vegeta catches up with Krillin and offers a temporary alliance. Vegeta claims his wish for immortality is their only chance of beating the "unbeatable" Ginyu Force, which he senses has just arrived. Gohan and Krillin reluctantly agree, but it is too late as the Ginyu Force shows up for the Dragon Balls.
The Ginyu Force (Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoome, and Guldo) retrieve the seven Dragon Balls. Captain Ginyu flies off to deliver the Dragon Balls to Frieza, and the remaining members stay to finish off Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin.
Guldo, who has the ability to freeze time by holding his breath, torments Krillin and Gohan. Right as they are about to be speared by trees, Vegeta steps in and saves them by chopping off Guldo's head.
Recoome is up next. He easily brings Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta to the brink of death.
Suddenly Goku arrives! Goku gives Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta Senzu Beans, and then effortlessly defeats Recoome. Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta all marvel at the extreme power Goku possesses. Burter and Jeice begin to attack Goku, but he doesn't seem at all concerned with the two members of the Ginyu Force.
Vegeta senses something has changed in Goku - "Did he become a legendary Super Saiyan!?"
The battle continues… Goku continues to fight Burter and Jeice. The two famed warriors of the Ginyu Force are quickly defeated. In an act of mercy, Goku lets them go rather than finishing them off. Jeice flees to Frieza's to get help from Captain Ginyu. Vegeta gets angry at Goku for being too soft and hits Burter with a deadly blast. Frieza tries to summon the Namekian Dragon, Shenron, and nothing happens. After this failed attempt, Frieza heads to Guru's to find out how to use the Dragon Balls.
The battle is far from won. Captain Ginyu, head of the Ginyu Force, arrives. Goku and Captain Ginyu face off in battle. Captain Ginyu quickly realizes Goku is stronger, and surprisingly stabs himself. Unaware of what's about to happen, Goku's caught in a strange beam of light. Captain Ginyu has used his "metamorphosis" attack and switched bodies with Goku.
Race to summon the Dragon… Krillin and Gohan arrive at Frieza's ship to locate the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron. Vegeta also shows up, but hides to let Gohan and Krillin locate the balls with their Dragon Radar. Nothing happens when they try to summon the Dragon. Gohan and Krillin sense someone coming and hide.
Goku !? Jeice and the "new" Goku arrive at Frieza's ship wondering who dug up the Dragon Balls. Krillin mistakenly comes out to greet Goku, and soon realizes this is not the Goku he knows. Gohan and Krillin begin fighting Jeice and "Goku", then the real Goku arrives in Captain Ginyu's body. The real Goku reasons with Krillin and Gohan that they can beat this "Goku" because he isn't used to his body and won't know how to use all of its powers. When Captain Ginyu in Goku's body is almost defeated, Jeice comes out to help. Vegeta also comes out of hiding to take on Jeice. Vegeta easily defeats Jeice. Captain Ginyu, tired of Goku's body, tries to sneak in another metamorphosis attack to switch bodies with Vegeta. The switch is stopped when Goku (in Captain Ginyu's wounded body) jumps in front of Vegeta and gets his body back. Captain Ginyu tries to switch with Vegeta again, but this time is stopped when Goku throws a frog up to stop the beam from reaching Vegeta. Before anyone knows what is happening, Captain Ginyu is trapped in a frog's body. Goku is put in the rejuvenation chamber on Frieza's ship. This battle is over.
With the future of the Planet Namek at stake, Guru sends Dende to find Krillin and Gohan and give them the all-important password. Frieza arrives at Guru's and is met by some Namekian warriors. Frieza kills all but Nail, then goes in to Guru to find out how to call the Dragon. Frieza is about to kill Guru, but Nail explains that if Guru dies, the Dragon Balls are unusable. To buy time for Dende to call the Dragon, Nail leads Frieza off to a remote area to fight. Frieza learns that fighting Nail is a trick to stall him, and races off to his ship. Dende finds Krillin and they head to Frieza's ship to summon the Dragon. Vegeta is sleeping, and awakens to find the Dragon already summoned. Piccolo has been brought back to life as the first wish, and then teleported to Namek for the second wish. Vegeta wants the third wish to ask for immortality, but just as Dende is asking, Guru dies and the Dragon Balls turn to stone. Vegeta's wish is not granted, and to top it all off, Frieza shows up furious that the Dragon has been summoned.
