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Hello! Welcome to my small area of cyber space. I am Meggin. I live in a pathetic little town in Northern California. I am 16 turning 17 in June. Yippe! Lets see here, what else is there to know about me? Ummm...well there's alot, but I'm not going to go all out on my life story, due to the fact that it is rather boring, and it's not good to use your keyboard as a pillow. So I will tell just some basic things about me, nothing to exciting.

First of all, yes I am a natural blonde! But, I'm not one of those ditzy ones. Those types are so annoying! I am smart, when I put my mind to it, and can achieve a lot.

I am also rather short. I am a whopping measurement of 5'2 1/2''. And to me that 1/2 inch means a lot to me. I'm not 5'2'' nor 5'3''.

Let's I listen to rap and R&B mainly. But I must say, Linkin Park is my favorite band. Rock on LP! Speaking of the boys, here's my awsome site that I made for my web class final:

http://www.angelfire. com/band2/awsomebands/lp/enter.html

I'm very proud of my LP page. It took awhile to build, and I think that it turned out rather well. And I have gotten alot of complements on it. So I know that it must be a well done page.

I enjoy to do many things. What ever I'm in the mood for, I'll do it. Well, I'll do it most of the time. Depends on the activity. I like to hang out with friends, and do things with them whenever possible. I enjoy going and seeing a good flick every now and then. But, curling up on the couch with an awsome book is always a favorite, too. There are other things that I enjpy doing, I just won't go into depth about them.

I love to work in PhotoShop. And, as I hope you have already seen, there is a page which I have put my art work on. I am just a beginner, but I hope to get better at it.

As far as school goes, I am taking some challenging courses. I have American History, which I feel is my easiest clas of them all. I then have Chemistry...and...well...we won't get me started on that class. All I can say is it SUCKS! Let's see...what's next...awww yes...the wonderful school newspaper. That class is a blast...well it when your writers actually know HOW to write decent stories, and don't need "Your story is due this day" spelled out to them. Next is Web Publishing, and that class is the BEST! The teacher is awsome, and I enjoy this class bunches and bunches. Last of all, is Math. Always an interesting time in that class with an interesting teacher.

If you want to see more pictures of me, click on my name logo, and it'll take you to the page. Enjoy!