The Renascence of Clow

Name:Eriol Hiiragizawa
Birthday: March 23
Z-sign: Aries
Favorite Color: Black and perhaps,blue,
Favorite Food: Sweets
Best Recipe: Cakes
Biggest Secret:He is the reincarnation of Clow Reed.

Eriol Hiiragizawa is a transfer student from England in the later part of the CCS series.His seemingly favorite pastimes are to freak Li out and create mayhem for Sakura.(It was revealed in the end that he was deliberately doing it to help Sakura change the cards.Now as for his fondness of Li..I have no clue.)
He is sweet,clever,intelligent,kind,hansome,caring and charmingly polite.He has no problem when it comes to dealing with people because he''s friendly and approachable (though he tends to act annoyingly effiminately sometimes)