Frieza Transforms! Vegeta is able to take on to Frieza, so Frieza transforms to his second form. Piccolo, just wished to Namek, senses the fighting and heads that way. Along the way he sees the dying Nail, and fuses with him. Piccolo arrives at the battle and stands up to Frieza. Frieza transforms again. Piccolo is no match for Frieza in this form. Krillin blasts a Distructo Disc at Frieza and cuts off his tail. Frieza quickly flies to Krillin and stabs him with his horn. Gohan attacks Frieza to save Krillin, and is beaten close to death. Krillin, who has been restored by Dende, lures Frieza away. Dende now heals Gohan. Piccolo rejoins the fight, and Frieza focuses on him. Vegeta wants Krillin to attack him, so that he will be more powerful after Dende heals him. Vegeta's strength increases each time he is beat to near death. Frieza continues to fight Piccolo until he's defeated.
Gohan is furious at Piccolo's death and powers up. His hidden powers are revealed as he takes on Frieza. Gohan is too much for Frieza, so he transforms into his final form. While Frieza transforms, Dende heals Piccolo. Dende also reluctantly heals Vegeta.
Frieza sees the usefulness of Dende's healing, so the first thing he does after he transforms is eliminate Dende. He also tries to blast Gohan, but Vegeta is quick and saves Gohan. Vegeta and Frieza fight, and Vegeta is no match. Goku shows up and Vegeta is rescued, but not for long. Vegeta tells Frieza that Goku is the legendary Super Saiyan that will kill him. Frieza gets angry and blasts a hole through Vegeta's heart. As Vegeta dies, he asks Goku to take vengeance for all Saiyans. Vegeta is buried and Frieza and Goku begin to fight.
Bulma befriends the wrong Frog! Meanwhile, Bulma is in the Namekian wilderness and encounters a friendly frog. Bulma decides to try out a voice decoder on the frog so that she has someone to talk to. Before Bulma knows what has happened, she has switched bodies with the frog, and Captain Ginyu is now in her body. Captain Ginyu (as Bulma) takes her flying motorcycle and runs into Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo watching the fight between Goku and Frieza. They quickly realize that Bulma is not herself, and Captain Ginyu attempts to switch with Piccolo for his superior fighting strength. Gohan sees Bulma the frog, and throws her into the Change beam. Bulma regains her body, and Captain Ginyu is once again a frog.
Goku and Frieza are still at it. Frieza boasts he can win using just 50% of his power. Goku is losing. In a desperate attempt, Goku prepares a Spirit Bomb. Piccolo steps in to buy time for Goku to finish gathering power. The Spirit Bomb crushes Frieza, but he survives.
The Ginyu Force shows up on King Kai's planet. They were invited there by King Kai to fight Tien, Chaiotzu and Yamcha, who have been training. On Earth, Chi-chi, Yajirobe, Oolong, and Master Roshi were preparing to take off for Namek, but their ship breaks down before takeoff.
Super Saiyan Goku Frieza is very angry and blasts at Gohan. Once again, Piccolo steps in to save Gohan's life. Next Frieza destroys Krillin. Goku is very angry and powers up. His hair turns golden and his eyes turn green... he's now Super Saiyan. Goku asks Gohan to take Piccolo to the ship and head back to Earth.
Goku and Frieza continue to fight. Frieza is angry he is having to use so much of his power to fight an "inferior monkey". Frieza blasts a huge fireball at the core of Planet Namek. If he can't beat Goku, he'll blow up Namek instead. Planet Namek is starting to break up, and will explode in 5 minutes. Goku is in trouble and Gohan steps in. When Goku reappears he tells Gohan to leave Namek.
