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This is Amy. We have been friends for 3 years, going on our 4th year. We haven't had many classes together, but we don't care. The ones that we do have together are always fun and exciting.

So was the Chad that was sucking on the rubber ducky, while saying "Your mom!" Once that was said, the steering wheel was hit in frustration due to broken candy canes. The bad reasons for broken candy canes began to be babbled of, and these were: 1) It's limp. 2) It doesn't work. 3) It's bad to break them. 4) It looks funny. After a fun filled day of drinking Pepsi and burbing, you could hear the melody of "enney weenie teeny wennie shriveled little..." fading off into the distance.

Okay, so the only person that really understands what I just said is Amy. Dut to the fact that it is an inside joke. Well, many inside jokes, put into one. So don't worry, I haven't been smoking the "lawn clippings" in my parents words.




This is my friend Linda and Brandon. Aren't they so cute together! Just kidding guys. I know that you guys are like best friends.

Brandon - Keep up the good work on your drawings. You are so very talented, and you are amazing on the computer!

Linda - I love you babe! And no matter what happens, remeber that I will be here for you. When you're up at 3am, and need some to talk to, you can call me. I won't mind! You are also very talented, and I hope that you can pursue your talent in to future!