Back on Earth, Kami and Popo have gathered the Dragon Balls. With King Kai's help, they are able to devise a plan to bring back all those killed by Frieza. This will bring back Guru, and in turn the Namekian Dragon Balls. The wish is made on Earth to bring back all killed by Frieza. King Kai then telepathically asks Guru to wish all those on Namek, except Goku and Piccolo, back to Earth. Dende makes the wish, and all are teleported to Earth.
Namek Explodes As the battle intensifies, Frieza realizes he is no match for Super Saiyan Goku. Frieza tosses discs that he can direct to attack Goku. Goku manages a skillful maneuver, which ends up slicing Frieza in two. Frieza is dying and begs Goku to not leave him in that condition. Goku pities him and gives Frieza some of his energy. Goku starts to leave and Frieza tries one more attempt at killing Goku. Frieza fails in his attempt and Namek explodes.
Now on Earth, Dende heals Piccolo, and realizes that he had merged with Nail. Guru, also on Earth, is dying. Guru transfers his role as Senior Elder to Moori, another Namekian, so that the Namekian Dragon Balls will not die with him.

Garlic jr. Saga
The Z fighters are back on Earth, and Goku reportedly has survived Namek's explosion and is on his way home. Things are peaceful and then trouble arrives. Garlic Jr. has amazingly escaped the Dead Zone, where he has been trapped. Now he and his henchmen the Spice Boys (Vinegar, Mustard, Spice, and Salt) plan to eliminate Kami, the originator of the Earth's Dragon Balls. Garlic Jr. arrives on Kami's Lookout and entraps both Kami and his assistant, Mr. Popo in small glass bottles. With the guardian of Earth trapped, Garlic Jr. releases the "Blackwater Mist" which, when breathed in, causes people to turn into evil beings. As Garlic Jr. releases the Blackwater Mist over the land, people begin to change. They come totally under the spell of Garlic Jr. and his henchmen.
Gohan, Krillin and Maron (Krillin's new girlfriend) were swimming in the ocean as the mist descends, and consequently escaped the bad effects of the mist. However, the rest of the Dragon Ball Z gang who are on Master Roshi's island are not so lucky. Master Roshi, Chi-Chi, Yamcha, Puar, Oolong and Bulma all fall prey to Garlic Jr.'s evil plan and are transformed. A battle ensues between those transformed and those who managed to escape the mist. Maron, Krillin and Gohan are seriously outnumbered, and things look grim.
How can Earth survive? Fortunately Piccolo comes to help. As Piccolo holds off the attackers, he instructs Krillin and Gohan to take off and retrieve the Sacred Water. Only the Sacred Water can reverse the evil effects of the Blackwater Mist. Maron also insists on going, despite Krillin's strong objections. Krillin, Gohan and Maron first stop at Korin's Tower, leaving Yajirobe and Korin to look after Maron. Afterwards they go to Kami's Lookout. Here they are ambushed by Garlic Jr. and his henchmen, the Spice Boys. Joining Garlic Jr.'s evil entourage is Piccolo, who appears to have been transformed into a monster. As the battle rages between the two groups, Piccolo surprises everyone. He had only been pretending to be a savage monster. As a result, he breaks the bottles holding Kami and Mr. Popo, setting them free.
Kami sets out with Mr. Popo to retrieve the Sacred Water, but to do so they'll have to cross the Graveyard of Guardians, where all the previous guardians of Earth reside. The trip is very perilous but together they manage to retrieve the Sacred Water. Upon releasing the Sacred Water, the Earthlings revert to normal. Garlic Jr. transforms into a raging beast and all looks grim because Garlic Jr. is immortal. He is eventually trapped once again in the Dead Zone Vortex.
Krillin announces that he and his girlfriend, Maron are almost engaged. In order to make her happy he decides to get a Mermaid's Tear (pearl). However, upon seeing the pearl, Krillin changes his mind and leaves the pearl to the nice fish who are protecting it. Maron (who is always quick to flirt with others) sees a handsome hunk in a sports car and takes off with him. Heartbroken, Krillin convinces himself it was for the best anyway. During this saga, Goku is still on his way back from Namek on the spaceship.

Trunks Saga
Unfortunately Frieza has survived Planet Namek's destruction. He is found floating in the debris of Namek by his father, King Cold. Frieza is reassembled by his father's minions. Frieza's bent on revenge and eliminating all Saiyans. Because Saiyans are such powerful beings…they pose a great threat to him and his family…the strongest family on Earth. All of the sudden, the people on Earth sense a strong evil power approaching. No, there are two strong powers approaching Earth. Frieza and King Cold arrive. Earth appears to have no defense against such a team. In despair, Earth ponders their fate.
From the future??? Suddenly a boy appears out of nowhere. The mysterious youth defeats all of King Cold's henchmen with his sword. Vegeta wonders where this Super Saiyan came from, and is jealous of his strength. Frieza throws a fireball at the youth that is 10 times the size of the one that destroyed Namek. He catches and shatters the blast with little effort. To everyone's amazement, both Frieza and King Cold are easily defeated by the teenager.
The mysterious stranger meets the gang from Earth and says he's going to wait for Goku. He invites everyone to come with him. Sure enough, Goku shows up after a small wait.
The youth asks to talk to Goku alone. He introduces himself as Trunks. He is the only surviving warrior from a battle that in the future. Even Gohan perishes in this war.
Trunks has come for two reasons. He wants to warn Goku of the Androids that will arrive in three years, and give Goku heart medicine for a heart condition that will take Goku's life.
Trunks explains that the Androids were created by Dr. Gero of the Red Ribbon Army. He also lets reveals that Vegeta and Bulma are his parents, but not to reveal this to them or he might not be born. Trunks leaves and says he will return in three years. The Z fighters start training in preparation and Teenage Trunks returns to his own time.

Androids Saga
They've Arrived! After a period of 3 years, Trunks fateful prophecy regarding the arrival of monstrous Androids has finally come to pass. Two ruthless Androids, namely Androids 19 and 20, have come forth and are destroying everything in sight. As earth's special forces comb the city looking for the source of the mayhem, Yamcha is the first to sight them and pays a heavy price as Android 20 strikes him with a horrendous blow. Goku and the others arrive just in time to save their fallen friend, and as Krillin hauls Yamcha to safety, Goku squares off to fight Android 19. a Virus? Goku appears to be making short work out of Android 19, as he hits the maniacal monster with a flurry of blows. But strangely enough, Goku's power is fading, and Android 19 appears unimpaired. It seems Goku has fallen prey to the vicious attack of the heart virus as Trunks' predicted. Surprisingly, before Android 19 can finish off Goku, the Super Saiyan is rescued by none other than Vegeta!
Vegeta to the Rescue! Vegeta launches into Android 19 with a merciless assault, and quickly puts an end to the robotic menace. Android 20, realizing the danger he's up against, flees the scene. While in pursuit, earth's heroes make a shocking discovery…Android 20 is Dr. Gero, the evil scientist. A frantic race ensues. Android 20 speeds to his lab where he will activate his killer robots, being pursued by earth's forces intent on stopping him.
Android 17 and Android 18 Awaken Dr. Gero eludes earth's forces, and arrives back at his laboratory before the heroes can reach him. All hope appears lost as the worst fears are realized…Android 17 and Android 18 are brought to life! Dr. Gero appears to finally be achieving his dream of conquering the world. But all that abruptly changes as Android 17 and Android 18 rebel against Dr. Gero and destroy him.
Any Hope? Battling the Androids seems hopeless as earth's forces prove no match for their power. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Piccolo, in a brazen move, approaches Kami with a proposal that they unite to form a Super-Namek! Meanwhile the Androids make a joy ride of destruction as they head to their new destination….Goku's house! The Androids plan to strike Goku while he's down. While Goku has moved to avoid the Androids, Bulma makes another startling discovery. There is a second Time Capsule…identical to the capsule Trunks uses!

Cell Saga
Mysterious Clues As Trunks, Krillin, and Bulma search the strange wreckage of the second time capsule they discover the eerie shell of large, locust-like creature. Whatever was in the capsule is obviously something like they've never seen before. Meanwhile, in the quiet metropolis of Gingertown, an evil such as the world has never seen has arrived. In the wake of this mysterious insect-looking monster, a haunting silence is all that remains of the townspeople
. Desperate Measures Piccolo, realizing the severity of the danger, convinces Kami of the need to combine their forces. Irreversibly uniting together, the two fuse into one being… a Super Namek! But by doing so, the earth's Dragon Balls are gone forever.
Confrontation Piccolo, now strengthened by his fusion with Kami, confronts the hideous beast in Gingertown and discovers his horrible secret. This beast viciously sucks the life force from humans, using their energy to fuel his own being! The monster is known as Cell, and is the ultimate evil creation of Dr. Gero. Created through synthesizing cells from all the great fighters into a single computer-enhanced android he has the strength and abilities of all the great fighters including Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Gohan and many others. In their conflict, Cell destroys entire armies without effort, and manages to severely injure Piccolo's arm. But Piccolo is a Namek, and cleverly stalls Cell long enough to regenerate his arm. As Krillin and Trunks arrive to back Piccolo up in battle, Cell decides to withdraw for the moment and pursue his primary goal… to absorb Androids 17 and 18!
Training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber While Cell has the power and abilities of all of the great fighters, his ultimate form will not be available until he can absorb Androids 17 and 18. In doing this he will truly be without equal. For this reason he must find Androids 17 and 18. The two Androids, travelling with Android 16, are intent on destroying Goku as they were programmed to do. But now Goku is back on his feet he comes up with a clever plan of his own. To save the world he, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta will go to Kami's Lookout. There is a room there known as the Hyperbolic Time Chamber where time bends, allowing a year's worth of training in only a day.
Hold on Guys! As the Androids arrive looking for Goku, it is up to Piccolo, the Super Namek, to hold them at bay. And it appears his newly acquired skills will be enough to do so. But just as he seems capable of bringing the menacing duo down a new peril appears on the battlefield. It's Cell! With Earth's greatest hope still training, Piccolo makes the decision to stop Cell from fulfilling his evil plan. But even Piccolo can't stop this creature. It appears all hope is lost when an unlikely ally arrives…
Android 16 takes up the Challenge! The silent giant, Android 16, boldly walks on to the battlefield and makes a bold claim. He is just as strong as Cell! And in an instant it appears he's telling the truth, as he pelts Cell with a blur of intense blows. But Cell is devious, and through some crafty trickery manages to sneak up on the unsuspecting Android 17 and absorb him. Now Cell is transformed and the tables have turned.
Vegeta has the upper hand in the battle with Cell, but his pride will be his downfall. Cell throws down an irresistible challenge to Vegeta…allow Cell to absorb 18 and become complete and then fight Cell in the ultimate challenge. Despite Trunk’s warnings, Vegeta falls for it.
Android 18 should have been deactivated by then, but Krillin is starting to fall in love with Android 18 and does not deactivate her. Instead she ends up being absorbed by Cell who becomes Perfect.
Goku and Gohan continue to train. Vegeta picks up the challenge of fighting Perfect Cell only to be defeated. Trunks jumps in to give Krillin a chance to rescue Vegeta. Trunks has amazing power…strength beyond the strength of Cell. But it takes more than strength to win a battle. He has traded speed for power and cannot catch his enemy. Cell defeats Trunks but gives our heroes another chance. Cell is going to host a World Martial Arts Tournament in 10 days where he will fight each of earth’s warriors, including Goku.
Cell calls a World Martial Arts Tournament, “I am Cell! I have a message for all the people of earth! I’ve decided to hold a martial arts tournament. I’m calling the competition, “The Cell Games.” Bring me your best fighters and I will face them one by one in a contest of strength. This is the last chance for Planet Earth. If I am not defeated, it belongs to me!”
The future of the Earth is at stake, but fortunately the Z Fighters have been training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Even with the enhanced training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, do they stand a chance against Cell in his perfect form?
Cell dispenses with the first contestants with ease. Goku chooses to fight next. He knows how strong Cell is, one slip and the contest is over.
Goku and Cell both radiate with energy. For a while, the fight looks even. Then Cell unleashes a series of attacks including Krillin’s Destructo Disk and Tien’s move where Cell separates into four separate beings. King Kai quickly realizes, “No, that is not Krillin’s move. That’s the last technique Frieza used against Goku! And if Cell feels he cannot win, he may destroy Planet Earth just as Frieza destroyed Planet Namek!” Cell gathers all of his energy to launch a huge attack that would surely destroy earth.

Great Saiyaman Saga
Other World Tournament In the beginning of this saga, Goku participates in the Other World Tournament, a tournament being held in honor of King Kai. The winner will receive a private lesson from the Grand Kai himself. An incredible array of awesome fighters participate, but it all boils down to the final match between Goku and Pikkon.
Neither Pikkon nor Goku have revealed their true power yet. Pikkon takes off his weighted clothing used for training. Goku turns Super Saiyan. The crowds watch in amazement as the tournament progresses. Pikkon has great speed. Goku unleashes the Kamehameha. Pikkon responds with a Hyper Tornado Attack. Then Goku throws a Kaio Ken followed by another Kamehameha. Pikkon does a Thunder Flash. Pikkon is out of the ring!!! Goku is declared winner!!!
But both Goku and Pikkon have broken a rule. Both are disqualified. They touched the ceiling of the stadium. Both fought well and are told they will receive personalized training…in 200-300 years.
Mysterious Gohan Attending Orange Star High School, playing baseball and discovering girls, Gohan appears to be a normal teenager…except for one important difference...he is the Great Saiyaman. Not wishing to bring attention to himself and his family, Gohan dons a disguise with a touch of a button before performing heroic acts like saving an airplane full of people. He pushes a button on his Transformation Band, which looks like a watch, to change into his Great Saiyaman disguise.
But all are not content to let the Great Saiyaman keep his identity a secret. Among others, Hercule’s daughter Videl wishes to unmask the Great Saiyaman. As the daughter of the famous Hercule and an awesome fighter in her own right, she is often called by the police to help protect the peace. Thus she often runs into the Great Saiyaman as he too is often helping out in time of crisis.
Videl discovers the Great Saiyaman’s identity and threatens to tell the others if he does not participate in the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament. Her father Hercule won the last championship. Gohan’s father Goku had also won previously. Videl wants the son and daughter of two previous world championships to compete.
Reluctantly Gohan agrees and alters the disguise of the Great Saiyaman so that he can compete. No armor of any kind is allowed so Gohan replaces his helmet with a scarf and sunglasses.
Gohan and Videl are not the only participants. The promise of prize money to the winners and the challenge of battling against the great fighters of the world attracts many of the Z fighters including Goku (who gets a leave to come back from the Other World to participate in the tournament), Krillin along with his wife Android 18, Vegeta, Piccolo, even Goten and Trunks…and the last World Champion Hercule.

Great World Tourn. Saga
All the Z fighters pass the qualifying round for the World Martial Arts Tournament. The Tournament is about to begin with the Junior Division for those 15 years and younger. 35 youths will participate with the winner receiving a monetary reward and a lesson from Hercule.
Our heroes are amazing fighters. 8 year old Trunks wins over 15 year old Idasa in the 9th match. 7 year old Goten wins over 14 year old Ikose in the 16th bout. The final round will be Goten versus Trunks. As the battle progresses, they both turn Super Saiyan – something they had previously agreed not to do. The match is incredible with Trunks emerging as the winner.
But Hercule is worried. How can he possibly get in the ring to give a lesson with a fighter this strong? He saves face by appearing like he lets the Young Trunks win on purpose.
Now what we all have been waiting for…its time for the adults to fight. The World Martial Arts Tournament begins! Krillin easily wins the first match. Next it’s Piccolo against Mr. Shin (the Supreme Kai in disguise). Piccolo unexpectedly forfeits. Videl fights against Spopovitch but something strange is happening. He is fighting with power not his own. Videl loses the match.
As the match proceeds, Gohan’s identity is revealed. He powers up to Super Saiyan levels to fight Spopovitch who steals Gohan’s power and escapes with Yamu. The Z fighters race after him while the story of Bibidi, Babidi and Buu is revealed.

Babidi Saga
The threat to Earth is uncovered as the story of Bibidi, Babidi, Buu is revealed. Bibidi realizing the terrible threat of Buu had sealed him up in a cocoon. In his quest to rule the world, Babidi (Bibidi’s son) is now gathering the energy required to release Buu.
Babidi and his henchmen, Pui Pui, eliminate Yamu and Spopovitch after getting him what he needed…the stolen energy from Super Saiyan Gohan. It’s a great start on the energy needed to release Buu. Dabura, the evil ruler of the Underworld and accomplice with Babidi, turns Krillin and Piccolo to stone. Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and the Supreme Kai enter Babidi’s underground ship. It has three levels with guardians at each level. In order for our heroes to prevent the evil Majin Buu from being released into this world, they must beat the guardian at each level and reach Buu before Babidi gains enough energy to release Buu.
But the fight is not even. With magical powers, Babidi is able to change the location of the battle to wherever he wishes…which is always a place where his fighters will have the advantage. Vegeta approaches Pui Pui to fight on the first level of the ship and finds himself fighting Pui Pui not on level one of the ship but on Pui Pui’s home planet. Vegeta manages to win easily, and they move on to stage two of the ship.
Its now Goku’s turn to fight the monster demon Yakon. Babidi transports the fight to the Planet of Darkness…Yakon’s home. During the battle, Yakon is able to absorb some of Goku’s energy, which could then be used to release Buu. But Goku wins the fight and our heroes are now on the third and last level of Babidi’s ship.
This will not be an easy win. It’s Gohan against the evil Dabura. Meanwhile back at the tournament, they are tired of waiting for our heroes to show up for the competition. The decision is made to continue the tournament with a “Battle Royale” where the five remaining contestants will compete. Jewl and Kiillah are quickly defeated leaving Hercule, Android 18 and Mighty Mask as the final contestants for the title World Champion. During an intense fight Android 18 realizes she is not battling Mighty Mask…but Goten and Trunks. They are disqualified. The World Champion will be either Android 18 or Hercule.
There is something Android 18 values more than the title. Android 18 agrees to throw the fight in exchange for Hercule giving her twice the amount the winner will receive- a total of 20 millions Zenis. Hercule is declared winner.
Elsewhere, Dabura and Gohan begin their fight in a world similar to Earth. Gohan’s seven-year lapse in training is obvious as he battles Dabura. He narrowly escapes being turned into stone, then breaks Dabura’s sword. But Dabura has cleverly discovered a better way to fight our heroes. They return to the ship.
Dabura has discovered the evil lurking in Vegeta’s heart. This will allow Babidi to control Vegeta. Unknown to our heroes, Babidi is going to bring Vegeta under his control and then have Vegeta and Goku fight…releasing vast amounts of energy which can then be used to release Buu.
Babidi brings out all of Vegeta’s wickedness. Vegeta allows Babidi to control him in order to have his power increased so that he can beat Goku…a long-term desire of his. With the “M” on his forehead, he heads to the World Martial Arts Tournament where Hercule is celebrating his win. Vegeta creates chaos threatening the well being of the people of Earth. Goku, always our hero, rushes to stop Vegeta and gets Babidi to move their fight to another more remote location.
The now “Majin” Vegeta is going to fight Goku, as Babidi wishes, but Vegeta is still not totally under Babidi’s control. Goku and Vegeta battle with all of the energy they release being absorbed for Buu. There will soon be enough to release Buu. In desperation, Gohan and Supreme Kai confront Babidi and Dabura at the ship’s core to stop the “balled-up” Buu from being released from his cocoon. But it is too late...

Majin Buu Saga
Seven years pass since the Cell Game. Krillin marries #18 (who was wished to human by the DragonBalls) and has a daughter named Marron. Chi-Chi has a seconded son named Son Goten, Son Goten and Trunks (Chibi) turned SSJ at an early age. Son Gohan has a girl friend named Videl, the daughter of Satan ( Satan takes all the credit for killing Cell, this got him really famous ), Son Gohan is also a superhero named the Great SaiyanMan. During The Tenkaichu-Boudoukai, Son Gokoh is granted a single day of life to meet with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Chi-Chi, and all the Z warriors, including Vegeta. Two of Buu's slaves steal Son Gohan's energy, then a man named Kaoiusen revises Son Gohan, he than tells of a evil demon named Buu trying to destroy the Earth. If Buu's slaves gather enough energy, he will be revived. Vegeta learning that he can become stronger by turning into Buu's slave, Vegeta turns evil again, this time he is Majan Vegeta and can turn to SSJ2. This gives Buu enough energy to be revived. Goku then learns to turn to SSJ2 and fights him and convinces him that good always triumphs over evil. Vegeta finally realizes and self-destructs in hope to kill Buu. Son Goku than heads to battle against Buu. Son Goku than turns SSJ2,and SSJ3 (Really long hear and electric sparks around the body)! But he still can't defeat Buu. Later, Son Gohan heads to the Kaoiusen's planet for training. Then before Son Goku's time is up on Earth he teaches Son Goten and Trunks the fusion technique, then they get trained by Piccolo so they can be strong enough to beat Buu. Soon after Son Goten and Trunks fuse to become Gotenks, later Gotenks turns SSJ1, and then, SSJ3! But Buu has made a twin of himself, but he is a lot more evil than Buu, he even absorbed Buu and thus turning him into Super Buu. Gotenks is defeating Super Buu, but Gotenks is an inexperienced and careless fighter. Buu absorbs Gotenks and becomes a lot stronger, then absorbs Piccolo. Dia Kaoiusin then sacrifices his life so Son Goku can live. Goku then gets a pair of Potara Earrings for fusion, this way the fused person won't diffuse in 30 min. Son Goku now alive teleports to the battle. Then King Yama grants Vegeta life to fight Buu. When Son Goku arrives to the scene he tells Son Gohan to fuse with him, Son Goku than throws a fusion earing at Son Gohan. Son Gohan drops the earing and Buu absorbs Son Gohan, thus turning himself into Ultimate Buu. Then Vegeta comes to the scene. Vegeta then fuses with Son Goku to become, Vegetto. Veggeto defeats Buu but purposely gets absorbed to rescue their friends. This somehow wears off the permanent fusion. They rescue Son Goten, Son Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, and Fat Buu through Ultimate Buu's pores. All of the energy that Buu has taken restores him back to his normal form, Majin Buu. Then he destroys the Earth. Kaoiu-sin teleports to help Son Goku teleport Vegeta, Satan, his dog, and Dende to Kaoiu-sin's planet. Vegeta gets angry because he rescued them instead of his son and the rest of the Z fighters. Son Goku was speechless. But there wasn't any time for that, Majin Buu also teleports to the planet Goku's on, and start to fight. Then Son Goku starts to get beaten up badly. Vegeta jumps into battle so Son Goku can create a Genki-Dami.The Namek DragonBalls are gathered to wish back the Earth and to wish back everyone killed by Buu. The third wish is stored for later use. Son Goku's Genki-Dami (Energy given by the Nameks, the people in the Heavens, and everyone on Earth) is ready to throw, Son Goku throws it, and Buu pushes it back. Vegeta tells Dende to wish back all of Son Goku's strength back. Now with all his strength restored Son Goku, he throws back the Genki- Dami at Buu. Buu can't counter it any longer, so he is killed. Ten years after the battle against Majin Buu, Fat Buu is revived into a evil cleansed form called Ubbo. Son Goku decides to train him since he has great potential. Son Gohan and Vidal get married and have a daughter named Pan. This concludes Dragonball Z.